PMUA Minutes Committee 2012 0209

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PLAINFIELD MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY *Board of Commissioners Committee Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2012 127 Roosevelt Ave Plainfield,

New Jersey Meeting began at 10:00a.m. Attendees: Chairman Harold Mitchell Commissioner Tracey Brown Commissioner Alex Toliver Commissioner Carol Brokaw Commissioner Tracey Brown Commissioner Malcolm Dunn Alt. Commissioner Cecil Sanders

Executive Director, Duane D. Young Chief Financial Officer, Jim Perry Leslie London, Esq.

Meeting Minutes All agree no questions Commissioner Dunn asked about commissioners attending the audit compilation meetings. Commissioner Dunn stressed he wants to be a part of it, however Commissioner Brokaw indicated that its micromanaging and that does not put trust in those working for you. Give the staff an opportunity to do their job. Too much oversight and hands on defeats the purpose of those on the Board. Commissioner Brokaw also explained that the Board is here to affect policy not the operations. Commissioner Dunn clarified that he wants to witness the compilation not the day to day. Director Young said its no place for commissioners and its technical and involved, and many accounting principles are discussed. The oversight of the Board is not necessary unless youre an accountant. Bills List No questions. Item C. Qualified Purchasing Agent Dollie Hamlin described the bidding process and the outcome of the proposed award of contract for the Sewer Cleaning Trucks. Chairman Mitchell asked if too many people manufactured this type of vehicle and if the company is out of state. Ms. Hamlin answered not too many and its in the state of New Jersey. Commissioner Dunn asked about the life span of the trucks and the newness of the vehicles including and the possibility of someone coming in to purchase the sewer system. Director Young indicated a report would be generated if it was the case. Commissioner Dunn expounded upon upgrades and what he believes is the current shape of the Plainfield sewer system.
* Actual and unedited notes taken. Does not contain verbatim dialog or grammatical accuracy.

Item D Qualified Purchasing Agent Dollie Hamlin elaborated on one of the rejected bids. Attorney London expounded on the liability and the underlining issues and errors in the bids to be rejected. The recommendation will go to the stated as a straight purchase. Commissioner Dunn again asked about and wanted an explanation on how a camera truck works although he insisted on a tour and in-depth discussion earlier. He requested to go out on the truck when a line will be TVd. Item E Dollie Hamlin explained the Honda Odyssey lease coming up in mid-March and asked for the renewal on the company van. Commissioner Brokaw asked how many miles and the amount of usage. Commissioner Dunn wanted to know why its not purchased and wanted to understand the difference from lease in which was explained. Director Young also explained what the purpose of having the vehicle. Item F Director Young discussed the need to purchase six more roll off containers via non fair open contract. Commissioner Mitchell questioned who does the welding and repair, and requested a cost analysis on outside welding. Director Young explained at length. Chairman Mitchell also questioned if the city still brings over work for us, he also indicated that he would like to know if we can contract work. The Director will have information at a later date. Item G Attorney London clarified that Item G is a Resolution for the record identifying the lease company. Commissioner Dunn asked to understand why a telephone audit wasnt done. Director Young explained that the entire process has been under review and that his desires to have a simple audit as not all we need to do to get it done. Commissioner Dunn explained at length his experience with phone system and assessments. Item H Director Young reminded the Board of the need to ratify prior settlements. Attorney London Leslie explained all settlements need to go to and be voted on by the Board. The record is important. Commissioner Toliver asked Attorney London what happened originally and was she here. Attorney London explained her primary role, but was not in on the finalization. Commissioner Toliver asked who received the check. Johnson was paid through the payroll and equal installments in accordance to the agreement and so was Ms. Alston. Attorney London explained Johnsons payout terms according to the signed agreement. Commissioner Dunn wanted to understand how this was budgeted. Commissioner Brokaw assisted everyone on how it was explained to her from her recollection from the 2005 incident and what was told her from the former Director. Item I The Solid Waste Rules and Regulations where explained by Attorney London as some minor changes. Nothing substantial have changed like rates but some language and recycling section modifications i.e. the spelling out of items.
* Actual and unedited notes taken. Does not contain verbatim dialog or grammatical accuracy.

