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Court Registry
Lawful Notice of Bankrupt Status by Default with Secured Liens to Name New Debtors
LIKk"'ll' .... Sm''''' gIl COWl 011 KanatJ, (SSCK). Leg"l"ed So,ncijJI Go"n'1mI<"II1 h.oT<dJ13r! rnnnbtn.
Lnll'M I !IICioon oobeJvI .. no nombrt de 10 paz . La \fodr< T, ..... l0111lIll! :-., ,,,,,,, 1ft !be rwnc orr .... for Earth
Revoke #: SQUJ33-SSCK. 196307WJDF with II SQU333-SSCK 196307WJDF-14052012
And Contract itSSNG \9521939\954-SSCTI -SSBK- WJDF 1963
And Contract "SQU33J SBOK \938-SSCKI955-SSCG 19630731 \VJDF
To Named Debtors: de facto Corporate Governments BRITISH COLUMBIA and CANADA and Muni-CJTY OF
NELSON and Public Agents et a! for Criminal Violations on Sovereign OSinix\TI>l Nati on Government (SSNG) Land
Service by Fax 10: Nelson Court Bankrupt Registry, NPD. Nelson Star and Municipalities located by Trespass on
SSNG Traditional Land Claim
RE: New Named Corporate and Individual Business DeblOrs and Bankruptcy Status Notice to UNHRC. [nterpol
Primary Tax IssuerlDeblOrs: Chainnan Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild (NCJ R) from Barbara Judith Hut chinson
ROTHSCHILD & SONS LIMITED. New Court. St. Swithin's Lane. London EC4P 4DU and
Evelyn Raben De Rothschild DBA EVELYN ROBERT DE ROTHSCHILD (ERDR) - DB 29081931 Born from Yvonne
Cohen D' Anvers (1899) bloodline and fathered by Anthony Gustav de Rothschild (1887). Corporate Sponsor for the BANK
lMG WORLDWIDE INC.. 765 - Sib Avenue, New York. NY 10153
New: Prince Camillo Aldobrandini (B 1945) and Don Clemente Aldobrandini (B 1982) soi-di stant (Black Nobility), Via
Guglielmo Massaia, 112 - 00044 Frascat i, Rome, Italy
" CHURCH Land BANKS of captured baptized souls lost at sea: Pope Benedictus XVI Joseph Ratzinger DBA JOSEPH
RA TZINGER (White Pope) and Khazarian General Count Hans Kolvenbach DBA HANS KOL VENBACH (Black Pope).
VATICAN. Rome. Italy and its Named Corporate Subsidiaries: UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA and ANGLICAN
CHURCH OF CANADA and Public Agents
AND COMMON STOCK (Chosen Goyim aka tax slaves)
Group I - CRA et al (1 -30), Group - 2 NPD et al (31 35). Group 3 - BCPC et al (36-39). Group 4 - PCBC et al (40-42)
Sovereign OSkwxwli 7mesh-Squa mi shT" Government (SSGT"). Legislation for:
Undel"\Hiter. Sovereign Skwx\\u7mesh-SquamishTM Coun on Kanata (OSSCKT") Email: ,;{l'8!uj3)..:oun ,j gmaiLcnm
PO Box 3477. Mission. BC [V2V 4L I J effecti"" August. 20 10 changed to
Capital City CKiapilanoq_CAPILANOTM. Countr;. : Skwxwu7meshSquamish, Kanata (Peace settlements). Tunle Island l Eanh)
Skype: iamfr33 Email: ........ \).lu333g.ll (lcmail.ellm Website: \\I\\\.,m,y uami']lIWI.Ofl!
C 1938 - 20 12T\1 With all rights f(:SC'rved. pursuant Common lal\ jurisdiction for an equitable b) estoppel defined and interpreted b)
Sovereign Skwx\\ u7mesh-Squamish Longhouse traditional la\l s that existed since time immemorial.
Ju rat: Quod Meum est sine me aufeTri no n potesl - What is mine cannot be taken a .... a)' without my conse nt.
I sailite the ",hI ,.,1111111 )011' eyn ,.hue the U. ,verse dwtlh For when yOIl Ire I, the ccnlle Wllh,. ud I w,th,n mIne . ... e , hall be onc
- Crn), Horst. Lakola Tnbal People
CRA ENFORCEMENT DIVISION. c/o 9755 King George Hwy. SUITe). BC V3T 5EI
Judge BRAD CHAPMAN. lustice of the Peace BARB SA \V ARIN. lustice of the Peace S. JUDGE
BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVINCIAL COURT (SCPC). c'o 100 Main Street. Penticton. BC V2A 5A5
Assoc iate Chief Judge Nancy Phillips DBA NANCY PHILLIPS. Gene Jamieson DBA GENE JAMIESON
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF JUDGE - PCBC. clo 602 - 700 W. Georgia St, Vancouver. BC V7Y I E8
Federal Crown Prosecutor Nils Presha\\ DBA NILS PRESHA W.
Group 6 - de facto Corporate Provincial Govemment BRITISH COLUMBIA et ill (4554)
Minister of Health Services Colin Hansen DBA COLIN HANSEN
Minister of Health Michael De l ong DBA MICHAEL DE lONG. Dianne Kirkpatrick DBA DIANNE KIRKPATRICK.
BC MINISTRY OF HEALTH, clo 1515 Blanshard Street. Victoria BC V8W 3C8
Minister of Anorney General BARRY PENNER. Assistant Deputy Attorney General RICHARD J. M. FYFE
BC A TIORNEY GENERAL. c/o PO Box 9044, Victoria. BC V8W 9E2
BC Premier CHRISTY CLARK Email : Christ\ ii dlTi,t\clark.p
BRITISH COLUMBIA ;:836136, c/o PO Box 9455. STN PRO V GOVT, Victoria. BC V8V IX4
Group 7 - TCC et al (5557)
Chief Justice Gerald J. Rip DBA GERALD J RIP. Amy Clark DBA AMY CLARK.
TAX COURT OF CANADA. clo 200 Kent Street. Ottawa. ON KIA OH9
Group 8 - de facto Corporale Federal Go\emment CANADA et al (58-63)
Minister of National Revenue GAIL SHEA
MINISTER OF NATIONAL REVENUE (MNRlCRA). 700555 Mackenzie A\'e., Onawa. ON KIA 0L5
Minister of Foreign Affairs JOHN BAIRD
Prime MiniSier STEPHEN HARPER. CANADA CIK =0000230098. c/o 80 Wellington Street. Oltawa. ON K I A OA2
December 7. 201 I - Named Debtors (NO):
I. Minister. Gail Shea DBA GAIL SHEA.
2. MINISTER OF NATIONAL REVENUE, c/o 700 . 555 Mackenzie Ave .. Onawa. ON [K I A OL5]
3. Chief Justice Gerald J. Rip DBA GERALD J. RIP.
4. TAX COURT OF CANADA, co 200 Kent Street. Onawa. ON [KIA OH9]
Additional Named Debtors:
I) Gordon Carscadden DBA GORDON CARSCADDEN. Solicitor for the AGC on behalf of MNR.
001. BC Regi onal Office. 900. 840 Howe Street. Vancou\'er. BC [V6Z 2S9J
2) Roben Douglas Nicholson DBA ROBERT DOUGLAS NICOLSON.
clo 284 Wellington Street. Ottawa. Ontario [K I A OH8]
C:1911 : OI !"'...nI> all n ..... '*"0:1 ...... C"p',n" ..... _...r_ '" ........ n ... sso: 1 .. ,,' .... ,........10 t'., ..... c_ 10.. .. ,III SQL iooopou>t .....
DOCt:\IB, SECl.'1I.rn "'" IlE C'EASE" Df.5ISTOF fl'GEIl PIlN1ThG" OF Jl"'E !Ill! COl'1l.T HE-'RI,-{; _ REGISTEJ.ID LIE.' IlU'OIlTI'o{j
TO r-1ER.'Ano'AlIlEGl UTOIlS - FOIlfEJTt:REOf Pl.llL/C A.'l) PIU\'ATE IIO"DS1I\er 21 ,",)'0;0l1li1 (",cu .. d otroa 1lIn_ IS EanII fn_, .. bGob adnorlbo pope< .......... M'.
r... "', .... _ ...... 01>1. IU ...... o.::a-lGI'IpI".qen '" cl>oq< "' ... funbcr ''''I<," l ............ -t c.,. ..... ""'''''' """"10 .... 00!Id _ .. __ " ..... orc"!,)'"",,
Tradcman; b8n11.",ful<="""Y dob< torll
'on CE TO I'KI'( 11',\lIS :\OTIl'E TO \(,[\T. 'OTKE TO AG\T 13 'OTlcr TO PR1\lIP \L
I lhe IIMh' ",llh'D where ,he UIII\"tfSe d",'elh For )ou Ire It ,he ttnlre within ), ounclf lad 1 with,n mlnc. ,",c s hill bc \I nc
- Crazy Hone, L.kotl Tttb.1 People
5) John loG. Melia DBA JOHN loG. MELIA. Solicitor for the Tax Coun of CANADA for Justice Gerald Rip
6) BORDEN. LADNER. GERVAIS (BLG). 1100 - 100 Queen Street. Ottawa. ON [KI P 1J9]
7) Laurie H. Pa\\ Htza DBA LAURIE H. PA WLITZA, Treasurer and
8) Malcolm L. Heins DBA MALCOLM L. HElNS. CEO.
9) The LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. 130 Queen Street. West. Toronto. ON (M5H 2N6]
10) DepuC) Minister of Finance. Michael Horgan DBA MICHAEL HORGAN. Chief Reser\es and
II) Risk Management Financial Markets Division. Clifton Lee-Sing DBA CLIFTON LEE-SING.
