WJDF Transcript May2012

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SSG Man:

New Contract:
SCHEDULE I - Transcript
SSCK: International Laws
RE: UNDRlP, 2007 + HRO, 1948
Sovereign SSG Ambassador \V.J.D. fi scherTi'o' in any st)' le of cause
HSQ U 33 3-5 B 0 K 193 8-8 SC K19SS-S S C G 1963 W JDF - NPD/ CNE LSO N / 052012
TAX-USUR Y FREE DEBT VALUE issued to NPD et al and payable upon receipt
pursuant to the Bills of Exchange Act 1882': S112.266T +
May 25. 2012 @ approximately 8:00 am PST
Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences. 303 Vernon Street. CSinixt. Kanata. Tunle
Island formerly known as de facto corporate NELSON, BRJTISH COLUMBIA.
#SQU333-SSCK 196307WJDF-1 40520 12.
#SSNG 195219391954-SSCTI -SSBK WJDFI963 and
#SQU333-SBOK 1938-SSCK 1955-SSCG 19630731 W JDF
This voluntary Statement is made by me. the Named Sovereign Man and SSG Ambassador. Warren
Joseph Darnell Fischer in any style of cause regarding the Treason by Trespass and Fraud of Copyri ght
and Trademark infringements by Theft of my S io-Metric Date Fingerprinting perfonned by the NDP
officers on May 25
2012 at approximately 8:00 am in front of my place of Private business. Academy
of Classical Oriental Sciences located by Right of Claim on Sovereign Hereditary Sinixt
I. Just before 8am May 25. 2012. outside of Academy at 303 Vernon Street. Nelson. BC.just after I
had gotten out of my car. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 ran up behind me and told me
I was under arrest.
2. I attempted to stan my camera. but he grabbed it from my hand. I told him I considered that
assault and battery. No one else was outside of the school at that moment.
F .. luretOfcspond "'-lib senlmo .. n s n- ccc b) CANADA" CI a! publle qent> ",,11_ IS solenl IbM ana 11 IA) I In fot:Ctpl of
sened Information. SSG admmt<tt:llon WIll '<ISler I 10m and forfCl' :>:..,ed Pubhc and Pft':ilt Bonds ",m 10 DTCC and Thord hit) for InlatWlOIIa! OI5<:iosurt
Warren J.D. Fischernl tn an} 51} It OftBUse: - Schedule I - Transcnpl RE: />.OP 25-M3}-2012 - NOTICE IS TO PRII\CIPAL AS '\OTlCE IS TO
AGE!\T NOTICE IS TO AGENT AS NOTICE IS TO PRINCIPAL-Cop)nghl Trademark A5surance protechOn ofS21T per mfnngement apphes
BADGE #75. showed up. I told them that I was a member of SSG. to which they responded that they
al ready knew.
4. They then sai d they had a warrant for my arrest for failing to report for fingerprinting. I responded
that I did not consent.
5. They immediately grabbed me and forced my lunch container and my briefcase from my hands
onto the muddy ground, and forced me face first agai nst my vehicl e and handcuffed me. At this point
SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 took my bag with my keys and money in it from me.
6. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 said that he was in the court when thejudge
identified me (7) . I responded that ifhe was in the court then he was aware of the SSNG had had their
land claim accepted by the court. and that I was not in the jurisdiction of BC but in the under the
jurisdiction of the SSNG Whuplakn private natural law.
7. I then told them that I was protected by a SSG insurance policy protection of $21 T per offence,
and that I was going to sue them for assault and battery. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #6 1
sai d I could go ahead.
8. They told me to go with them to their vehicle. I responded that I did not consent. They grabbed
my aml and escorted me up the stairs to a police truck. I asked them why they protect criminals like the
many judges who have been found involved with pedophil ia. They responded that they arrest those kind
of people too.
9. I tol d them again that f would be charging them with assault and battery. 1 asked them to pick up
my lunch and briefcase from the dirt and take them inside the school. I believe DETECTI VE
CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72. did so. I was being pushed up the stairs by CONSTABLE
10. CONSTABLE ERIC ENKIRCH. BADGE #75. opened the vehjcle and told me to enter. I sai d 1
did not consent. He pushed me into the back of the truck and closed the door.
