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6/6/12 Sunlight Foundation Mail - A Better Wisconsin

Kathy KieIy <>
A Better Wisconsin
Tim PhiIIips, Americans for Prosperity <> Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:59 AM
To: Kathy Kiely <>

Dear Kathy,
Tonight, Wisconsin voters made a critical decision for the future prosperity of the state. Their decision
to reject the government union-led effort to recall Governor Scott Walker provides some crucial insights
for the rest of our nation.
CIick beIow to watch a short highIight video about how AFP educated Wisconsin residents
about Governor WaIker's budget reforms!
First, elected leaders can take on and defeat the most powerful special interest group in the nation,
government unions, if their reforms are truly bold. Facing a $3.6 billion budget deficit, Walker tackled
some of the most powerful government unions and saved over a $1 billion for Wisconsin taxpayers.
And the result? Property taxes have decreased for the first time in 12 years, unemployment is falling,
and school districts are flush with cash.
6/6/12 Sunlight Foundation Mail - A Better Wisconsin
Remember when they said the sky would fall? Thanks to Governor Walker's reforms, it's sunnier than
Despite the temper tantrums led by government unions, the truth is they are an entitled class with far
bigger pensions, better health care, and far more job security than those who work in the private
sector. By requiring public employees to make a small contribution towards their generous taxpayer-
subsidized health care and pensions just like in the private sector millions of taxpayer dollars
have been saved in every corner of the state.
Tonight Wisconsinites made it clear they agree with Governor Walker and in order to stop the state
from going bankrupt, it's about time everyone chips in.
The real winners tonight are the citizens of Wisconsin. 'll never forget checking out of my hotel last
Saturday in Racine as we headed to our final pro-reform event. The lady behind the front desk grabbed
my arm and said, "'m sorry can't make the rally today but 've got to work a double shift from 7 a.m.
to 9 p.m. But just know 'm glad you guys are standing up for working people like me."
From Hudson to Green Bay, from New Berlin to La Cross, Americans for Prosperity's grassroots
activists, tea party members, local small business owners, and senior citizens took our message of
support for Governor Walker's reforms to citizens from every walk of life.
Americans for Prosperity launched our Wisconsin chapter in 2005. Since then, we've worked steadily to
support policies that lift up everyone in the state. Those efforts are made successful by our amazing
staff and volunteers across Wisconsin and the nation, who banded together and stood up for economic
Together, we've helped restore prosperity to the Badger State. Now, onto the rest of America.
Tim Phillips
Americans for Prosperity

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to advancing every individual's

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