12) CANADA #0000230098. 200 - 140 O'Connor SI. E. To\\er, L 'Esplanade Laurier. Ottawa, ON (K I A OA5J
April 9. 2012 - Statement of Sovereign Account - Named Debtors (NO):
I. Minister of Heallh Michael De Jong DBA MICHAEL DE JONG.
2. BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH. clo ISIS Blanshard Street. Victoria BC [V8W 3C8]
3. Minister of Finance Kevin Falcon DBA KEVlN FALCON,
4. BRITISH COLUMBIA MINISTRY OF FlNANCE. c/o PO Box 9417 SIn Prov Go"t. Victoria. BC [V8W9VI]
Ma)' 1-1 , 2012 - Slatement or Sove rei gn Account/Contract :
NELSON POLICE DEPARTMENT (NPD), clo 606 Stanley Street. Nelson. BC [VI L I N4J
(Additional Debt incurred on May 8
2012 by NPD members for Treason against the Crowns and Assault against so\'ereign
Claimant, SSG Justice Amicus Curiae Olrene-Maus Gra\enhorst KiapilanoqT'I al Bankrupt Nelson Coun. BRITISH
(2) Ma)or, John Doole) DBA JOHN DOOLEY.
City Manager. Ke\ in Connack DBA KEVIN CORMACK
Manager of Legislation. Francis Long DBA FRANCES LONG. Councilors: Bob Adams DBA
BOB ADAMS, Candace Bat)'cki DBA CANDACE BATYCKI. Robin Cherbo DBA
CITY OF NELSON d o 101 - 310 Ward Sireet, Nelson, BC (V IL 5S4J
(3) Publisher. Chuck Bennett DBA CHUCK BENNETT
Editor, Bob Hall DBA BOB HALL
Reponer. Greg NesteroffDBA GREG NESTEROFF
NELSONSTAR.COM newspaper media in slyle of cause. d o 514 Hall SlTeel, Nelson. BC [VI L IZ2]
(4) Chief Justice Roben J. Bauman DBA ROBERT J. BAUMAN
Associate Chief Justice Austin F. Cullen DBA AUSTIN F. CULLEN
Regisl!) Operations. Gary Linn DBA GARY LINN EM: ;,c.<;cheduljng \ 8iICQuo<;.bc . ..:a
Coun Service Manager. Wendy Schwab DBA WENDY SCHWAB EM: \H'nd, ,sch"8], Q I.!(I\ .bc.c!l
Justice T. Mark McE\\an DBA T. MARK MCEWAN
AdminiSlrative Judge. Ronald Webb DBA RONALD WEBB
Senior Judges. Ronald Fabbro DBA RONALD FABBRO,
Judges. Lisa J. Mrozinski DBA LISA J. MROZINSKI. Grant Sheard DBA GRANT SHEARD
c; o NELSON COURTHOUSE. 320 Ward Sireet. Nelson. BC [VIL IS61
COP) 10 infonn Third Panies as a professional business reponing 10 forfeit Public and Private Bonds. Bankrupt Status and
Pennanent Eviction Notice to Named all Named Debtors operating on SSNG and SSG lands:
_ 201:'" .. "II 011 np. fHOf'M .. ,!It Cop)'n .... T-.rt........,.,. ...... on:cnta'II tr.. -..nla. SSCK 1cJ>""'" _ 10 L moI CQII1InOIII ... 1'"">41"'" "" III .. ta",.
DOCCMEST ' ELSO' WflSCHU'lAY201: <10<: RE t:"EASIO.It DESIST OF fl' GEJ. PRJ' 'TI:-<; .It OF ::(II : Co..."1I. T _ REGISTER!) LIE.' kEPORTl' G
TO I:'>TER.'ATlO'Al. II. EOI..'l.ATOII.S - FOlI.fEITt'kE Of I'I.'BUC A .... n I'RJ \'ATE SO" DSafIor II clay. ,n f ... l fon:c...c""o<1 n .. _ .. ,,, EanlI ", ..... y .. __ Moofth< paper ... U .... IO .. '.
T, ... PM." n(II ""!P' ............... '" LItId ... ry fi .. Doc:uIt>au_pl ... ""'J .... lOc!w1jO "''''''''' funbn ' 000< L""""""""'C""' ...... oumIy I'rohIlMtod ond '1K"W an -.,."IK""" ....
T"";""ar\ .... dta .. 1111 <IUT<n<)" _ l of 12
! Sltutt ,ht Ii,ht wuh,n where ,ht UnIverse dweU!! Fo. wheD I.t at ",uhin .. C!f and I wuh,n mIn we shaU on.
- Ctuy Hon . Lakotl Trlba! People
A. Sovereign OSiniXITM Nation Govemment (SSNG) Hereditar:- Leaders
RR# I S-16 C-2. Win law. Be [VOG 2J)] EM: jnfQasini'(
B. DTCC Presidem & CEO. Donald F. Donahue DBA DONALD F. DONAHUE and Senior Team el ai,
55 Water Street, - I SL. New York. NY USA 10041-0099
C. President. Hisashi O"ada and Registrar. Philippe Couvreur and Judges: AI-Khasa\\ neh. Buergentha1. Simma. Abraham,
Sepulveda-Amor. Canljado. Trindade. Yusuf. and Greenwood.
INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (lCJ). Peace Pa lace. Camegieplein 2, 2517 KJ The Hague, Netherlands
AND 50M- organic Foundations working to change the world and create a stable ecological sustainable future for
humanity and Earth. Heads of State Leaders for Sovereign Nations, Int ernational Media, Producers and
Directors. 2.500 ... Private Economic Forensic Researchers
Sxw lxwltc\\ s-Greet ings:
RE: Notice of Cease a nd Desist to ad mini stratl' Admiralt y/ Maritime jurisdi cti on la\\ s to finger print SSG
Ambassador. ()Warrl' n Joseph Oarnl'1I Fischl'rT'I in any style or cause bio-ml'tric Copyright Tradl' mark data.
standing on Sovereign Land ownl'd by the Sovereign SinhtT\t Nation Government (SSNG) - Notice or Cease
and Desist to collect taxes and interest rates rrom people li ving on SSNG lands
2. Notice or Disbarment ror a ll Judicial Named Debtors - Report Unden'! rit er. Ll oyd 's or London,
J. SSCK Court Ordl'r to di smiss Ihl' June 201l Court and
-I. Demand ror rull payme nt of contracts in order to a\'oid additi onal regis tered liens
Pursuant to Universal laws of cause and effect and in to attendance for twO COUrt appearances on April 24, 2012 and
Ma) 8th. 2012. here\\ ilh is this SSCK's Statement ofSo\ercign AccountSlContracts. Readers are Noticed that J.
(BC) in any style of cause. CHRISTY CLARK ;:29101965 and GORDON MUIR CAMPBELL "12011948. CANADA
INAC. JOHN DUNCAN #1912 1948 AND CHARLES (CHUCK) STRAHL #25021957 (Death CertificatefBond). JAMES
EXECUTIVES (CCCE) et al "cre sel'\ed on March 23, 2012 with Derault Judgements and registered liens \\ith a full
reporting to Internat ional regulators for Financial Transparency and Disclosure. Canada POSt Certificates for proof of
is available upon request for a fee.
Masters arc named Debtors to contracts due to the fact that SSG and SSNG members mandate for Unhersal Peace is in
conflict of interest 10 tax sla\ e contracts that fund weapons of mass destruction to depopulate the hu man race by f\\ 0 thirds for
\\ar incentives by a "thing' called tax and interested traded currencies al.a 'money' printed from a fanc) priming press located
at the Bank of CANADA and other de facto corporate go ... ernment Banks owned and operated by 1-1-1.000 members who
belong to the llluminati. CFR, UN. IMF. New World Order, BIS. DTCC. etc. The Queen. Rothschild and Aldobrandini
Families are advised that their chosen goyim continued violati on ofhu-man's right of claim to Sovereignty (free will)
governed Universalla .... s pursuant to the PlanetaJ) Liberation Organization (PLO), COP) right and Trademark international
treaty 18\\s. crimes against hu-manit) and commit Treason against )our crowns all the time. because the} do not care about

A. Named Issu(,rsl Bcneficiari(,s/Claimants/Creditors: The SSNG heredital) leader. C K\\lk'n mulks entered a
Notice of SSG Membership Certificate as evidence of the Right of Claim 10 the Title of the Land for the C Sinixt people and
Land. she along .... ith her heredital) people live on their own land claim. SSG Education Health Ambassador. OWarren J.D.
Fischer in an) style of cause, served his Notice of Appointment to Lisa J. Mrozinski along \\ ith his business card and Notice
of Lien Claim. Ambassador Warren is given written consent by the SSNG hereditary leaders to live on OSinixtnl land
1;)1'111 - :!OI.'" -.nh an nJhu fftC1\ed ,,"It Trodoaowt.-...or aofortCtllCOt to,. ........ ,,"", SSC" l*il<l..,.. punuuu" l .. ,'OnOoI C"""""" I .... )''''001.<lI0II .. ,tit SQt 10QIh0u00 1.0.. ,
SECLlt.m' \nso" .... cIoc R CE.o\SE" DESlST or ft\GElt. PIt.!""TThG il OF IL"E' COlllT HEAmG I\.EGtSTDtED lIE.\ I\.EPORTl'G
TO J",'U-,,,no\"L IlGl'LHOII.S fOI\FEln:1\.E OF Pl'BLIC "SD PRJ\'''TE 80\'D5 aft .. :1 d.n. la r..Il fOl'tu.K1 rff ..... l1Iu fnO!dly .. bodI ..... .... 1I$OII "'UH
t .... I'n,_ ... frft eon-oa.,,eco"'dI.p",_furtha ....... ce l ......... Z<dC""' ..... P"'_b"edotld"""" ............. "1OI ..... c#C"I"np,
Tr1Oemar1 hard I."fi.<! C>;ttI<\ _
'OTICE TO PRI\( II'AL t!> 'onCE TO,\Gt:'T. 'OTIlt: 1'0 \t.t:'T 1:-. \OT1( E TO PRt.'l II'\L
r .he hah. ,.".b'Q your e yu ",bert .ht Un .... erse d"'ell , f o r .... heR lTe Ibe cepUt wuh'Q YOII,.el( .nd [ wuh.n . ... , h.1I be o ne
- e rny Ho rte, Lakol8 Tribal Peo ple
pursuant to [he Membership Cert ificate, S. 3.0 dated April 23. 2012. SSG Justice Amicus Curiae. Cl lreneMaus Gravenhorst -
KiapilanoqT'" presentS Ambassador Warren at coun hearings as a legal and moral obligalion to protecllhe SO\ereign imerest
of SSG members.