11. A few minutes later SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART, BADGE #61 opened the door and read
me something from a card in his wallet about calling a lawyer and so on. Then he asked if I understood
what he had read. r responded that I did not understand and that I did not consent. He wrote me two
phrases on a page in hi s wallet.
12. CONSTABLE ERIC ENKlRCH. BADGE #75. drove the truck to the police statiOD. He infonned
me that he had my phone and bag in the front seat with him. They had been removed from my sight since
they had been taken from me by force.
13. In a secure bay in the police stat ion. the truck was parked. and r observed SERGEANT PAUL
CONSTABLE ERIC ENKIRCH. BADGE #75. each remove his firearm from his body and place it in a
shelf with sl iding doors. The back door of the truck was then opened and CONSTABLE ERI C
CWarren J.D. Fischer'" in any style of cause - Schedule I - Transcri pt RE: NDP - NOTICE IS TO PRINCI PAL AS NOTICE IS TO
AGENT Non CE IS TO AGENT AS NOTICE IS TO PRINCIPAl - Cop)r1ght Trademark Assuronce protection of S21T per infringement applies
ENKIRCH, BADGE #75. said 'Mr. Fischer. please get out of me truck". He looked at me and I said that I
did not consent to that title. He asked me what he should call me. I said he may call me sir. He then
said "Sir. will you please get out of the truck"". I told him I did not consent. He then grabbed my aml and
guided me from the truck.
14. I was guided through a doorway. I said I did not consent to going inside.
I S. Once inside. I was guided to a desk where DETECTIVE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE
#72. was filling out papers. He and SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 talked about ,..,hat
my height and weight might be.
16. CONSTABLE ERIC ENKIRCH. BADGE #75. asked me to Uim and face the desk as he wanted
to remove the handcuffs. I did not move and said that I did not consent. He said Fine. Play that way
then" and left them on.
17. CONSTABLE ERlC ENKIRCH. BADGE #75. was opening my bag and removing the contents.
BURKHART. BADGE #61 took it. I said I did not consent to their going into my bag as it was private.
SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 said he knew I did not consent. I asked why they were
taking out my money. and what they had done with my bag and money between when they took it from
me and that point. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART, BADGE #61 asked if! was accusing him of taking
my money. I said it was a possibility during the time they had had my bag out of my sight. SERGEANT
PAUL BURKHART, BADGE #61 began counting my money. There was a sealed envelope with some
BADGE #61. I asked ifhe was going to open a sealed envelope. He said he had to count all the money. I
asked if this was a security interest transaction. but he did not respond.
18. CONSTABLE ERIC ENKIRCH. BADGE #75. sai d maybe I had 10 that would gi ve them 'weight
and height information. CONSTABLE ERlC ENKlRCH. BADGE #75. took out a bank card and then the
notarized copy of my SSG appoinunent as Health and Education Ambassador. He opened it up to the
final page and read out my weight and height from the appointment document to DETECTIVE
CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72. who recorded it.
19. CONSTABLE ERlC ENKIRCH. BADGE #75. then took out a copy of the default judgment with
registered liens from my bag. I informed them that the document was such and it recorded an outstanding
debt o[,he NPD 10 me. CONSTABLE ERIC ENKlRCH. BADGE #75. read aloud the names o[Ihe
police chief and other NPD officers from the document. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61
told him to put it away.
20. DETECTIVE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72. said he wanled a pholo.1 sai d I did nOl
consent. CONSTABLE ERlC ENKlRCH. BADGE #75. removed my cap. I told him I did not consent.
