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Interested Parties Project New America Senate, Presidential Races in Arizona Close June 19, 2012

For Immediate Release

Strong support from independent voters has Democratic candidates within striking distance of Republicans in Arizona. Recent polling from Project New America (PNA) shows President Obama trailing Mitt Romney by just 3 points in Arizona, and likely Democratic Senate nominee Richard Carmona trailing likely Republican nominee Jeff Flake by just 2 points. The poll, which surveyed 791 likely Arizona voters from June 4-5, showed Mitt Romney with a 49-46 lead over Obama, and Jeff Flake with a 43-41 lead over Richard Carmona. Both races are within the polls +/-3.5% margin of error. Moderate independent voters make up a substantial portion of the Arizona electorate, and its very difficult to win elections without their support, said Jill Hanauer, President of Project New America. This poll shows that Democrats are gaining ground among independent voters. If this trend continues, we should expect Arizona to remain competitive through November. PNA also conducted an oversample of 529 self-identified independent voters. The oversample made clear that the Republican brand is unpopular among this critical group. The 23% of voters who describe themselves as independent from either political party have decidedly negative opinions of prominent GOP officials. Just 35% of these voters have a positive opinion of Mitt Romney, compared to 53% who have a negative opinion of him. Republican Governor Jan Brewer has a similar 36-54 approve-disapprove rating among independents. Obama, meanwhile, has a positive 51-43 approval rating among independent voters, who prefer the President over Romney by 51-39. CONTACT: Ethan Axelrod, (303) 953 3378 (See Below for Full Crosstabs)

PPP Surveyed 791 likely Arizona voters from June 4-5 on behalf of Project New America. The margin of error for the survey is +/-3.5%. PNA also conducted an oversample of 529 self-identified independent voters. The independent voter survey has a margin of error of +/-4.3%. Both surveys were conducted through automated telephone interviews with the option for either Spanish or English.

Project New America, formerly Project New West, is a private company that provides cutting edge tools to understand and communicate with a rapidly changing America. PNA develops, conducts aggregates, and disseminates research, messaging and on-going strategic guidance with the nations leading progressive stakeholders. Since 2007, Project New America has conducted over 20 statewide surveys in Arizona.

Arizona Survey Results

Q1 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama?
Favorable........................................................ 45% Unfavorable .................................................... 51% Not sure .......................................................... 4%


If the November U.S. Senate election were held today, and the candidates were Democrat Richard Carmona and Republican Jeff Flake, who would you vote for?
Richard Carmona............................................ 41% Jeff Flake ........................................................ 43% Undecided....................................................... 16%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney?

Favorable........................................................ 43% Unfavorable .................................................... 49% Not sure .......................................................... 8%


In the 2012 election for Arizona State Legislature in your district, do you think youll vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate?
Democratic candidate ..................................... 43% Republican candidate ..................................... 45% Not sure .......................................................... 13%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Jan Brewer?

Favorable........................................................ 43% Unfavorable .................................................... 48% Not sure .......................................................... 9%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Republicans in the Arizona State Legislature?
Favorable........................................................ 37% Unfavorable .................................................... 47% Not sure .......................................................... 16%

Q10 Which ONE of the following statements do you agree with most concerning same-sex couples: Gay and lesbian couples should have the same legal right to marry as do a man and woman; Gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to form a civil union giving them the same legal rights as marriage, but it should not be called marriage; Or there should be no legal recognition of a relationship between gay and lesbian couples?
Gay couples should have same legal marriage rights as man + woman.................... 41% Gay couples should be allowed civil unions but not "marriage" ........................................... 28% There should be no legal recognition of gay couples ........................................................... 29% Not sure .......................................................... 1%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Democrats in the Arizona State Legislature?
Favorable .............. 35% Not sure ................ 18% Unfavorable........... 47%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Planned Parenthood?

Favorable .............. 53% Not sure ................ 9% Unfavorable........... 38%

Q11 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.