B, Slatement of Claims FirSI Court Appeara nce Apri l 24. 20 12: Named Claimants auended the Court house
located at Nelson. 320 Ward Street ""ith many witnesses. The SSNG hereditary leader. Cl Kwlk'n mulks
'" entered a Notice of
SSG Membership Certificate as evidence of the Right of Claim to the Title of the Land for the CSinixt people and Land
wi th a verbal announcement of "de jure jurisdiction" \\ itnessed b) a crowded coun room. This document was submitted t\\ ice
to Court Administrators, JP. Hadikin and Lisa J, Mrozinski \\ho are bonded la,'( collectors to commit international crimes
against innocem hu man beings from an Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction (fraud - as we live on land and not on or under
\\ater) that serves the best imerest of 3 crowns: Her Majesty the Queen in right of CANADA and her two masters.
ROTHSCHILD and VATICAN Pope Family Aldobrandini in Rome. hal) .
SSG Membership Cen ification was served on 9:30am 10 the Coun in Chambers. JP Hadikin and then again at IO:30am on
April 24. 2012 to the PCBC. Lisa 1. Mrozinski. This Notice of SSG Membershi p Certificate dated April 23. 2012 \\as sened
to the Cil)' of Nelson to establish \\orld Peace with a no tax, no interest 'waler' current) to benefit all sovereign people li ving
on crSinixt land. as SSG members support the 99
0 and not the chosen few. Furthennore. thi s SO\ereign position al so
secured the assurance legislation that is administered b) the SO\ ereign CSinixt Court on Turtle Island (SSCTI) pursuant to
Whuplak' n and Smum iem laws of the e SinixtTM Land and the So\creign Financial Charter with the SO\ereign
Bank on Kanata (SSBK), It is noted for the record that PCBC Transcripts do not reveal entry of this infonnation and that the
"de jure jurisdiction" subrn iss ion by the hereditary SSNG leader was deliberately eliminated in the Transcript produced by J.e.
WordAssist Ltd. This act is a deliberate obstructi on of justice and tampering of evidence. Witnesses are prepared to prove
under a penalty ofperjul)' that Court administrators failed to perfonn their dut) pursuant to S. 337 CCC,
Second Court Ap pearance May Sb, 2011: Justice Amicus Curiae. Irene appeared as counsel for Ambassador Warren and
made thi s statement. "I claim Pril'ate Nall/ral law olld de j ure SOI'ereign Land j llrisdictioll as I hal'e permission to
$lalld on Ihis lalld by Ihe heir apparem heredilary leaders of rhe Sovereign CSini:Cl GOW'rllmem," She was suddenly
grabbed by the NPD officers and esconed out of the coun room. Ambassador Warren and the hereditary leader SSNG
hereditary leader. ClKwlk'n mulks \Icre not pennined to speak on traditi onal CSinba Land, The OSinixt map was
served to Nelson Court administratOrs b) a taping cereman} in front of media to the Courthouse in front of man) \\ ilnesses
and then this map was served to the City of Nelson municipality and again taped to the muni.bui lding that stands on, no
Treaty. hereditary claimed SSNG land. Research indicates that Lisa J. Mrozinski does not have a law degree but that in fact.
she is appointed from a Go\emment position as a Public Agent. If this is true. then she commined perjury under oath in
Transcript sentence ",0. wherein she states. "I'm the la\\". Copies of SSG and SSNG seT\ed documents are available for a
reasonable fee by pdffonnat. please contact $0\ '0 -.! for detail s,
C. Stnndard Provision ofSo\'ereign
Jurisdiction (UCW) and Case Law
Interpretation Act 1901 _ Section 28A 1.
Recognit ion - Case Law Adoption
: Universa l Common Law
This Document of Title is served pursuant to the Commonwealth Consolidated
Service is perfonned by emails through internet technology \\ ith hard copies
I SSG' ......... "11' !'<'S'"'''' Ii ","'plUd JC>"1Ct of 0lIl Apnll'. lOOlI. S(,BC Alfllla", .l V.",ou'-n R.g,,1r)' .50360183 !O L' Soc....wy Gmenl a." t..,.moon, fonnOf L'UR(' Low",
Arbour ODd !'IIbl ... II", WOI A pdf,-emoa olll". AITIdo,,, ilia} to. ..,,SOd "" ... IIs>,., .. hill' '''''' '." ,., '_.,',.11 html. of
dIIl ..... od SSG borodollf) lAnd ('1Jun " 'II PfO'Jdod '" "n""l IIC' """_ 0( fuw>. Can>Ic TI)Ior "" J""" 3. WOIIIIIOI C'a/I.Oda', P\ l Stqlbm H ...... "" A"Iltal 12. WOI lS
ofIloASHI'GTO"'- S ...... S. Rffd .opurd S,>_ Ct.. ... Ianoq-C'APILA'O" ... , ........ pool""" .. ,III C'omficalo _2OO9QG.IJ.I "" J_IIII) Aposoll. p'<oU
LS Hilt.) C1""",,'1 Apoooll< ('omfic ... 011(1.1 ' 4-2 .... pmcDlod ... AUIU" l:t20I. o..J.,1I&I') 1. 201l . SSG .. "",bm .. "", E C1ar\. JIISIK
GoneraI for tho Gen' .......... , of A!bona. CA'AOA .\Om .. "po$I>lk 0UIh0n1) ftom tho o.p.nmn.o of Fo ... ", Aff"", of CODld.o "'"' illlbnlnl:0Ir!, sSG and SSC'K ....... beu ""lIooaable
ron ..... "'"' np"0 Idm'R'_ K""""'II: mnodon b)' ... opptl1hrnllp ALBERTA co, TRAC'T<:OLRT DOCKET 'l 'lBER 1000.(1' 201. SSC' t.. ftLE SSGH1SSCK 1971:!021\tRS On
O'C .... beI 20, 2007. SSG m"",bm.."....d up I Ooel,. , _200".U!ll06 "'lib m. ROIl' (ommcrt,.1 ('nme 0.\11'0<'1 ,n O!u.,. .. QnW'10 and "" \ i&r<b I, 2011. SSG m"",bcn ,..,t'I,td formll
'"pun"" from Edmo.llon Pol". Dopanm .... .. rth 0001 ... 01A:!Ot2.(1139
1 C .... lo" JoIuIBou" .. , R",,'<'d S,\m Ed' ....... 11S6 A La .. OICIOCIIW). II ehall..,!!..! rho CoYrl <lIIIIDIl"oc<l .. bon" <karl) tlw rho ooun bo<l IJunod,cuo". tl><
eowt r... no ""than')"'" rndt men, ... rMbn. obouId III ....... tho ocoort" \ Ido, F2d 1026 TIu. Banl.n.pI '0bU ulf_. Tlurd P."... of re!.otm:d II<bts Dlfaulr .O\orntd,
dtfmrd and to, SmCl'<'1p ....... " -....s.-,sb'" Gen'<nlll>mt ..... houM 1.0... I"'f"W>' '0 tho mod> .. ,III .....,nabI<..-.I) by noappd '" IIWItf1 ........
... mcttlCW'lallIftd,...-- to the In1 B,ll,ofEu"""',. AC1.lft"ft'loIl DKI.onIJooo olHJIIIII1IIlIghu.. Ooc<1IIbn 194I.l'DRip, 2007,........t. otpDlC oI.a L",, '-.I 1' ..,. I .... '
1 5oo',ce of doc.""...11 (1) for !he pIIIpoon of III} lllal ..... ,rot or pe","IO. cIocummIlO to. scntd 011. ponoa. .. beIbn tl>< Kn." . " . or....r or 0") othtT ,. rbn> dx tIocunlC'll! mOl be ..... od (b) ..... bod}' ""1'(11'". be II Ill. or 1<&d"'11 II to, pr<-p&ld pIlII.10 rho bud olTlCe,' """Itf.d olT .... Of. of1be bod)
Soun:< Imp ...... "",,'n -.. If,,, "II ... 1""," 1(1
1:.911 !a':"' .. tth oil np.. ....... 001 .. ,iii ("",np. T ................. ..... _ bv IIIIdc<>on .... _ sse!;: loar""''''' punuanI'" L .. ,<naI C"""""" I ... J""o.:L"'<III ,.,!II SQt: '<IIIfbouw Io ..
OOCl"otE-" SECl'krn <Ioc kE CEASE oR DESIST Of' FI'-GI\ I"RNlt'G oR OIS\USS or Jl'E y.,;: COl'n I-!E>JU'>Q . IlEGISTERED RV'ORTL'G
TO kEGl'L\TOII.5 FQRFEITl.RE OF l'l'BllC '\TE 80"05 _::1 . ,. fuII,.."."...c drea ,"",_" Ea-rIo fnctldl} .. bodt ... 0I111t _ .... 1Iood ", .. , .
ffen .... _ .......... co ... ..... ", MIl""",,' It ... 1afII ... lUllJecI "'",""we .. , __ '-OIl .. C ............ nal> ...... tnI<d1Oll ......... _ .. < .......... oIC..,np.
T.-.n,..rn. __ oIS::ZT "-d lawful cwren<'> _ '01 t:
'OTt(E TO 1' ""( IPA-l IS 'OTK[ TO \ GE''T. 'OTlCI: TO ,\G( ' T 'OTtCE TO PRL'Ctl'-\L
J the .... ,th'n YOU! eyu .... here the Un'Hf$e dwells Fot ,.,hen }OU .rc ., the centre ,.,,,h,n )ouuc1f and I "'lIb,n ""ne. ,.e shill be One
- erny Horse. Lakoll Trlb.l People
delivered via Canada Post pursuant to UPU International Treat) la\\s. defined and interpreted pursuant to De Jure Sovereign
Universal Common La\\ lurisdiction (UCLJ).