He told me to stand On some footprints painted on the floor. I said I did not consent. but CONSTABLE
ERIC ENKlRCH. BADGE #75. pushed me 10 Ihal localion on Ihe floor. DETECTIVE CONSTABLE
COREY HOY, BADGE #72. asked me to look at the camera. I looked at SERGEANT PAUL
BURKHART. BADGE #61 and told him that I was a member of the SSG and that I would be charging
them $21T for every offence they committed against me. I asked SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART,
BADGE #61 if he understood. He said he did not understand but he heard what J said. J did nOl look at
CWarrcn J.D. Fir.cher' \I in any Schedule I - Transcnpt RE NDP - NOTICE IS TO PRINCIPAL AS NOTICE IS TO
AGENT. NOnCE IS TO AGEt-.'T AS NOTICE IS TO PRINCIPAL - Cop)"nght Trademark Assurance protecnon of S21T per mfrmgement applIes
the camera but DETECTIVE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72. took the photo anyway.
21. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 then removed the handcuffs.
22. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 then asked me to go through another doorway to
my left. I said I did not consent. DETECTIVE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72. went
through the doorway into a room to the right. I was pushed through the door by SERGEANT PAUL
23. DETECTIVE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72. set up a fresh ink strip on the right end
of a counter. He then asked SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 ifhe should take my
fingerprints. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 said he would do it.
24. I stated that I did not consent to fingerprinting and that I was protected by an SSG assurance
policy. I stated that I would charge them $21 T for assault and battery for each fi ngerprint taken.
SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 proceeded to take my fingers one by one and press each
on the ink and then lead me to the forms and press my ftngers on the paper. I counted the number of
prints at 15 and reiterated that it was $21 T per finger. I asked SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART.
BADGE #61 ifhe understood and he said 'yes. I understand". I gave the count again and 30 and finally at
a total of 60 prints.
SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 pointed out a sink where I washed my hands.
I was escorted back to the desk and DETECTIVE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72.
then returned my bag and cap to me. I stated that I wanted a copy of the forms with fingerprints. and
asked if the inside of the police station was being videotaped. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART.
BADGE #61 sai d I should be able to get a copy of the forms. and that the station was under video
surveillance. I asked if I could get a copy of the video. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61
said that I would have to make an application for that. I then asked if the police station was in the private.
SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61 responded that yes it was. it was the Nelson City Police.
27. As none of the police officers had identified himself to me. and only CONSTABLE ERIC
ENKJRCH. BADGE #75. was actually in a police uniform. I asked them for identi fi cation and badge
numbers. SERGEANT PAUL BURKHART. BADGE #61. wrote down their names and badge numbers
on a blank sheet of paper. I asked if they did not have business cards. after which each of them passed on
to me one of his NPD business cards.
28. DETECTI VE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72. asked if I wanted a ride back to the
school. I stated that I was leaving now. DETECTIVE CONSTABLE COREY HOY. BADGE #72.
pointed out a doorway at the end of the hall through which I exited the building and walked back to the
29. Although I v.'as told that there was a warrant for my arrest, no such warrant was ever presented to
Standard Provision: It is with a heavy hean that I. the Named Creditor to Contract. render the Debt of
$1 12.260T to the NPD el al as I know that they were only 'doing their job and do nOI queslion authorities'.
However. my unalienable right of claim to render an unlimited contract as an economic remedy by estoppel 10
C Warrell J.D. rn all) style ofcaur.c - Schedule I - TTlIllscripl RE: NDP - NOTICE IS TO PRINCIPAl AS NOTICE IS TO
AGEt\'T. NOTICE IS TO AGENT AS NOTICE IS TO PRINCIPAL - COP) ri!!hl Trademark Assuf11llce protecti oll of 52 I T per rnfnllgemclll applies.
protect my Sovereign Famil y Name and bio-metric data aka intellectual property must be respected. I am the
Owner in Fact. the Grantor of the Trust and I am Private. I am not a bonded registered member with de facto
Corporate Governments, BRITISH COLUMBIA or STATE OF CANADA whose members are registered with the
United Nations. a military industrial complex that serves the global cabal of 13 Families (described by Name on
Schedule 2) who think they own hu-mani ty's spirit and soul's equity through security ofa DTC, a parent
company of the DTCC that trades Fami ly named bonds through AUTOTRIS with a CUSI P (9 digi t number, mark
of the beast SIN) traded by D&B.
