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Cody Robert Judy 3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2 Ogden, UT 84401 PH.

801-497-6655 --------Cathelene Tina Robinson Clerk of Superior Court 136 Pryor St., S.W. Atlanta, GA 30303 PH. 404-612-5313 --------Dear Ms. ROBINSON: Thank you for the receipt of you May 8th,2012 letter , which I just received with my signiture, (due to a mailing notice change of zip codes, and a wind storm that had blown the first Come and Pick Up Notice from the U.S. Postal Service away), May 24th, prior the Memorial Day Holiday extending until today May 29,2012. Please find my May 29th AMMENDED NOTICE OF APPEAL to THE GEORGIA SUPREME COURT herein as well my Affidavit of Indigency, and I did appreciate your courteous response. Sincerely, Cody Robert Judy Petitioner /Appellant Pro se Case # 2012CV211398 MAY 29TH,2012


CODY ROBERT JUDY 3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2 Ogden, UT 84401 PH. 801-497-6655 _____________________________________________________________________________ FULTON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF GEORGIA ______________________________________________________________________________



Case No. 2012-CV-211398



Comes now, Petitioner, CODY ROBERT JUDY pro se, and submits respectfully to the Fulton county Superior Court this AMMENDED NOTICE OF APPEAL to the GEORGIA SUPREME COURT of the Order of the Court dated March 2nd, 2012, and March 15th,2012, pursuant: DISCRETIONARY APPLICATION FOR REVIEW /OR/ CERTIFICATION OF FEDERAL QUESTION OF LAW. STATEMENT OF JURISDICTION:
An application for leave to appeal a final judgment in cases subject to appeal under OCGA 5-6-35 shall be granted when: (1) Reversible error appears to exist; (2) The establishment of a precedent is desirable;

Article VI, VI, II of the Georgia Constitution states: The Supreme Court shall be a court of review and shall exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction in the following cases:...(2) All cases of election contest. The instant case is an election contest arising from OSGA 21-2-5. Therefore this Court has exclusive jurisdiction upon review of the Superior Courts final judgment.

It is fairly noted herein that the Supreme Court in Weldon v. Obama was denied by the Georgia Supreme Court on April 4th,2012 Case No. S12D1059 and that Appellant was grouped in the same Administrative Court ruling, although circumstances of the Appellant are different in standing and injury, and the Superior Court records are also different, notably with evidence from a law enforcement agency and Motion for reconsideration in the Superior Court, those particulars the Georgia Supreme Court may not want to review, or feel to group together, this case as the same as Weldon v. Obama. It is therefore simply a consideration of Petitioner/Appellant that under GSCR Rule 65 that good cause is shown, Appellant not wanting to waste the Georgia Supreme courts time, for expediting the proceeding in a FINAL ORDER from the Supreme Court that can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, or that the GA. Supreme Court itself certify the question(s) to the U.S. Supreme Court as a Federal Question to the United States Supreme Court for the 11th Circuit and lend that in behalf of Petitioner that it be unavoidable by that Court as: I. QUESTIONS OF LAW THAT MIGHT BE DECIDED:

1- Question Are or should the respective State Political [ Democratic] Parties and the Federal Elections Commission [be] bound to the candidate office qualifications specified and demanded by the United States Constitution, based upon the State and Federal funds used by such organizations promoting membership and public trust in State Primaries and General Elections, as they are currently bullying Primary Elections by certifications of Constitutionally unqualified candidates to Secretaries of State; and should the Secretary of States not also be bound to the Constitution upon their oaths and the public trust to secure in this case Federal elections, to diligently prohibit unqualified candidates from getting on the Ballot in Primaries, expressing preference of candidates for electorates to champion who may not be qualified to the Republics peril?

2- Question - Is Respondent candidate Mr. Barack Obama eligible for the Office of President according to the United States Constitutions demands for a natural born citizen, with self revealed documented foreign allegiances of natural identity on his released long form birth certificate,(last page exhibit appendix) also reported as constituting probable cause for fraud and

forgery by Sheriff law enforcement agencies Cold Case Posse to the Superior Court, by F.E.C. 2012 Registered Democratic Candidate for President Cody Robert Judy, whom also disputed candidate R.-AZ. Sen. McCains and D. Ill. Sen. Obamas qualifications in 2008, asserting the harm of constitutional unfairness through campaign expenditures, and contributions to the unqualified candidate(s) in the publics trust of the State Primaries and General Elections of 2012?