Woman ........................................................... 50% Man................................................................. 50%


If the November Presidential election were held today, do you plan on voting for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Obama .................. 46% Undecided ............. 5% Romney................. 49%

June 4-5, 2012

Survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988

Q12 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Democrat, a Republican, an independent or as a member of another political party?
Democrat ........................................................ 30% Republican...................................................... 42% Independent.................................................... 23% Another Party.................................................. 5%

Q13 What racial or ethnic group best describes you? If you are Latino or Hispanic, press 1. If White or Anglo, press 2. If African American, press 3. If Asian, press 4. If something else, press 5.
Latino or Hispanic ........................................... 18% White or Anglo ................................................ 71% African American............................................. 3% Asian............................................................... 2% Something else .............................................. 5%

Q15 Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you completed: some high school but did not finish, high school graduate, some college but did not finish, twoyear college degree, four-year college degree, some graduate work, or post-graduate degree? If some high school but did not finish, press 1. If high school graduate, press 2. If some college but did not finish, press 3. If two-year college degree, press 4. If four-year college degree, press 5. If some graduate work, press 6. If post-graduate degree, press 7. If you dont care to say, press 8.
Did not finish high school ................................ 5% High school graduate ...................................... 11% Some college but did not finish ....................... 24% Two-year college degree................................. 9% Four-year college degree................................ 20% Some postgraduate work ................................ 8% Postgraduate degree ...................................... 21% Don't care to say ............................................. 2%

Q14 If you are 18-29 years old, press 1. If 30-45, press 2. If 46-65, press 3. If older than 65, press 4.
18-29 .............................................................. 12% 30-45 .............................................................. 30% 46-65 .............................................................. 38% Older than 65 .................................................. 20%

Q16 Language of Interview

English ............................................................ 97% Spanish........................................................... 3%

June 4-5, 2012

Survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Gender Base Wom an Obam a Favorability Favorable 45% Unfavorable 51% Not sure 4% 45% 51% 4% 46% 51% 3% Man Rom ney Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 49% Not sure 8%

Gender Base Wom an Man

40% 51% 9%

45% 47% 8%

Gender Base Wom an Brew er Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 48% Not sure 9% 42% 47% 11% 43% 49% 7% Man Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 37% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 16%

Gender Base Wom an Man

37% 46% 17%

36% 49% 15%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Gender Base Wom an Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 18% 36% 44% 19% 34% 50% 16% Man
Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 53% Unfavorable 38% Not sure 9%

Gender Base Wom an Man

51% 39% 9%

54% 36% 9%

Gender Base Wom an Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 46% Rom ney 49% Undecided 5% 45% 50% 5% 47% 49% 4% Man Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 41% Jeff Flake 43% Undecided 16%

Gender Base Wom an Man

43% 40% 17%

39% 46% 15%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Gender Base Wom an AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 43% candidate Republican 45% candidate Not sure 13% 43% 45% 12% 42% 44% 14% Man

Gender Base Wom an Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 41% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 28% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 29% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 1% 39% 43% Man







Party Another Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Obam a Favorability Favorable 45% Unfavorable 51% Not sure 4% 91% 8% 1% 12% 85% 4% 48% 44% 8% 43% 57% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 49% Not sure 8%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Another Party

10% 86% 4%

72% 18% 10%

34% 55% 11%

25% 66% 9%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Party Another Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Brew er Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 48% Not sure 9% 10% 83% 7% 70% 20% 9% 35% 51% 14% 37% 63% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 37% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 16%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Another Party

8% 82% 11%

65% 19% 17%

26% 53% 21%

22% 57% 21%

Party Another Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 18% 73% 14% 13% 10% 72% 18% 34% 44% 21% 30% 43% 27%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 53% Unfavorable 38% Not sure 9% 81% 10% 9% 33% 58% 9% 53% 36% 11% 55% 39% 6% Another Party

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Party Another Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Party Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 46% Rom ney 49% Undecided 5% 91% 6% 3% 10% 87% 3% 51% 37% 11% 54% 46% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 41% Jeff Flake 43% Undecided 16%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Another Party

77% 9% 14%

12% 75% 13%

46% 32% 22%

49% 30% 21%

Party Another Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 43% candidate Republican 45% candidate Not sure 13% 90% 4% 6% 8% 82% 10% 44% 32% 24% 51% 24% 25%

Party Base Dem ocrat Republican Independent Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 41% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 28% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 29% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 1% 69% 15% 47% 71% Another Party












June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Obam a Favorability Favorable 45% Unfavorable 51% Not sure 4% 51% 41% 8% 44% 53% 3% 37% 57% 7% 56% 44% 41% 59% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 49% Not sure 8% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

29% 57% 13%

46% 48% 6%

42% 27% 31%

39% 56% 6%

48% 43% 9%

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Brew er Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 48% Not sure 9% 31% 56% 14% 44% 48% 8% 63% 14% 23% 39% 55% 6% 49% 43% 9% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 37% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 16% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

