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23526-1 Nelson Registry

In the Provincial Court of British Columbia



PROCEEDINGS (Appearance)


Crown Counsel: Appearing on his own behalf:

R. Drezdoff W. Fischer


J.C. WordAssist Ltd. (Vernon)

4415 29th Street, Vernon, B.C. V1T 5B7 Phone 250-260-3496

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Nelson, B.C. May 8, 2012 MS. DREZDOFF: Your Honour, Rebecca Drezdoff, appearing on behalf of the Federal Crown. THE COURT: All right. MS. DREZDOFF: We are here to deal with the Fischer matter first. THE CLERK: File 23526, Your Honour. THE COURT: Thank you. THE CLERK: Number 12 on Your Honour's list. MS. DREZDOFF: Mr. Fischer? THE COURT: Where is Mr. Fischer? IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: Good Morning. THE COURT: Where is Mr. Fischer? IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: Ambassador Fischer is on his way. THE COURT: Okay, great. I need -- I just need Mr. Fischer, okay? IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: It's nice to see you again. THE COURT: Can I get you to address yourself for the court, please, or your name at least, please? IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: Yes. My name? THE COURT: Yes. IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: I claim private natural law and de jure sovereign Sinixt land jurisdiction -THE COURT: Okay, sorry -IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- as I have permission to stand on this land by the heir apparent hereditary leaders of the Sovereign Sinixt Government. THE COURT: Right. IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: I am known by the name of the copyright trademark name as the sovereign woman for Irene-Maus Gravenhorse Kiapilanoq, and I'll give you my business card so that you can spell it for the transcript. THE COURT: No. Okay, ma'am? Ma'am? No, no. Ma'am, just -- ma'am, stop it, okay? Now, Mr. Fischer is here on his appearance, all right? What you want to understand is that you have no right of audience in this court. All right? IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: Yes, we do. THE COURT: No. Ma'am? IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: Yes, we do. THE COURT: Ma'am? Okay, I'm going to ask you to please excuse yourself. IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: No.

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THE COURT: Mr. Sheriff, can you have her out of the courtroom, please? Thank you. IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: I am private -THE COURT: Out of the courtroom, please, ma'am. IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- and I will sue you for assault and -THE COURT: Thank you. IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- I reserve the right -THE COURT: Out of the courtroom, please. IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- to remain sovereign. And this is assault. This is police brutality -MS. DREZDOFF: Your Honour, this is simply on the list for -THE COURT: Yes, I know. MS. DREZDOFF: -- an initial appearance. THE COURT: No, it's not an initial appearance. MS. DREZDOFF: Well, second -THE COURT: Mr. Fischer's been here. MS. DREZDOFF: -- second appearance. THE COURT: We've entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf and what we are doing is we're setting this matter down for trial. MS. DREZDOFF: Yes. THE COURT: Last time we were here, Crown wasnt able to determine the trial date -THE ACCUSED: I'd like to introduce myself to the court. I'm not -- I do not consent to Mr. Fischer. I dont know what Mister means. THE COURT: Okay. All right. Do we have a time estimate? THE ACCUSED: So can you define Mister for me, please? THE COURT: Do we have a time estimate? MS. DREZDOFF: We do have a time estimate. It's approximately three weeks. Three weeks. THE COURT: A three-week trial. Why is it three weeks? MS. DREZDOFF: It's actually very extensive tax information. This is a tax file, as you know. THE COURT: Mm-hmm. MS. DREZDOFF: An extensive search was carried out. If there was -- actually, the biggest issue is the continuity issue, that there were many, many people who executed the search warrant in this instance, lay people who work for the CCRA and accountants. THE COURT: Right. MS. DREZDOFF: If Mr. -- if the accused was willing to make an admission with respect to continuity, that