NOW THEREFORE with Valuable Consideration4/Securiry and in consideration of the Sovereign CSkwxwu7mesh-
Squamish Government Seal affixed to this May 2012 - Lawful Notice of Bankrupt Status for BRITISH COLUMBIA.
CANADA AND WASHINGTON. USA. receipt and sufficienc) ofv.hich is hereby accepted and acknowledged b) all panies.
We. the Named Authors for the autographs seal. make the following declarations. anestations conscientious I) knowing them to
be true. and knowing that it is of the same force and effect b) virtue of the Canada E\idence Act (a) in the name of Truth and
1.0 Ge neral Provi sions of Trad iti onal HeredilDry Land Claims a nd natural resourres by the Tr ue Owners of the
Land through the la nguage a nd the bloodline of the spi r it to Mother Eart h' s Ga ia aka Pachamama : SSG membe-rs
state for the record that. de facto Corporate GOHrnments BC and CANADA and its Agency. ANAC Public Agents o\\n
not hing! They do not own the land. its resources or the people. Yet. they continue to lie to the international communit) and
pretend that claimed debts do not exist and sleal natura l resources as if the) own the Land and natural resources. Dc Facto
Corporate Government Public Agents of CANADA and BRITISH COLUMBIA pledge an allegiance to support the war efforts
for a Foreign State interest that uses NATO manpov.-er as a disguise to kill to protect peace. b) removing people from their
homes with fraudclosures in order to creale deliberate chaos in the name of national security to silence the truth speakers. In a
recent mining conference held in fonner Vancou ... er cit) nov. named as CKiapitanoq-CAPILANOT\I. de facto Corporate
Government BRITISH COLUMBIA and CANADA public agents continue to promote and issue mining permits in order to
coltect taxes on SO\ereign Cl Skwxwu7mesh-$quamish Earth's natural resources with future equities and naked shon selling
of breach of public trust sold in shares through bonds b) Stock brokers promoters breach public trust on a basis to
fund the greed of stock manipulators/controllers. BC Premier. Christy Clark anticipaled trip to Korea. Japan and PhiJlipines is
to coltect more tax slaves. in order to support the war efforts of war mongering leaders from a Foreign State.
2.0 SSG members Promise: SSG members promise to register automatic debts to anyone doing business wi th de facto
Corporate Go ... ernmentS, BRITISH COLUMBIA and CANADA. ANAC, VATICAN churches et al for Trespass. Treason.
Fraud. Theft and genocide an other applicable criminal charges. SSG members heir apparent. claim is to protect the
peace for Mother earth's nature for the future of the generations. thus \eT) strict em ironmentallegislation is enforced to
protect those that can not speak: grizzlies. eagles. salmon. orca whales, caribou and Mother Earth's nature and her gold and
minerals. water. ai r. forestry, fish and geothermal resources. SSG members are deep I) concerned about the future of
generations to come, as we love Mother Earth and our children.
3.0 La\\ful Noti ce 10 TPI and International. Nati onal and Local in\ eSlors: Sen .. ed Registered Debts con finn
that conducting any type of business on traditional hereditaT) So\ereign e Skwxwu7mesh-Squamish
\I Government (SSG)
land wi th de facto corporate government BRITISH COLUMBIA and CANADA public agents andlor ANAC band council
members inherits an economic debt by default with no Notice. SSG hereditary member who requests for enforcement from
our Court. is automatically covered \1 ith the underwriter's SSCK assurance legislation. Name changes in attempts to avoid
debts to pending and current Debtors inherit an increased debt with a forfeiture of public and private bonds to
new Named 'pla)ers' registered or not . The penaJt} for this 'chess move on the financial checker board' is increased in \alue
by multiplying the standing contract debt times nine (9) with no further Notice and this tenn and condition is not negotiable. as
Notice is Principal is Notice to Agent and Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal.
4.0 Standard Prol' ision: Taxes. audi ts. interest rates with mone} laundering through Tax exempt registered
Societies. NGO and other rigged trading s)stems in old economic 'securities' are an obstruction of lustice to World Peace.
SSG members remind readers that this Traditional Heredital) Land claim was seT\ed v.jth a permanent Eviction Notice on
BANK: CATHOLIC, UNITED. ANGLICAN CHURCHES. ANAC and its Public Agents pursuant to our YouTube link at
http: \I, 1\ \\.\ (" "aleh':'\ -D7\'n/nL ;JIO.
Vol ..... lc-comldcrooOfl . "' cw.. lIpoII .... h"'h I pn1II1"" mil lit roundtd. ... h",h cnmln ch< pn1II1'''' IOmforuh>l cJaoa ........ an ...... ,11... pn1II1'>OI" A ol"\"llurl*'od
.... ,iIl. " ... ,... .... obilphOll tiSIIIIIed. I I ch< !Imt of obwnlJlg. duna. .... b"h" I ",bstlnnlll ,ompm .. 1J<l<I ro.!lIIt .... ltKb .. obwnod illtrcb) Blld .lo .... Docuonar). H ... ", Campbtll Blat'" nllrd
Ed,,,,,,,, C 193.1.
eIYJ, :01: ...... ,III oil npn ,"","CG .... ,1/0 Tradcnw1o. ..........,. ""f __ \I:> _."Mr. SSC1(. I ... ...... P"'"""I'" 10 l .. , .. Ml C"""""" I, .... ",Ill SOt
ooc:t.:\IE"-T 5ECl' ... "EL';() .... ... Y!QI! *'" U. CEASE.E: Df.StSTOf FIMiEI\ PRl"'"TI'-G.E: Of .11-..... ". !Oil C0l1l.T HE.>JlI'>(i REGISTERED Ll['" J\El'ORmG
TO I'T9 ..',ATlO'AL RGn . .ATOIlS - Of I'l"BLK' "0 PIU\ .... TE 110\0$ 01'1..- : 1 do\ ... /iIII IOrw .... oIf<a TIll. _ .. fu_, .. bodo ... 01'111<_ ......... 10 .....
T ..... "'n ...... oqOCIabI ..... ........... fn< o.:.a.-_pIMo....., ...... t ................ f ............... .... ""m, I'hIIIit.'*' .... _an ...... c'''''''' ..
IIItd 1,,,,fuI a.rtetIt) _ 6'" II
... onCE TO PR1'{ lrAL 11l"'OTtCETO H.[ ......T. "'OTIlE TO \{;E'T IS 'OT1{ t; TO PRI"< 11'.\L.
Z $IZijtC the hthl wuh'n "here the UIIWU5C dv.cZh . For "hen Ire II the wuhro Ind Z .... 'th'n IIIrne ... e 5hall he one
- Horse. lakota Trlb.1 People
5.0 Special Bill of Cos IS in favor of SSG Education Health Ambassador. C Warren J.D. Fischer
1>t in an) style of cause:
new Debtors. Nelson Star. Nelson Municipalit) Ma)or and Named Councillors and Coun administrators:
07Dec 2011
12Dec201 1

2-1 Apr2012

Description or Cont ract or Permanent Debt and Forreit or Public and Printe Bonds
- + indicates that not all dail y penalties are calculated
Origin:Jl Contrucz,Statemenl JlTh'2011,"95 1 -13 .... 98
NCJltrGJR/ NNP'BCfBR Pending Tax Free. Interest Free Debt served" ith Queens lener
of Augusl 19. 2009. S. 7.0:
ACli\e Contract ##CDAlBCIDOXfRo.VJUN2011 -t951-13-I98
073 11963- WJDF
Default Judgment - So\ereign Tall Free. Interest Free Contract #]SQU333SSCK
0731 1963\\ JDF - Secured \\ilh Registered ONT Lien ""90 500 EX1' 29SEP2018
Lien Repon Notice to Insurance Public and Prh lite Bond Holders to ]'..;amed Accused
Debtors and I"t'poning to Third Inten.cners for International Financilll
Sen.ed Response l\'otiu - Contraet "ISQU333SSCK-07311963\\,JDF \\ith pending
odditional debt 5 1.260T '" (S98TT) p<nding:
Notice of Ne\\ Tax free. Interest Free Debt So\ereign Contract IIISQU333 SSCK.
07311963WJDF - for Treason and eRA Trespass against So\>ereign Named SSG
Ambassador SI.176T + 987 r - 52.163:
Criminal Litiglltion for Di spute Resolution and Disbar of La\\ member.
John I.G. Melia - Contract IiISQU333 SSCK-073 I 1%3\\ JDF - S. 9 Special Bill of
Costs" ilh nc\\ charges S I -1.1 %T - 51.000.00:
CRt\ - Brenda Rahier lind Gal) M}res. CRA Team Leaders. additional debt for
violations of Copyright Trademark. Fraud. Extonion. Ignorance of the La\\. Trespass.
Treason. Threats. Intimidation. Harassment. Obstruction of Justice 10 World Peace.
Fal si fication ofOocumenlS - calculations: \3 ... 9 - 22 criminal charges x 52 IT - 5-162T
\. Named Debtors (87) - 5"0. 19-1T - All Named members of Upper La\\ of
CANADA. rate be detennined:
Nelson Coun Regist!) Room 001 x 2 meetings: Room 002 x 1 meeting: 3 meetings III
5l IT '" S63T
Nelson Coun Regist!)' Room 002 x I meeting: I meeting x 521 T - $21 T
Nelson SUlr ne\\spaper anicle Copyright and Trademark infringements IIgainsl Named
SSG Ambassador's Ancestral Name: 12 COP) right - 12 Trademark infi-ingemenls: 2-1
counts x 521 T - 550"T
Tax Free. Interest Free Debt issued Claim of Right to the Named Creditor. Agent for
the Business Name. du(' and able upon receipt pursuant to the I) ills of Exchange Act.