34% 50% 16%

37% 48% 15%

61% 16% 23%

44% 50% 6%

22% 47% 31%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 18% 40% 39% 21% 35% 47% 18% 20% 63% 16% 44% 53% 3% 21% 71% 8%

Race Base Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 53% Unfavorable 38% Not sure 9% 41% 43% 16% 56% 36% 8% 27% 59% 14% 63% 31% 6% 53% 37% 9% Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 46% Rom ney 49% Undecided 5% 54% 38% 7% 44% 52% 4% 37% 52% 11% 47% 53% 49% 48% 4% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 41% Jeff Flake 43% Undecided 16% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

40% 34% 26%

42% 46% 12%

32% 57% 11%

44% 50% 6%

34% 28% 38%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Race Latino or White or African Som ething Base Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 43% candidate Republican 45% candidate Not sure 13% 57% 33% 10% 39% 48% 12% 31% 44% 25% 53% 47% 42% 35% 23%
Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 41% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 28% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 29% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 1% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else


















Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65 Obam a Favorability Favorable 45% Unfavorable 51% Not sure 4% 59% 38% 3% 41% 54% 5% 47% 50% 3% 41% 57% 2% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 49% Not sure 8%

Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65

21% 66% 14%

48% 43% 10%

41% 52% 7%

52% 43% 5%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65 Brew er Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 48% Not sure 9% 24% 59% 17% 42% 51% 8% 44% 48% 8% 52% 39% 9% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 37% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 16%

Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65

28% 52% 21%

40% 44% 16%

35% 52% 13%

41% 42% 18%

Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65 Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 18% 48% 34% 17% 29% 50% 21% 38% 47% 16% 32% 51% 16%

Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65 Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 53% Unfavorable 38% Not sure 9% 62% 24% 14% 49% 44% 8% 54% 36% 9% 51% 40% 9%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65 Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 46% Rom ney 49% Undecided 5% 62% 34% 3% 43% 54% 4% 47% 47% 6% 38% 57% 5% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 41% Jeff Flake 43% Undecided 16%

Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65

45% 31% 24%

30% 54% 15%

46% 38% 16%

44% 44% 13%

Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65 AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 43% candidate Republican 45% candidate Not sure 13% 59% 38% 3% 40% 44% 16% 44% 42% 14% 35% 55% 10%
Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 41% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 28% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 29% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 1%

Age Older Base 18-29 30-45 46-65 than 65
















June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Education Base Obam a Favorability Favorable 45% Unfavorable 51% Not sure 4% 60% 37% 3% 40% 50% 10% 37% 57% 6% 37% 63% 43% 54% 2% 54% 44% 2% 57% 41% 2% 26% 70% 4% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Rom ney Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 49% Not sure 8% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

15% 72% 13%

39% 45% 16%

46% 44% 10%

40% 51% 9%

51% 42% 7%

44% 49% 7%

40% 59% 2%

51% 23% 26%

Education Base Brew er Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 48% Not sure 9% 31% 52% 17% 43% 50% 7% 50% 38% 12% 49% 38% 13% 47% 44% 9% 35% 58% 7% 33% 64% 3% 51% 26% 23% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 37% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 16% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

16% 58% 26%

36% 39% 25%

42% 36% 21%

42% 32% 27%

41% 50% 9%

35% 59% 7%

30% 62% 8%

37% 34% 29%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Education Base Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 18% 47% 30% 23% 28% 51% 21% 32% 50% 18% 29% 45% 26% 28% 61% 10% 50% 35% 15% 44% 37% 19% 30% 55% 15% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

Education Base Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 53% Unfavorable 38% Not sure 9% 38% 33% 29% 52% 37% 11% 49% 39% 12% 43% 51% 6% 46% 50% 4% 64% 28% 7% 67% 25% 8% 30% 47% 22% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

Education Base Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 46% Rom ney 49% Undecided 5% 60% 37% 3% 44% 45% 11% 37% 57% 6% 36% 55% 9% 45% 52% 3% 54% 44% 2% 56% 42% 2% 26% 70% 4% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 41% Jeff Flake 43% Undecided 16% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

