Curriculum Vitae of Beverly Tran

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Beverly Tran

12057 Lumpkin Hamtramck, MI 48212 313.522.8213

Voting is beautiful, be beautiful~vote Curriculum Vitae EDUCATION Wayne State University-Detroit, Michigan Doctoral coursework in Political Science/Public Policy: Completed 2009 Law School Requirements: Completed 2009 Certificate in Multi-Variate Regression Expertise: Research Methodologies-Econometrics Concentration: Public Policy University of Michigan-Dearborn, Michigan, 2003 Bachelor of Arts Psychology-Industrial/Organizational Minor in Organizational Communications Belgium Technical Academy-Antwerp, Belgium, 1989 Certificate in Netherlands (Dutch) and French Oakland University-Rochester, Michigan, 1987 Three years post Baccalaureate-Economics Minor in English Literature: Old/Middle BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE: FEDERAL U.S. House Judiciary Minority Committee 111th, 112th Congress External Consultant to the Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition and the Internet Personal Advisor to John Conyers, Jr. 2008 to present U.S. Department of Justice Youth Violence Prevention Summit, Washington, D.C.112th Congress Member of Detroit Task Force with Mayor Dave Bing, City Councilman James Tate, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade, former Detroit Piston Isiah Thomas, POTUS Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Presented policy recommendations in Data Driven Consortia Congressional Black Caucus Institute Legislative Fellow Congressional Black Caucus 41st Legislative Conference, Washington, D.C. Coordinated U.S. House Judiciary Minority Committee Economic Brain Trust Jobs & Economic Justice: The Civil Rights of Economic Equality, moderated by Beverly Smith, BET, with Michigan Senator Coleman A. Young, II., Dr. Jared Bernstein, Senior Fellow, Center on Budget & Policy Priorities, the Honorable William Spriggs. Assistant Secretary U.S. Department of Labor and George Clinton U.S. Attorney General Defending Childhood Initiative Task Force, Detroit, MI Testified and advised Father Greg Boyle of Homeboy Industries and Joe Torre, Executive Vice President Major League Baseball Chair of Safe at Home Foundation Congressional Progressive Caucus, Washington, D.C. 111th, 112th Congress External Consultant for U.S. Representatives John Conyers, Keith Ellison, and Marcy Kaptur in matters of public policy: health care, jobs, education, women issues U.S. Department of Justice and Health and Human Services Health Care Fraud Enforcement Summit, 111th Congress, Detroit, MI Introduced recommendations to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Inspector General Daniel Levinson U.S. Congressional Testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee Hearing to

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Review the Use of Child Welfare Waiver Demonstration Projects to Promote Child Well-Being, 109 th Congress U.S. Congressional Testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee Hearing on the Implementation of the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act, 110 th Congress 41st Annual CBC Foundation Jazz Forum & Concert at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, August 22, 2011, featuring Randy Weston and Ben Williams. Apollo Theatre Lifetime Achievement Award Ceremony for George Clinton and fundraiser for New York Public Hospitals, New York, 2011 Ronin Group, Inc. Executive Protection Consultant, present Smithsonian Institute National Museum of African American History and Culture Facilitated the donatin of George Clinton's Parliment Funkadelic Mothership National Jazz Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2010 International Small Business Manufacturing Export Consortia, Detroit, MI 2010 Participated in presentations with Mayor Mitch Landrieu and U.S. Representative John Conyers, Jr. Political and legal advisor for George Clinton's non-profit Mothers' Hip Education Connection and intellectual property initiatives Advised Jeffrey Sachs on SEO campaign for POTUS nomination as President of the World Bank Lance Enderlee, Michigan Congressional District 8 Democratic Candidate, 2012 Campaign Advisor Bababebop Productions, Inc., Wahsington, D.C. Consultant for the promotion of the Natinoanl Jazz Presesrvation and Education Act of 2011 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Regional Emergency Response Planning, 2005

BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE: STATE State of Michigan Medicaid Policy Advisory Group, current Subject matter expert on Child Welfare and Integrated Care Model Special Project: Measuring Implementation of Michigan P.A. 4 of 2011 Monitored policy think tanks, local governments and State of Michigan Bureau of Elections and court process of Michigan Forward petitions 14th Congressional District Democratic Precinct Delegate, Resolution Committee, current Michigan Democratic Party Advisory Committee of 2012 Elections Michigan Court of Appeals Petition for Information in the Nature of Quo Warranto on Superintendent of Michigan Children's Institute, 2009 Michigan Court of Appeals Petition of Peremptory Mandamus on MCL 722.927 7(4) on relationship between Office of Children's Ombudsman and Attorney General regarding referral to the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, 2009 Michigan Child Welfare Task Force, 2008 Advised State Representative David Law on final report Michigan Children Advocacy Leadership Training, 2007 City of Grand Rapids Area Advocacy Leadership Training, 2006 Michigan Department of Civil Rights Hate Crime Train the Trainer, 2006 Michigan House of Representative Standing Committee for Children and Families, 2006 Oversight for Child Welfare Guardian Ad Litums, Michigan House Standing Committee on Children and Families, 2005 Testimony on lack of accountability and transparency in child welfare. Advised Representatives John Stahl and Jack Hoogendyk on legislation of federal compliance in SSA Title IV-E and parental rights Michigan House of Representatives Standing Committee for Children and Families, 2006 Presented Michigan Child Welfare Service Organizational Structure: Analysis of Administrative Oversight Report Michigan Office of Attorney General, Freedom of Information Act Training, 2005 University of Michigan, Dearborn and Ann Arbor, Michigan CASL Program Associate 2001-2003 Comerica Small Business Financing Workshops, 2003 General Motors/HAP Retirement Benefits Medicare Training, 1995