1882 \\ ith penalties incurred to increase the debt at 521 T for failure to sellie b)
Dishonor and Breach of Contract IIISQU333SSCK-073 I 1963WJDF.
E&O.' \\'JDfT"
Value o( Contract '"
T- Trillion Hard La"ful
Currency S
36.56 IT
I0L220T - 1.000.00
141.4 1H + 1.000.00
1-l IA77T ... 1000.00
1-l 1A98T+ 1000.00
1"2.002T + 1000.00
SI"2,oon + SI,OOO.OO+
5. 1 Special Bill of COStS 10 Name Creditors, SSG members, Hereditary Hei r Apparent Leader. Siyam Te
C KIAPILANOQ.CAPILANOT1>t (" Kap') and his Sovere ign panner. C lrene Maus GravenhorstKiapilanoqTM in any style of
cause: Debtors. Nelson Star and elson Coun administrators:
21J U120JO
Description o( Contract or Permanent Debt and For(eit o( Public and Prh ate Bonds
- ... indicates that not all dail y penalties are calculated
Public IIgents, CANADA' s Prime t-.'Iini stcr. Stephen Harper and fanner BRITISH
COLUMBIA premier. Gordon Campbell a debt contract \\ith Kap. Harper.
Campbell and Clark are l\amed Debtors described as the li\'ing equit) Ta\. Bonds that
benefit the Global Elite. Sen.ed document footers describe "'Notice is 10 Agent as Notice
SCDA Contract +
3.570T -
10.587,780T -
103.530T -
C!911 _ !o1!'" ... ,," oil nJblo fnOf"IM .. "II ('"opj"'P T..-.A.........,. ""' __ bt SSCK 1 ... .-.. "" purmam 10 I. .. , ...... (_ I ... I","di",,,,, ... ;01. SOl; ta ...
OOCl.",IDo"T SECOJft' 'USO'.V.FISCHU\lA't'!Olldlo< It.[ lEASE" DESIST OF fl'CiU 1'Rr'o"Tl!'(j.t. OISMISS OF n. .... 'E <, 1(11: ("01.11.1 HEAJ.f',(; REGISTElUD LIE.' l,POI\JThG
to REGl.1.ATOR5 fOUEJTt:REOF I'!.-'SUC A:<.lll'!U'\AT'E 110'05 oI\c< I I 40, fulllOow_ dl"oct TlIIJ_" Ea-lbmCtldiy. ""'" .dti<Ldo<_ ""'" "' .....
TOft> Pm-... _ ...... aII\ ....... &.e eoa-.MmJII ... -.bjtcllO<Map .. ' ...... .. """"'I'nlbobo...,oIIII_ ... _'ld._oICo,.n ..
Traut\ ial'iuIJOIIICDIO <L C IT IYnlla .. fI.oI <uti....,. _ 1<L 12
\.OTtll TO PRJ'CII'\t tS 'OTIC[TO \C[ .... r. \.OTl(,[ 1'0 \{.[:\.T \.OTtC[ TO PRl\.C\P"L
I hah1 ""h,n )our eyu ..-hcn 1ht Un,,crse d .. tlls For .. heD you 'rt ",he ccnlrc ..... b,n yourself,nd I ... "h,n m,nc ... e sh,11 bc One
- Cflzy H(>r$e, L,kn' , Tnbll People
2JOctlOI l


is to Principal. Notice is to Principal as NOlice is to Agent. Refer 10 the pdf link
hllp; II II II ,o,1u.Jmi,hgol .,Ir!,! 1.llcrrc"'rs;Ie:N:-l(lUK.llIml filed Anidal it #2 at the
scse VancOUler [)ockcIIiS036483. Special Bill of Com for the Plaintiff
S 10.587. 780T - . Total debt!> 0\\ ing incur a S21 r penalt) per
Regi stered :';oticc of Public Debt Permanent Dishonor and failure to to S.
337 cec lia Contract IICA BCNOV2010-79 392 817 269 SH 10:
Registered lien and contract 1955 SSCK
Regi stered lien and eontnlet "SQU333.1938SBOK 1955 SSCK
Named Debtors: tocated on SQIJ333
Corporations. CAI\ADA. BRITISH COLUMBIA and its tax eRA et al Olles
Irene a debt increased in I alue II ith dail) incumd penalties of S21 T hard tall fut
issued Notice dfeelh I' AugusL 2010 for continued right Trademari::
I iolations and breach of cOntracl as el idenced from the MSPP. fonner Health Minister
Kelin Falcon on Februar) 8.2010.
Defalcation' Charging CRA et at and presiding :-':amed Judges 10 debts. IT 185R (ucc
equh alelll 4 106) .CJ 7716 internal eRA circular or bullctin = Doctrine tor Sol'crcign
immunit) - 2 Judges at Nelson Court and R. BrolIn. CRA Counsel" J x S21T
To Nelson Star ne\\spaper: right Trademari:: Infringemenls. incorrect spelling of
named Creditor. t lrene ' Iaus Gnllenhorst.Kiapilanoqf\l and SSGOlcmment. business
card and I erbal Notice \\as prol ided: 3 Indil idual Business Debtors and one Corporate
Business Debtor: 4 x S21 T
12.160T + 1.074M -

1254-'.667.68 -
S223. 12E

Sub total Tax Free. Interest Free Debt issued b} Claim of Right to the Named Creditor.
Agem for the Business Namc. due and pa) able upon receipt pursuam 10 the Bills of
Exchange Act. 1882 1\ ith dail) penalties incum!d to increase the debt at S21 T for failure
10 senle Dishonor and Breach ofContrnct - Bankrupt status and forfeit of the Public
and /'ri\ ale Bonds are sen cd:
Debllouls cont inue 10
intrtast' as stned Default
Judgemt'nls and rt'gi Slt' rt'd
lit' ns to Dt'bl on rt'ma in
5.2 Nel\ Special Bill of COStS to Name Creditors, SSNG members. Heredi(31) Heir Apparent Leaders as described in the
Apr il 23. 2012 Notice of SSG Membership Certification: ne\\ Debtors. Nelson Star and Municipalities:
Crim inal Chargt's s ubj t'ci 10 intrtast as ft SUTCh ft'ytaJs mort t\'iden t e of Iht t rimt s
TrespassO - Inl asion ofTmx(\\ )-ula?, x(\I) trnditional I<:rritor) of SoH'reign Sinht
" ;\Iation
GOlemment ofTrail. Cit) of'\'elson. Grand Forks. Castkgar. RCI("lstoke. of
Coli ille. WA USA - 6 '- 52 IT:
Th .. ft' - Ongoing theft ofland and natural resources from r..lother Earth ofTm:\(\\ rula? ,-(\\)
traditional territOr) ofSo\crcign C.Sinixt
" Nation as rocks. soil. tn:es. plants. animals. birds. !ish.
\Iatcr - this \\ill be revoked upon further research of dams built b} GE:
in the !irst degree Corponlle gOlcmmcnts Be and CANADA s}stcmtuic murder ofmembcrs
of the So\C:reign CSini lt
Nation \\ith guns. smallpox infected blankets. and poboning of the \\ater
and land of the Tmx(\\ F ula? ,-(\\) traditional territOr)
,Dri".lI .... occun "hm 0 dtboot.""""", 0_1<1,,"'1< "'''''I ,a '"'*'" Source.""'" ,... ",, _ ""doo \. rr.-r
, S P1 Trtlp&U __ rtI ""lid]""" II) _ ..... H<fell} 10 <-In) "III UI ""1I,,rul putpOK ltd \t ... ",.A ....... Cnm ..... C<>dt 2003. CC J"
Balant e TSCDA
T- Trilli on
S )2Z( 1)"Thrlt E, "... """""I/o Ihtft ,,"" fntudul<.ul} ItId "11hoooI color of ""'I !aLes, 01 frludlll<ml) ItId ".,obou! <oIor of nsJo! con'n" 10 h ...... 0110 chc .... or IIIOI!otr penon.
III)llnng. ,,1IC1Iin lI"mllC 01 ,nalUmole. ",til "" ..... ,.110 de-pf"". ,em"......,1} 0I1bIoI""1). 11-.. .......... ofn. 011 ptnOII ,,"" hu I ope-c..t [lfoptrty 01" ,n,nn! ofth. th'''II 01 o(h'1
01 'nl ..... ' t" n. Poch,Cnm,nal Code lOO}. C.",,.IL O"AIIIO. II S C 19M PB9
8 S 'H Subjecl 10 sec!,,,,, t. tl-.. 1<11,..,.< 10 be pr<I1>O"""cd "'"1I1I",......".. ,,100 II '0 be ,"",encO<! 10 ""pruOfIm."1 fOl hf,1h.I1I betl] ,n >peel ofo p<1'IOO ,,100 hi; bn:n con".,.d ofh,gh
'ftason 01 CUll oIqp- monltf. IMI tl-.. ptnOII be 1011,...-.:110 ,mpniOflmeni fOf "r ... for """'It Ibt pm.on M ....... 1 oftl-.. _c. lid" 11!!!> I ",.
, .""".0:,,;0
CIQ" !III!'" .. dII 011 n .... .-.-.ooj .. ,dI C"",np. r.-.n. ...... 111 ...r_ r. ........ n ... SSCI. '" L .. , ..... c_ ,. .. J_odi ........ ,dI SQI... ,........
OOC"t"IIE.'T 5ECt.-..rn '"Et.50" ..... f!SCHER\\AY!OI! ... l. C"EASl' a: DESIST OF fI\CiO. PR/\T1'G a: OIS\Us.s OF Jt.,t:. ; 01; COl."Rr HE-W-.c; k(GIS"TkED LIE' IlEl'ORn-.c;
TO t''TL\AnO'-.U k(GlUTOaS' FORFEJn:REOF "":"8LK' Al'D PIl/'''TE BOlOS 011..-:1 dry.,,,full fotu.....t 011"0<1 l1>tI*",- .. Eanh rn-, .. t>odI-.ofllw _1ft .... \0 .. "
T.-- I'fl,_. 1&, " .... pI 01!d '-} frw o.x.- -,I"'",*,"", IOd>a&oJo .. ,,,,,,," fun!-..f ",",ct L_""" tCIII'CI .... l1ndIv _tilled .. _, ..... """ ofC"","..,
'nftuli ....... uofS:IT hard t .... r'" curR!'I<"I _ lof I:
'OnCE TO rRI'( II'\L llo 'OTtCTO . .H.l \ r. \OTlCE,UACE'-T l!l 'UTIC!:: TO !'Rt\(,II' \l.