3- Question - Does evidence provided to the Court by Petitioner of a Sheriff Law Enforcement Report (Appendix pg.16) constituting probable cause of fraud and forgery of Candidate Barack Obamas identity papers for qualification of the Office of President casting reasonable doubt on candidates qualifications, if avoided by the Court, not constitute reprisal grounds for the release and pardon of all convicted of similar crimes for equal Justice under the law?

This AMENDED NOTICE OF APPEAL is also subject to May 8th,2012 letter from Cathelene Tina Robinson, clerk of Superior Court, Records and Document Specialist Appeals Division, that was received registered and signature certified mail by Petitioner/Appellant Cody Robert Judy on May 24th,2012, stating that Once an amended notice of appeal is received, the appellate record will be prepared and transmitted. Petitioner/Appellant herein also swears and affirms that owing to my poverty I am unable to afford the fees that may be associated with this appeal however that I feel I am Signed and Submitted this the 29th day of May,2012. /s/ Cody Robert Judy _________________________

CODY ROBERT JUDY 3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2 Ogden, UT 84401 PH. 801-497-6655 _____________________________________________________________________________ FULTON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF GEORGIA ______________________________________________________________________________



Case No. 2012-CV-211398



AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY I, CODY ROBERT JUDY , being sworn, certify that the following statements are true: I am financially insolvent and unable to pay the charges, costs, or fees otherwise payable by law to the clerk of the court, however, I feel I am entitled to such appeal. I CERTIFY THAT NO PERSON HAS BEEN PAID OR PROMISED ANY PAYMENT OF ANY REMUNERATION BY ME FOR SERVICES PERFORMED ON MY BEHALF IN CONNECTION WITH THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. I certify that a copy of this document was mailed, and emailed to the person(s) listed below on May 29th,2012 .

Other party or his/her attorney: Attorney for RESPONDENT; Esquire Mr. Michael Jablonski for Barack Obama and Cam-Anh Le Esq., and Vincent Russo counsel for Secretary of State Brian Kemp on this 29th day of March, 2012 at: Michael Jablonski 260 Brighton Road NE Atlanta GA. 30309-1523 Secretary of State Brian Kemap Georgia Secretary of States Office- Executive Office 214 State Capital Atlanta, GA. 30334 Counsel / Cam-Anh Le Esq. & Vincent Robert Russo Jr., Esq., at: and . I understand that I am swearing or affirming under oath to the truthfulness of the claims made in this affidavit and that the punishment for knowingly making a false statement includes fines and/or imprisonment. Dated: Signature of Party: /s/ CODY ROBERT JUDY ______________________ Printed Name: CODY ROBERT JUDY Address: 3031 SO. OGDEN AVE. SUITE #2 OGDEN UT. 84401 Telephone Number: 801-497-6655

CERTIFICATION OF MAILING Fulton County Superior Court 136 Pryor St. SW # C640 Atlanta GA. 30303-3429 I do hereby certify that I mailed via postage pre-paid 1st Class U.S. Mail, a true and correct copy of the forgoing:

1. AMMENDED NOTICE OF APPEAL 2. AFFADAVIT OF INDIGENCY Postage pre-paid, to the RESPONDENT(s), by and through Counsel(s) of Record at: Attorney for RESPONDENT: Esquire Mr. Michael Jablonski for Barack Obama and Cam-Anh Le Esq. &Vincent Robert Russo counsel(s) for secretary of State Brian Kemp, at: 1-Michael Jablonski 260 Brighton Road NE Atlanta, GA. 30309-1523 2-Secretary of State Brian Kemp Georgia Secretary of States Office Executive Office 214 State Capital Atlanta GA. 30334- , 3- Sam Olens-Office of the Attorney General 40 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, Ga 30334. Phone: (404) 656-3300 Email: 4- Cody Robert Judy- 3031 Ogden Avenue, Suite #2, Ogden, UT. 84401

On this the 29TH Day of MAY, 2012. Signature of Mailer __/s/__Cody Robert Judy__________________________ NOTARY SEAL Witnessed May 29TH ,2012 SIGNITURE: s/Recorder

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