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talk directly, because it's just a bad, their just concerned as commanders of the force and they're telling

them all the time - don't you dare talk to anybody, that it's just a bad example if it gets out - even with all sorts of restrictions and everything. MB- Vb-huh.

MB- I'll take

r someone like that.

MY- Well the basic idea is they'll make a guy available who was involved from the beginning as a planner; a SEAL Team 6 Operator and Commander.

MY-Aguynam would want or wo MB- That's dynamite - by the way. KB- That's incredible. MB- This is me happy.

d so, he basically can probably give you everything you son or Adm McRaven.

MY- And so, he'll speak for operators and he'll speak for senior military commanders, because their all the same tribe and everything, and so you should get most of what you need from him. Now, again the reason Adm Olson and Adm McRaven didn't want to talk is this command conflict of interest. And then with e only thing we ask is that you not reveal his name in any way as a consultant, because agam, 1 sesame thing, he shouldn't be talking out of school, this at least, this gives him one step removed and he knows what he can and can't say, but this way at least he can be as open as he can with you and it ought to meet your needs and give you lots of color. KB- Fabulous MB- That's dynamite. MY-So we'll put you in touch with him or have him get in touch with you - at the end of this meeting. And whatever your schedule is we'll make that work, I just haven't had a chance to talk with him. KB- Is he located in the Washington DC area?

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