Final Provision: As an Appointed SSG Ambassador for the Education and Health Department with the
Sovereign ClSkwxwu7mesh-SquamishTM Government, I am governed by Private Uni versal Natural Common Land
law jurisdiction and I hereby Declare, Authorize and Instruct the underwri ter, Sovereign OSkwxwu7mesh-
Squamish Court on Kanata (SSCK) to uphold, secure, protect and preserve my sovereignty as a Named
Beneficiary, Creditor of [ife on Kanata. Turtle Island. SSCK administration is to assist as an appointed fiduciary to
help resolve any and all financial contracts with an economic remedy that benefits my Rights and entitlement to the
maxim of law for unlimited right to contract and to pursue such mailers as they seek appropriate and approved by
final consent from me. the Named Beneficiary, Warren J.D. Fischer
in any style of cause.
Sub in the name of Universal Peace. dated as of the day and year first above wri nen on Kanata,
, '{fiQi h with no corporate dictate for:
C; Sovereign Skwxwu7mesh-Squamish
.\1 Go\' ernment (SSG)

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\ Va rren Joseph Darnell Fischer in any style of cause, Ed ucation Health
Accepted as of the 30
day of May_ 2012 for processing, I act in my full capacity
to know that my sovereign right to contract is unlimited and provide this information with Good Faith for an
equitable remedy by estoppel to stop the wars and genocide of mankind on Earth.

Olrene-Maus: aka in any style of cause.
SSG Justice Amicus for the Coun on Kanata (SSCK). TI
10 Comman u. ... lu r1><f'ch'". ,nr nl!eol'!u,bcr' LI no" m"",b<rwth,n" Ba,,."""." O',IMI'ron but this po."''''' LI
Ind ... mrla, t o In """leus Cunae (I""no 01 U,e <ourt) ... no I. natural laws '1'111 .nvolws I sysle", of thlll'lllu,.11y eon"". f,e m Inv Ict>on 01' CIIOo<e In It II
.."" .. 10 tile I . .... of P"vsocs: In t n . .. mo WIV .. Ihe n.,.o1 of N.wt",,, I . .... of Mot,on "'au .... ' Inll 10' . ve", .Cll0n ,lie mU", be In eaull Ind oppo"" ' "'on. j"OIIce eo IteOl'd;",
ono""d ... l,o OU", wllol IMy .<lull .... deserv . "''''''. or lte <"",lea 10' Ju"!U eGro .. .. .. I, to p'o'e In. be" ,n'. r,," fo' ""moM" by ,
Ihll.l eII humin .pirn IIoSI soul "",t. I un""' .... 1 te .op,", ,_ ... .. to 'emo,n f'ee, l owmeo1 by,k. Crutor'. Wl'dom/l 'lk. ",,' k , "" and." ",<:trv" 10 mo,n, .. n un,,,,,,sel
III In. Na me of love fOl' Hul'llnklno1 Ind Eo rlh. IS I fla. mil <ou'-" "" no' n. ve I.w ""'fen Oou' ore .ppoon,eo1 officlll,'ln. f,ee", ..,." 'V1t.'"
lo.dm,"",e,conl"ct b'l1 .. umonllnd pre.um.nl lho. ... Ol...... in Cleb, owed 'o,n" Glo""l El" . wn<>'n' nk' n.." . ... God Th" oro .. n frlud by sell
who tem ... e aU securilles 'benefits' of Ikis dlu$lof>l", SVstem and redl"" 1M , ..... ,eINY .. 1 ",k, to un!o,., l.,j con',,<1 wh .... n I"" oU u.lon.ry I'"",o:ruon Idm,n,,,,.to,, .", .ulomlt>CI 11V
the Named me 1M". >overe'ln m.non E. rtI'r lS ,M Crrd,tO' pun;ollnt ' 0 ;ne Iaw.ofT""n.
IOWaITtn J. D Fischer"" in any s!)'le of cause - Schedule I - Transcripl RE. NDP - r-:OTl CE IS TO PRINCIPAL AS NOTICE IS TO
AGENT Non CE IS TO AGENT AS Non CE (S TO PRINCIPAL-Cop)nghl Trademark Assurance prolewon of$21T per mfri ngement appl'es

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