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would bring it down to three days. THE COURT: Are you willing to make an admission with respect to continuity? THE ACCUSED: I don't -- who are you talking to? THE COURT: I'm talking to you, sir. THE ACCUSED: I'd like to introduce myself to the court. I'm -THE COURT: You are the accused here. You're -THE ACCUSED: I'm not -THE COURT: -- Mr. Fischer. THE ACCUSED: I do not consent to -THE COURT: Well -THE ACCUSED: -- being the accused here. THE COURT: Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Fischer -THE ACCUSED: I am a -THE COURT: -- but I'm not going to go there, okay. THE ACCUSED: I claim private natural law -THE COURT: All right, Mr. Fischer -THE ACCUSED: -- and de jure sovereign Sinixt -THE COURT: Yeah -THE ACCUSED: -- land jurisdiction -THE COURT: I'm not -- all right. I'm not going to hear that here today, okay. I'm trying to fix a trial date for you, sir. You can deal with all that on the trial date, okay? THE ACCUSED: My name is not Mr. Fischer. THE COURT: The question for you was whether you are willing to admit continuity. I'm going to take that as a "no". THE ACCUSED: I do not consent. THE COURT: All right, three weeks. Okay. MS. DREZDOFF: I understood that. THE COURT: I'm going to send you back down to the JCM to fix a date for hearing in this matter for three weeks. All right. MS. DREZDOFF: There is one other issue, Your Honour. Last day when the accused appeared, it was noted that he had not yet attended to provide his fingerprints. THE COURT: Right. MS. DREZDOFF: That has still not occurred. The Crown is -THE COURT: All right. Is the Crown looking for a warrant, or what is the Crown -MS. DREZDOFF: Yes, but to be held for a couple days just to give the accused the opportunity to attend in person at the police station, just to do it, I

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guess, hopefully willingly and by consent. THE COURT: All right. All right. So, Mr. Fischer, again, the Crown is seeking a warrant. I am going to grant that application for a warrant compelling you to provide your fingerprint -THE ACCUSED: I do not consent -THE COURT: -- a copy of your fingerprints under the Criminal Code -THE ACCUSED: -- to fingerprinting. THE COURT: Today is May the 8th -THE ACCUSED: Fingerprinting is defined as trespass -THE COURT: You're going to have until Monday morning-UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: Dont interrupt the judge, sir. THE ACCUSED: I'm not interrupting. She's interrupting me. THE COURT: Monday morning -- what's the date on Monday morning? UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: You're interrupting her. MS. DREZDOFF: That I dont know. THE COURT: Do we have a calendar? THE ACCUSED: I do not consent to fingerprinting -THE COURT: Okay -THE ACCUSED: -- or the collection of any biometric data. I -- I'll consider that -THE COURT: Okay, you have -THE ACCUSED: -- assault and battery -THE COURT: You have until -- okay, you have until 4 p.m. on Monday -THE ACCUSED: -- and I have an assurance policy -THE COURT: -- on Monday afternoon -THE ACCUSED: -- under the Sovereign [indiscernible] Government. THE COURT: -- May the 14th to attend at the RCMP -- or the Nelson City -MS. DREZDOFF: Or sorry, not RCMP, Nelson City Police. THE COURT: -- Nelson City Police station in -- here in Nelson to provide a copy of your fingerprints as required under the Criminal Code. If you have not provided that by 4 p.m. on Monday, May the 14th, an endorsed -- or unendorsed warrant will issue in your name and police will pick you up and take your fingerprints, and then you will be released, okay? THE ACCUSED: I -THE COURT: That's it for Mr. Fischer. THE ACCUSED: I do not consent --

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THE COURT: All right, you need to go to the JCM -THE ACCUSED: -- and I waive all benefits. THE COURT: -- and fix a date for trial for three weeks. Next appearance date is June 5th to advise of the trial date, okay, Mr. Fischer? And then you go on to your trial. All right. THE ACCUSED: I don't consent to your jurisdiction -THE COURT: All right -THE ACCUSED: -- and I don't consent to fingerprinting. THE COURT: I realize that, Mr. Fischer, but I've made my order. Okay, thank you. MS. DREZDOFF: Thank you. THE ACCUSED: I'd like to submit this to the court -THE COURT: Mr. Fischer, I am finished with you now, okay? I have made the order. You've got to get a trial date for three weeks. This is early days, Mr. Fischer. This is a remand court. I have a whole room full of people that are waiting for their turn, all right? So June 5th is your next appearance date and you have until May 14th to provide your fingerprints. (PROCEEDINGS ADJOURNED TO JUNE 5, 2012, TO CONFIRM TRIAL DATE) Transcriber: N. Baur

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