I , .llIn hlhl wllh.n yall' ... Ibt UII" UU dwell, For ... hu yall .,e .tthe eutre ,./IIb.1I YOllaelr Ind I wllh.n "nnc. "c sh.1I he ant
- Crny Horl e . L.ko,. Tnb.!
_ de facio Corporate go\crnrnents BC and CANADA dcclare 0\\ nership Tmx(\\ )-ula1
x(\\) traditionallenilOI) on 50\ CSi nixt Nalion Go\emmenl land:. and nntural resourccs:
ANAC public agenls declare 5o\creign t Sini,tT'oI Nation men and \\omen c'lincL \\ hi Ie setrell>
confiseRling the interred remains of 62 of their ancestors, 521 T '" S I J02
Ignorance of the la" '0: Treason" - Corporale go\emmcnts BC and CANADA continue to \ iolme the
Rm al Proclamation of 1763 - 2 , SliT
- Corporate go\emmcnts BC and CANADA us<: terrorism 10 commit genocide and then a
dh ide Rnd conquer to isolme original heredital) So\creign Nation Go\emment members:
Collusion1) _ Corporate go\emments BC and CANADA continue \\ilh UI113\\ful incarceration.
deliberate theft of Smcreign < Sinix\'''' Nation Go\emment children and sci ling them to pedophiles-
\\e tes.:ne to sue for each child kidnapped thc Mini slr) of Child and \\elfare:
Total Ta" Free. Interest Free Debt iss\k!d and dut' upon receipt pursuant to the Hills of Exchange ACL
silence or failure to perform pUT5uant to S. 337 CCC .... ill mean as a tacit consent to incur a penaJt)
of 52 IT "ith no funher notice - E&OEiimgk:
5.3 New Special Bill of Costs to Name Creditors. SSNG. SSG members nnd WJDF for intemational war crimes against
two independent sovereign governments and their members:
Apr:! "
Internationalla\\ . Criminal Charges sUbjcrt to increase as research !'C\cal:. more c\ idence of the crimes
effecti\e since the European \ isitoT5 came to Kanala. Tunle Island and committed genocide to 250\ I
original $o\ereign people - not Indians that \\ Wi a mistalen b) Columbus \\00 thought he had
reached India. this histoT) I'Wi to dumb people into belie\ ing that 'brown skinned' are the
53\ ages \\ hen in fact the is true. turn speak techno log} : \\ hen de facto corporate go\emment
public agents Peace. the) mean War
UNDRIP ratificd by 14" counlrics on September 13. 2007 - violations of applicable, adopted SSG
ConSlilution to UNDRIP Articles I . .n, rt'feT to linl
hue: \I \\ II :;,,1\ "<Iuami"hg"\(\T';; 3.::c(\nQitution.hlml
Fraud" - de facto Corporate go\emments BC and CANf\DA declare owncT5hip o\er Tmx(\1 Fula:-
'("J traditional tenitol) on 5o\ert'ign CSinixt
Go\emmen! and SSG lands and natural
resources administrating 18\\ 5 from jurisdiction:
Treason" - de facto Corporate gOlemments Be and CAN/\DA continue to \iolate the Royal
Proclamation of 1763 against two Independent So\ereign Govcrnments 2 x S21 T
_ de facto Corporate governments Be and CANADA and ANAC agenc) usc terrorism to
commit genocide and then a di\ ide and conquer to isolate original hereditUI) So\ereign CSinixtT\I
Nation GO\ emment membeT5:
Pedophilia - Statc and Federal Publ ic agencies of of Child and Wdfan: steal So\creign original
bloodline children to sell in sex 5[a\ e trades b) and for the use of pedophiles: Incesl and pffiophilia:
tSquamlsh Longhouse lallS Slate thaI incest and pedophilia is punishable b)
pt"rmanent Eliction off traditionallllnd claims. Thai the Vict,m(s) must be eompcns3ted for the suffenng
of Ihis cnme(s). Th3t the Defendant(s) must undergo stnngent heallTlg process II Ith the uliimate g0.11 to
remOH' them from t Squamlsh Sl\1 Land as II IS not accepted. tolerated or contended
9 S JIOIII 10'""'" oI'lJDpn><lIIIDal' _ f--._ ltd' h"l' boo' .. ...
10 S 191p><><a11<r aflbt "" 11), ,,"0..,..,"" .... affmce II "'" .. n.. ....... tIC""""""", ..... otrnoct lbod '1-
Bal a ntt - TSCOA
T- Tri lli on
II S 016 T......"., hC1) one..,....." .. Iup .. ho. '" C"'*"-Ibllt>ln "'''OP>''" C ...... '" don ... KI )If.-paralOf) 1hc1 .. (dl fona' ...... 10 do OII)th..., tIr.or "\uch IfnIOII '"
Ihol.s _..I 10 I.j and m ... 'f .... 1haI1D!ent"'" II) III !>I," Kt; ule)corup,rn ",Ilo P<""'" 10 do Mjtlu", mcmNlftC'd.n lit) .. f ...... "" IDImD<1D ",do"jllo...,
mnmoned.n poragnph (b)"" mon.r .... tIw ""enllOn II) on ",'m ao:. ' I ........ , for. Canad .... ,.nU'll 10""'1111) of ..... ""'c "" .. HI< Tbc f .. h,p trt....,.. II life
,mpni<lnmenl '!lot ponall) fOl' 11<._ II .mp""""men' lip co. ml.\Jm"", ofhft. or up ' 0 ..... f", ,""",,1:1 W>Ikr illbo!.:"""
I: S IJ (II (It) ... lie' or om, .. ion. In ",,,,,r.>dc C..,ada. (0) Ihol .. '''''''''itt.dIB) '" .. "ok or.n I*" .nth the ",'mnon of .nnm.d.u."I! .... ""blu, .. or. f<'m ... , of the publIC. ,..,,10 Ie."
M'<W'1I). 'n<11IIhnJ! '" omnomoc (u) iCl 'OIISCS. .$loIO Iht httlm or wtI} ofw ""bh, or on) 5qmrrn of .... ""bh,. (f!ClI\ISt$ sen"". .. "h '"
senOllSd,srupnon of ... n"",n.[ KroIU. fao:ihl) or '}lIem. "hcdocr public: '" pn'"IC, " lI"'lI)'of ... ....nctabk olfmce and" h.bk Ie .mpnOODmCllI fu. Irna of DOl m<n tt..n 10)eus Ref
bit.!'. : ...... III' 111>"" ft ....
Il ..... 0(!1ttmCN bm\'_ 1><0'" """ ptrSOIIi. of"" ntlm II) doc fona. 01'111 .. Boa'ln', 1..11.. 1ti6 Edm""
14 S 'lOcI) fQUd. ballie 1O.1Cm1 of,mpn ............. "ml .... fourlteD Rtf ""9 ;. .. k'l> .. "<"' "
I S .1.6 T .. _ f,C1) _ IftllIIttS Iup. o ....,.. ... ho,. .. ClAlda.lh) It>ln". apuurCanadau don ao:. ptt'poruo<) Ibnao.ldl form, .. wamtIlIlO do dw .. lup lrnSOIIu
!ho,,, m"""""..IJO (. ) """ nwuf..u IIw m!ftID(III 11)-'" ",en ao:t u (e)I<Qpun " "do In) ptnOIIlOdo lII)'du"l ..... l10I100<I10 pancraph (bl" (""" .... onltODOa 10 do 1R)'\b ... ,
""""IOIIed.n paralapIo (b) ond mon.fnH!hat ""en""" II) ... ",," ao:t' II .. tbo ,U<pI (or. C ... .w.n CO 110"") _Sl<It Canada. The pmall) fOl' b,p 1>'t_lIltf.
,mpn""""""' The penal" forlltUOfl II .mprnanm .... liP 10. ml.\Jm"", "fl.fc. "'UP '0 )tllrt for<ondu" omd<, whs,,,,,,
t6 S Sl 01 (b) ... ao:, or ""',II.on. In ClAlda.t,) INt'1 o;omm.nod {B) ,n "look or.n PIll ",110 "'" "'.""""" f)/'.nnmulon"llht ""bloc, '" I """' ... , of"" pul>loc. ",do ItjOfd.o II,
"",luding '" OIIOm.e M'<III11) (iil lhat ""t""on.lI), (C) <ou ..... oenow; ns!; TO Iht "".1110 or .. ofw ""bh" .. on) ICimn" "f .... ""bloc. (E) "ulClln1<J1 ".,h or
..atOII1 d.""PfIOD of an n>n1nol ...... "c. or I)''''''' ... ho,bc"I'"bbo; or )If""' . " Iudl)' of ... ""I>e l>le olfmct ond " h.bk 10 ,mpn"""""" f'" I of "'" ...... dw! 10 JUno Rtf
... wl. "JR'" . , .....
C,1Ill _ ;,)12"' ........ all " ............... ,do C"I')'njht mformftTl II> -"n ... Sso; lCflJl ..... _ tol'o", .. t.ol C_ I ... l..,odo<1laa .. ,110 SQl. ............ 10,,"
1XICl"B; SEn'Un \'ElSO ... \H1SCHEJl;.\L"Y!OI: 110< IlE Cf..o\SE 01: DESIST Of rMU f'lU',iJ'.;G 01: D1S'IISS or 1\:\'E' COL1\T 11U.R.I'\G JlEGISTERED UE, ... REf'OIlTf'G
TOr.iD.'''TIO',u. JlEGl'1 .. UOI'.S - roRfIJR' Ror rt:BLlC ,,:o,'D """,TE 80'05 l1li .. : 1110" '" ft.Il farwanol o/fea n... _ .. Eonh u both .6nof .... _ !IKd 10 ....