Meeting at City Chairman Mitchell discussed the play to play adopted by the city. Attorney London is not certain about the language of the Citys offering, however the Authority follows the New Jersey State rules when giving to elections and candidates. Attorney London indicated the City ordinance is broad and she must understand the intent around all contributions. Contact has been made and Dan Williamson office will get back to her. Chairman Mitchell agreed that clarity is needed and he looks for Attorney Londons recommendations because disclosure is important. Alt. Commissioner Sanders wanted to understand how this would impact PMUA Commissioners because of appointment. Attorney London indicated they need to be sure contracts are not given if they do not comply with the ordinance, and that should affect us tremendously. She added other preliminary stipulations. Commissioner Dunn concluded he is not against the ordinance however it seems like they want vendor control. Attorney London added we will be following the state guide as we have always done until more clarification comes from the City Attorney. Attorney London presented questions on how commissioners can handle themselves at Council for public record. Alt. Commissioner Sanders wanted to understand why were getting this now. Attorney London responded that this information is still helpful and has a lot of common sense going forward. Executive Director Report Director Young announced his team is looking to lower the gate rate for debris. He discussed discussions with a number of landscapers and contractor on where they go to dump and why. We are in need to be more competitive and in line with everyone else and we need more business. Commissioner Dunn agreed that we should use our locals but refutes landscaper discussions and dont want to go by them. Commissioner Toliver asked to understand the differences between yards and cubic feet when it comes to debris. Commissioner Brown asked for clarity on the senior discount and what it is. She is finding that people in the community are confused about eligibility. Director Young explained the criteria and how we work off the list from the City. Committees Director Young described at length the committees available for commissioners to serve on. Appointment to each committee will be at the Boards choosing. Communication Attorney London discussed the use of monies held within the Renewal and Replacement fund and its use. Director Young uncovered a major issue of a crack in the pipe that must be dealt with as well as the amount in the fund. Commissioner Dunn asked to know how the funds has been provided for and how long have we known about the situation. Director Young indicated the engineers informed him a week ago. Commissioner Dunn questioned if a break could be a catastrophe and was it overlooked and expounded on extensively on how this may have been overlooked and not addressed. Commissioner Brokaw indicated had not been reported in this magnitude until now, and the previous administration had a different call. Director Young assured the commission that he will act on it now and gain more information immediately.
* Actual and unedited notes taken. Does not contain verbatim dialog or grammatical accuracy.

Commissioners volunteered to be in attendance. A special committee will be considered to understand the severity of the damage as suggested by Commissioner Brokaw. Several scenarios on how to pay for the former executives settlement of $182,000 per year. In the meantime, Alt. Commissioner Sanders is in favor of delaying the hiring of a Deputy Director and that Director Young can continue to perform two jobs. Commissioner Brown is in favor of the furlough of two days or so by current employees of the Authority and Commissioner Brokaw agreed and offering furloughs in conjunction with holidays could be more attractive. Commissioner Mitchell indicated that the last time there were furloughs, the former administration hired even more people after the furloughs were over with and defeating the purpose. We must keep those savings this time. Director Young expressed that if he continues to work two positions, the company will save an additional $72,000. Commissioner Dunn expressed the desire to pay the former executives their first installment regardless by this coming Tuesday. We can hire them as consultants if needed. Commissioner Brokaw wants the issue done with right now as well, however Eric Watson and David Ervin should not come back as vendors or anything else for that matter. It would not be good for the Authority, public or the employees and we need to discuss in executive session. Commissioner Dunn and Sanders expressed that we need to find the money from somewhere. Alt. Commissioner Sanders indicated that reorganization should be held up because the City Council will be appointing new members to the Commission. Attorney London explained that although that may happen, our bi-laws state that reorganization at PMUA takes place each February regardless of new appointments or hold overs and we must proceed. It is acceptable to hold elections again and we should continue as is.

Submitted by: Bonnie B. Mills

* Actual and unedited notes taken. Does not contain verbatim dialog or grammatical accuracy.

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