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HUD/FHA Property Foreclosure Law Workshops 1995

BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE: DETROIT Special Project: City of Detroit Charter Commissioners and Fiscal Status of the City Monitored and reported to primary stakeholders City of Detroit Charter Commission, Revisions to Preamble and Declaration of Rights, 2011 Children are our most precious treasures Hartford Memorial Social Justice Committee City of Detroit Charter Commission Youth Caucus, Denby Student Council Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation, Immigration Committee Wayne State University Responsible Conduct in Research (HIPPA), 2004 Wayne State University Campus Mediation Conflict Resolution, 2003 Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple, Workplace Conflict Resolution, 2003 Comerica Contingency/Emergency Response Strategic Planning, 2003 Buffalo Soldiers Filmworks Consultant for special projects: Transformers, Eight Mile, Crossover, Documentaries 4th Street Fair Committee Daly in the Alley Committee Transportatin Riders United Consultant Back Alley Bikes Stillpoint Zen Temple Amnesty International Detroit Police Department-Junior Police Cadet Program Detroit, Michigan, 1985-1987 Payroll Coordinator/Supervisor BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE: HAMTRAMCK Weed and Seed Advisory Group Hall House Resource Center Board of Directors Hamtramck Police Special Projects Consultant Hamtramck Community Initiative Hamtramck Community Policing Committee Hamtamck City Coucil Candidate, 2009 Hamtramck NAACP Hamtramck Economic Development Task Force: Social Services Hamtramck Clean Sweep Committee Southend Block Club President 3C7 Block Club PIAST Institute Drug Free Coalition Holbrook Elementary School Parent Volunteer Tae KwonDo Federation BACKGROUND/EXPERIENCE: INTERNATIONAL The Inter-Neg Group, Electronic International Negotiation, 2003 E-Negotiation, ICODR/SSHRC International Electronic Negotiation, 2003 Acute Angle Productions, 1989-1993 Promoter of Live Entertainment in Belguim, Netherlands, Luxenberg and the U.S. Lamborghini Automobiles, Bologna, Italy 1987-1989 American Public Relations Assistant for Formula One and Scarab Engines SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTISE SEO, Intellectual Property, Medicaid, Child Welfare, Federal Compliance Policy, Campaign Law

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PUBLICATIONS Of Parental Rights: The Acquisition of Goods, Copyright 2009 Reducing Lengths of Stay for Children in Wayne County Foster Care, WSU, 2005 A Peace of Disturbance, Copyright 2004 Measuring Economic Endangerment in Violence Against Women of Color, U of M, 2003 A story in progress, COTS Newsletter, Detroit, Michigan, February 2001 Shelley Garrett Entertainment, Public Relations, 1990 Oakland Sail, Oakland University, Journalist, Rochester, Michigan 1984-1985 PRESENTATIONS AND LECTURES Parental Right and Chattel. Brooklyn Law School. New York. 2011 Pro Se Procedural Revision, United States Easter District Court of Michigan, 2006 Dispute Resolution Model for Families and Children, Grand Rapids City Council, Mayor of Detroit, Wayne County Foster Care Review Board, 2005 Continuing Education for Non-traditional Women, DAPCEP, Detroit, MI 2005 Conflict Resolution for Residential Assistants, Wayne State University, 2005 Professional Soft-skill Conflict Resolution for Women, L.I.F.T, Detroit, 2005 LANGUAGES Proficiency: Nederlands, French; Familiarity: Spanish, Vietnamese, German, Afrikaans PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATION Conyers for Congress Spanish Speaking Dems Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Michigan Democratic Party Gray Panthers, Oakland County, MI Service Employees Union International, SEIU, Local 79 Council on Foreign Affairs Family Rights Coalition, Government Operations, Executive Chair Children Need Both Families Legally Kidnapped Michigan Supreme Court Foster Care Review Board Families United For Justice and Equality Catholic Social Services Oakland County Foster Care Advisory Board American Society of Public Administrators Wayne State University Political Science Graduate Student Organization (PSGSO) Wayne State University PSGSO Womens History Month Committee Member 5500 Cass Art Gallery Advisory Board Member American Association of University Women Associate, Dearborn, Michigan National Association of Conflict Resolution Southeastern MI Charter Founder Wayne State University Counseling and Psychological Services Program Associate American Conflict Resolution Southeastern Michigan Chapter Charter Founder Wayne State University Campus Mediator Committee Jackson, Mississippi Taste Fest Foundation Committee LIFT Women's Resource Center Associate University of Michigan-Dearborn Commission For Women Member University of Michigan-Dearborn Violence Against Women Advisory Board/SIPV University of Michigan-Dearborn Women's Programming Advisory Board

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University of Michigan-Dearborn CASL Outreach Program Associate University of Michigan-Dearborn Women in Leadership and Learning University of Michigan-Dearborn Women On the Move Coalition On Temporary Shelter Affiliate, Detroit, Michigan Family Rights Rally, Washington, D.C. Tuscola Coutny 54th District Court Investigation Closure of St. Vincent Sara Fisher Residential Institution Willie Lipscumb, Election Campaign for 36th District Court Pro-Temp James Wadsworth, III, Detroit City Council Campaign Election Wendy Baxter, 36th District Judicial Campaign

AWARDS Wayne State University Political Science Spring Research, 2005 University of Michigan-Dearborn Michigan Business Professional Women, 2002 University of Michigan-Dearborn Soroptimist International, 2003 University of Michigan-Dearborn Womens Programming, 2002, 2003 Oakland University Michigan Competitive Scholarship, 1984 Oakland University Leadership, 1984 Oakland University Kappa Alpha Psi Academic Achievement Scholarship, 1984 National Merit Scholarship, 1982

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