T ..... I'n,._ .... O<JOf1ob1t . ......... "'""" """l fre< _plak lUbJe<I IOt"""8 .. ,Ihout funbn ""'" L .......... ...:t COp" _1IrK1IY I'rcbolooeof""" """' ... , ....... "" ofC""," ..
Trodtmarl< r .... dl ... f.t aonmcv _ flof I:
'\OTle[ TO PIU,'llr\L 1.'1 'onn: TO \(;['-\ . 'OTtCI: TO A(;l. '\T h 'OTKE TO rRt'< IP,\L.
I salw" 'ht 1'111\, .... ) ou. U"" e.u dwell s Fo ... hu you .. II , he .. "b'D )ouudfud I "'lIhon '.Ilac . ... sh.11 be oae
- Cruy Horse. L.kou Tnbll People

with for Ihe protection of children. CastrJ.tion is enforced for repeat offenders.
Uni \l!rsalikclarnlion of Human Rights. 1948
Total Til \: Free. Interest Free Ikbt issued and due upon receipt pursuanl to the l3ills of Exchange ACL
silence or failure to perfonn pursuant to S. 337 ece w ill mean as a tacit to incur II
ofS21T \\ith 00 funhcr oolice - E&OE imgk:
6.0 Remedy: As universal cont ract la\\ mandates an equitable remed) for all panies. \\ e are prepared to meet
with Named Debtors in a video taped deposition streamlined on the internet in front of SSG hereditary members and leaders
\\i th appointed Notaries who will handle the evidence and record verbal responses to interrogatories that will be submhted
under separate cover in a sen,ed subpeona to Named Debtors. As long as the fal se flags fly on SSG and SSNG lands. SSG
\ehicles are held in 'hostage' and Cro\\n Corporations continue conduct business on these So\Creign e Skwx\\'u7mesh-
Squamish lands, the debts remain. Tax Free, Interest Free Debt issued to de facto Corporate BC. CANADA. HOUSE OF
THE ROTHSCHI LD and VATICAN's ANAC incurs a penalty ofS21T per for failing to compl) pursuant to universal
contract laws and violation ofS. 337 CCC,
7.0 Assurance: Active SSCK Underwri ter. #SQUJJ3- 1938SBOK1 955-SSCK for 521 T in hard lawful currency,
Named So\ereign Claimants are SSG Members covered, recognized and protected \\ ith SliT (T\\ ent) -One Trillion) hard
lawful current) assurance. The \alue ofSSCK sovereign membership underwriter legislation is described b) the de ract o
legal as frh olous". ... exatious .. or "extra, agan!"" and 'paper terrori sm': however. this \\ rinen commitment
confinns ho\\ SSG places a high commercial value on protecting human and Eanh's sovereignt). This high \ alue is a
commercial remedy to Name Trespassers for committing corporate fraud against Prhate Named Claimants-Creditors and Eanh
as an economic remedy by estoppel. For more infonnation on Sovereign!). email us at so\:>gu333coUd'U gmail..:om
8.0 Secu ri ty detail : SSG's administrators tape all phone con ... ersations for security and qual it) control purposes \\ ith no
Notice. SSCK's administrators rna) refuse. block and or keep abusive emai ls or communication text as evidence for
International Press Release Announcements. 'Notices with no funher Notice. These tenns and conditions are not negotiable. as
a debt is a debt that must be settled. SSG infonnation is subject change \\ ith no funher Notice. Sened Eviction Notices stand
in truth as the ancestral couns ofSo ... ereign CSkwx\\ u7mesh-SquamishT.\I and the Sovereign e Sinixt
'" de jure Go ... ernments
and thei r leaders have primal) allodial authority over all traditional claimed lands and natural resources since time
immemorial. It is extremely important to understand that by contracting with any I) pc of law finn or Public Agents working
for de facto Corporale Governments BRI TISH COLUMBIA. CANADA. CRA IRS or ANACIBIA agencies. one acts in
conscious fraud b) theft and Treason and wilt be charged for Trespass against So ... ereign and
So\ereign OSinixlT\I Pri\ate lands \\ ith no funher Notice b) SO\ereign Couns that practice rradi tionallaws from Private Land
9,0 Time clause: SSG members \\ aive a two time Copyright Trademark infringement fee for a document and
envelope that bears our Sovereign Government and members name in order to acknowledge receipt of this information by
return correspondence. Failure to perfomt pursuant to S. 33 7 CCC within a Twenty-One (21) dB) lime limitation after receipt
of this infonnation, is defined as silence \\ ith a tacit consent that this Bankrupt Notice has force and effect and that Named
Debtors agree to a S21T dail) penalt) that increases the debt to existing contracts, The forfeiture of Public and Private Bonds
of Named CorporalI' and Indh idual Business Debtors is hereby sen'ed to Third Part) Interveners for International Financial
Transparenc) Disclosure.
10.0 Final Provision - TH IS SSCK COURT ORDERS:
I- EqUltabic: R<rn<d) r ... 1_ '" perform _ rtpOI'I '*" s..lrup< Stahti of tbnc ,.. d>c _UIIIt) , ... oJ.. l ... '.d "'_ 0< .......... ,,',Ihuo d>c 2 I
h""IahOQIl'Kf"n SSC!.. ldm'n1l{fWl3n .... _ nJhl to "_ I dobl ofS'2lT hard 1I"'f'" .""'on<) 10 d>c ... .-.I R.,"IeT.d 0< "'0I1'ub1", Pm..- Cmll' Rano, R<!WIIOn for f .. I ..... 1O
Pm""" pIIT:WArI! 10 S JJ7 crr ...t other rnmmal .. OOOIII1<'nned) ",. ,at ... of SSC!.. ... ,"mp mcmb ... lup IIlId ,.,nl"IOJ,"'.lIon OJ 01'1... .s..cnbcrl do ''''''0
I"l!ol $)-""" ., "fn,oIous-. ___ or "" ........ II", "'nn",, .om"""""'" IImp.1) ,<,nf,m .. 1>0>00 SSG plac" I comm .. ,"'" ,-at"" on 1"011111,
ond Ear\h., ... ' ... 'Snl) nUlluah ,,,1,,,, 'II commm,ol mned) Ie "'om, fo< comm,mll,l! tOfPO'l'I'. fraud ",autl, m'lIIe "'am.d CIa,mllllO.(:Il'II,1OO and E.o:1h b) pert IQ
piper .. on "(lnOI1I,t n'tIIfd) by U1OWOl Eqwtablt , .... ed) mlill at"-I)'I Ix pro",<kd b) ... omcd C1amun .. C .. dUOII (01 "'" Dtlll ..... oppan.zul) '" lOIII. th. 0<;'""" iii< ,,'n,., and
SSG hn.d.wy Indtn .... pn'lIII'td to m<el .. ',th tho DrbI ..... ... . (.o. '" "!Mo I&pC:d depM,hOtI ,,,do bOIlo handl on tabl. pIIlWCol '" 0IdtT '" d,,,Ul.' d>c cla"",..,d senl. thei< Jtbl,
"" II1II d>c h .... "'" ' CIIIO,.d
,.,.lI ... "" all "p...-noel ...... C""n .... T_ ........... II) --.,."...-_ 550; 1"I'.u...,...- .. l .. ,MI C_ I ... """ ... """, ", ... SOL I ... ,
DOC\:\lE." SECl.'Rrn ... nso ........ H5CHEJt \IAV;!OI: _ R CLUE.t DeIST Of ft:\GU PRJ'TlM; Ii:. OJ J\."E ::oeCOLlI.r HE.U.I'-C; _ REGISTERED LIE'" IlEI'ORTI'-G
TO I'-1ER. ... "'TlO ... ,u. REGl.1..ATORS FORFDTt.1U: or Pl.;8LiC ""''''1) PRJ\ 8O"'D!i lfw II ...... '0[\,11 "","wi otrea n... ............. Erif" .... u boch .. dt,<L1ht _ .... ,,",,10 .. ,.
T.... ....,-0Ie. __ obit. I. ....... pI md UOUI)' ''''' _ ''''plik lUbJecI to chans< ",1t1OUI IIonber ......... Cope ... l1l'i1, I'mh.lIowd" _ on _ >>OlocI ... <L C",,'''PO
r ......... w""g<IDOIIU<LClrllatdl."fuI <IItTm<I cI<t>< IO<LIl
"'OTtn: ro PRI\( IPAllS "'OTlO: TO \(,["'T, "'OTIII;. TOA(.[:'IoT IS "'01 tcE TO PRI\lll'AL
I $Illite .... ,thln eyn ... here the Universe d ... ell , For when Ut ctoHt "'lIh, n you, self and I ",, ,1110 m,nc, we shill he ont
- Cruy Horse. L.kou Tribal People
10.1 Notice of Cease and Desist 10 administrate Admiralt) Maritime jurisdiction la\\s to finger print SSG Ambassador,
OWarren Joseph Darnell FischerTIo4 in any sf) Ie of cause as he does not consent to a Trespass against his biometric
Cop)right Trademark data protected by SSG unden\'riter SSCK, \\hile standing \\ith \\Tinen consent on Sovereign
Land owned by the Sovereign OSini,-: tT\1 Nation Government (SSNG) pursuant to Private Traditional laws:
10.2 Notice of Cease and Desist to collect taxes and interest rates from people living on SSNG and SSG lands
10.3 Notice of Disbarment for all Judicial Named Debtors - Repon UndenHiter, Llo)d's of London,
lOA SSCK Court Order to dismiss the June 5"' , 2012 Coun hearing,
10.5 Demand for full payment of contracts in order to avoid additional registered liens,
10.6 Silence is a tacit agreement to this served Bankrupt Status that is reponed 10 International regulators for financial
transparency and disclosure pursuant to adopted K YC legislation.
In closing. it is the position of Sovereign e Sk .... 'Xwu7mesh Squamish
!'I Go\emment members that taxes are an obstruction of
justice to Universal Peace. An) t) pe of tax collected b) de facto Corporate Governments Public Agents to serve the best
interest of war for a Foreign Stale is defined as fraud and theft by trespass \\ ith Treason against humanif) and Eanh. We are in
the process of setting up our own independent financial tax free, interest free system. [t is SSG members moral obligation and
sovereign dUly to inform readers wilh the truth and if you have any questions relating to this information. please do nOt hesi tate
to email.
THIS fiduciary moral presentment prO\ ided b) Ihe Authors for the COP) right. Trademark Claim autographs for the names and
ICShvx\\u7mesh.Squamish in any style of cause. We seal this lawful instrumem \\ ith due diligence as evidenced by our
nesh and blood autograph over the Sovereign Seal supponed by a purchased Barcode
' license Ihal serHS as valuable securil)
and consideration I'. receipt and sufficienc) of which is hereb) acknowledged and accepted by all panies. We consciousl)
exercise our right 10 live free \\ ithout malice aforethought. ill \\ ill, \ exation or frivoli!). \\ ith no corporate dictate. We declare
that \\e have personal knowledge of the facts and maners contained in this Notice and make this declaration and anestation
conscientiousl) knowing thaI it is of the same force and effect by vinue of The Great Ums of Peace for Eanh
DATED as oflhe day and year first above wrinen on Sovereign OSkw:o:wu7mesh-Squamish. Kanala
Tunle Island - Eanh/Gaiat Pachamama (TI). Hiyshka.thank )ou.
Sovereign Hereditary. Heir Apparent. Leader Siyam Te OKi .ap. alanogh/Kiapilano
nl . European
and o\\ner b) the spi rit. soul and bloodline of the Name to the Lands and its natural resources Sl
OSkw:o:wu7mesh SquamishT.\I Go\' ernmenl (SSG)
Legislator for the Undernriter. Sovereign OSk\\);\\ u7mesh-SquamishT\I Coun (SSCK) on Kanata. TI
President for the Central Bank. Sovereign OSkwxwu7meshSquamish
!'I Bank on Kanata (SBOK).
Chair and CEO for the Sovereign OSkwxwu7mesh-Squamish Credit Group (SSCG) And:
With no corporate dictate b) COP) right Trademark autograph for:
18 BAttock 'II ... "!,""",,,<ted II) tht red til <......,,0 ... o"'ncnlllp", ... 1l>r Cred1! 0",1><11 Ihrough hf. oftht "...,0<1 bIoodh .. " ... ' 0 .... loDd.
(9 Valuablt < ..... 1Ilcn!loo:I A claso o( ...... ,dtm.on up<M> ",hll'h I prom .... m., br (0IIIIdtd. ",hlch ... od .. tht proall_1<I mfaru Itt, .110"", 1fiI.",.. ... prom, .... A " "", ahll ...
paned ",.,dI, ar I _1IbI.pIKIII aHWDed.., tht ...... ofobw""". dun&. .. hoch <omJlm'&bOB far Iba1 ",Iudt .. obtao<Itd . 1I" 1>ictJonao). Hear) C.",pbtll Diad ...
TIIIrd EdJ_ (: 19JJ. pl'"9-
20 LD<knmod IU "'" Conadl b ........ Atlll>
II Spoll"'l of tht F...,ily """'" ",tr tht courw of fabt 1u"0I) "'IU !,""odll<ed In IUIIY "'a'I' "'. IIIIhl SSO IDftIIbtrs 110,.. Il>r ..-.d" ...... llpelhJlI nf Ihc ..-. ....... ...... ,Ioh'"
" 't mUM <;0<10""" 10 ..... dtr 1M of ..... ""lI,nat r. .... n a,,'Hn 1<1 III I our _neon ,n tht ["Qhloh fomw. I)'P" ofOptllo<l ... ,<>pphed 1. 'he bctt "",*""ltldon"
dtmIed <orcl ... d In full force one! ofT"", one! f't'IIdtred ",tII ful! T ndtmlfl IlSu""",e punuan' W Inltmlnonol T .... 1} and L"I'en.l "",rrac,ll" '
CeQla - :Oll'" ",iii III nii/lU ....... tcI ",'" TradeoIwt wuntIt< .,,(C11CftI\efII Ii) ....0....", .. 55('); ItjoIl .. COl I"""""'" '" l .. ,on.oI C_ 1." "lib SOL
OCCl"IB'T SEc\''1I.fTY "'ELSO ... .. \IAY::Oll Ooc RE CEASE.&: OE.SIST Of fl'-O!I PRJ"il'O.t OIS\US.'i OF IL:".' :01: COl'RT HI:W"O _l.EGJSITJtED WE." l.EI'ORTr-O
TO r-1llL""no'AL l.EGl'LATQIlS fORfEt11.1lE Of 'lBUC A''D PRJ\ATE 8O"D5 &IIor:l 1io) (lItOt MId d!' .... Tlludocumeas" EInII fn ... ) .. bodI ...... "'" PIP"'''- .... '.
1, ... p,." ... DOI ...... obte.lU...-pllIId""'" 6 ... o.x--,c ... ,.q.c."' ....... , .... IUnbn""" .. L_udC ........ tllla!. l'nIIIIto ... IIId_ .. _ ......... C ... -np.
... 1lITlwoIt .... fIot.,.,....., _ II"",
'OTlll: 1'0 I'RI\(INL lS 'O'rlC[ 1'O\(;['T. 'OTI(.[ TO\{;[,\T "OflU. TO PRt"lll'AL
Cl lrene-Maus: Gravenhorst. for Sovereign OSkv.'Xwu7mesh-Squamish
aka Olrene-Maus: Gravenhorst -Kiapilanoq-CAPILANOTM. in any style of cause
Justice Amicus Curiae
for the Sovereign OSkwxwu7mesh5quamish Court on Kanata (SSCK)
and Sovereign CSkwxwu7mesh-Squamish Government (SSG)
Approved. consented to and agreed by verbal submission - May 13.2012: Barcode signature from.
LI-mix'rnIHead Man. Cl Ki-x'a-x'us-kitTM not Bob Campbell
in absence of Mxgxia bloodline. heir apparent. heredil3T) Clan Mother. oOKwlk'n mulks not Mari!) n James
Dated as of the day and year first above wrinen on Kanata. Turtle Island.
Autograph with no corporate dictate for:
Sovereign IOSkwxwu7mesh-5quamish
" Government (SSG)
Sovereign e Warren Joseph Darnell FischerT.".
Education Health Ambassador (SEHA),
11 Til< 'is .... , Do't.amp and the S n, "'lIfld aft Canadl&fl "d'gJnud Sl 00 ",<""IrOCI" j,a>'td. ODd In full r"",. and .rr.;1
An ool'nal S I 00 O1Jmp "n""d., ad<qual< eO<l$>donnoo of ",OIl1'y ' 0 "-,,,f.,. tho , do' foc,o fro..:! 1Wi><l"I\OII 10 de J"'" Junod"non
23 !'un...", 10 CommDft lo ... J""W>mar.. tho "de of 'Ju.ue" Clrm<-\\au. no! a mCTllt>co- of the Bar_mltZ',ah orpn ..... _ bu! '" fac, '1II11W '0 &fI
ArnIe ... Com .. (m.nd of 111< eoun),.11o appl'n Ju,tlc ... JLIlW1llIa,,', thalln,,,I"n ' O)-".m of comcqurncn !hal .... den, .. from an) "'lOtI 0< thoi In lhi "" ."",I&< to 111< La,., of
ph)"" In 111<..,.,. ....... 111< Third of"''''''''''' I.w. of\l0<>00 mJUlll'$ thaI fo< <HI) .. non!h<Jc m"" be on tqUII11I>d opposl1. """Ilon.jU.II mJUtr ,:.<><dlng Ind..-.dual. 0< I""'P' ,.ba,
the) d.,. ...... mcm. III art """lied ",23 Ju"i Gro,cnhoIstl(iapilanoq..cAl'llA'O, w.",. i. to """." ,be best !IUC"''' fOt ,e'P"ng lhal<&.h hultl&lt 'p,ril bu a "",I
""til a "",'-enol to awl} fr .. ,.,II'cbOl'" '" r=!.Orn frrc_ !",-<m<iI II) !be C",."" -, ,,'I5dom,1.gIt' ",m leuon and dllttl'" '" mOlntaln """.., .. 1 P'"'''' ,n !be "am. of lo>-. for
C10li 1011 .... ""m 011 njltti , ... "..! ",ib C.pyngM T,_ .......... ..u0tnl.,,, b)' .....;.n..n ... SSO: l<v>oI..,oo punuoIlI '" L .. ,.nol C"""""" I, .. )""..:\"''1''''' ",Iio SQI.. 1-""" .. 1.0",.
IXXT\!E'\, SECI,;Rm' <lox RE CEASE 6< DESIST Of Fl'-GER PRI'TI\"G &: OI$\lISS OF leSE l, 101! COlll.T HEARI:<'G - REGISTERED lie: IlEPQRn\"G
TO ... IlEGlLATORS' fORfEll1. RE OF I'L'BUC A!'>U PR.lVATE BOI'DS aft ... : 1 da" III f>lll otT .... To" <locum .. ". Eanh r"o.'o. .. ""'" I"'P"'" "cul<d ''II''''
Trees """' ....... In "''''''P' and UIUt} f,.., Dotum.." tmlplll< IIIbJ .... todIMg< .. ,,""", funh..- ''''' l"",tt.onz.d C""''''art "".tly l'rn/I.ib,,1 and .ocur.n ... """otic 'iollll"" O(C"",,,,,,,
Tradcmrl lafnngomeJlb ofS11T Iurd I ... ful C\!JI'enc} dd>I 12 olll

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