43% 22% 34%

47% 33% 20%

34% 50% 17%

24% 49% 26%

37% 50% 13%

45% 40% 15%

54% 39% 7%

37% 44% 19%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Education Base AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 42% candidate Republican 45% candidate Not sure 13% 57% 19% 25% 45% 43% 11% 33% 53% 14% 32% 52% 16% 44% 46% 10% 51% 40% 10% 50% 37% 12% 26% 66% 8% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 41% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 28% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 29% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 1% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

































Language of Interview Base English Spanish Obam a Favorability Favorable 45% Unfavorable 51% Not sure 4% 44% 53% 3% 76% 4% 20% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 49% Not sure 8%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish

43% 49% 8%

22% 53% 26%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Language of Interview Base English Spanish Brew er Favorability Favorable 43% Unfavorable 48% Not sure 9% 44% 48% 8% 16% 46% 39% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 37% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 16%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish

37% 47% 16%

20% 60% 19%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 18% 34% 49% 17% 61% 39%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 53% Unfavorable 38% Not sure 9% 54% 38% 8% 26% 26% 47%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Language of Interview Base English Spanish Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 46% Rom ney 49% Undecided 5% 45% 51% 5% 76% 17% 8% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 41% Jeff Flake 43% Undecided 16%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish

41% 44% 15%

47% 13% 40%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 43% candidate Republican 45% candidate Not sure 13% 41% 46% 13% 76% 17% 8%
Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 41% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 28% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 29% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 1%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish









June 4-5, 2012

survey of 791 Arizona voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988

Arizona Survey Results

Q1 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Barack Obama?
Favorable........................................................ 51% Unfavorable .................................................... 43% Not sure .......................................................... 6%


If the November U.S. Senate election were held today, and the candidates were Democrat Richard Carmona and Republican Jeff Flake, who would you vote for?
Richard Carmona............................................ 48% Jeff Flake ........................................................ 33% Undecided....................................................... 19%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Mitt Romney?

Favorable........................................................ 35% Unfavorable .................................................... 53% Not sure .......................................................... 12%


In the 2012 election for Arizona State Legislature in your district, do you think youll vote for the Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate?
Democratic candidate ..................................... 39% Republican candidate ..................................... 31% Not sure .......................................................... 29%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Jan Brewer?

Favorable........................................................ 36% Unfavorable .................................................... 54% Not sure .......................................................... 10%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Republicans in the Arizona State Legislature?
Favorable........................................................ 24% Unfavorable .................................................... 58% Not sure .......................................................... 18%

Q10 Which ONE of the following statements do you agree with most concerning same-sex couples: Gay and lesbian couples should have the same legal right to marry as do a man and woman; Gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to form a civil union giving them the same legal rights as marriage, but it should not be called marriage; Or there should be no legal recognition of a relationship between gay and lesbian couples?
Gay couples should have same legal marriage rights as man + woman.................... 43% Gay couples should be allowed civil unions but not "marriage" ........................................... 36% There should be no legal recognition of gay couples ........................................................... 19% Not sure .......................................................... 2%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Democrats in the Arizona State Legislature?
Favorable .............. 33% Not sure ................ 20% Unfavorable........... 46%


Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Planned Parenthood?

Favorable .............. 57% Not sure ................ 9% Unfavorable........... 34%

Q11 If you are a woman, press 1. If a man, press 2.

Woman ........................................................... 50% Man................................................................. 50%


If the November Presidential election were held today, do you plan on voting for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?
Obama .................. 51% Undecided ............. 10% Romney................. 39%

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 Survey of 529 Arizona independent voters / 888 621-6988

June 4-5, 2012

Q12 Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as Democrat, a Republican, an independent or as a member of another political party?
Democrat ........................................................ 0% Republican...................................................... 0%

100% Independent....................................................
Another Party.................................................. 0%

Q13 What racial or ethnic group best describes you? If you are Latino or Hispanic, press 1. If White or Anglo, press 2. If African American, press 3. If Asian, press 4. If something else, press 5.
Latino or Hispanic ........................................... 10% White or Anglo ................................................ 80% African American............................................. 3% Asian............................................................... 2% Something else .............................................. 6%

Q15 Which of the following best describes the highest level of education you completed: some high school but did not finish, high school graduate, some college but did not finish, twoyear college degree, four-year college degree, some graduate work, or post-graduate degree? If some high school but did not finish, press 1. If high school graduate, press 2. If some college but did not finish, press 3. If two-year college degree, press 4. If four-year college degree, press 5. If some graduate work, press 6. If post-graduate degree, press 7. If you dont care to say, press 8.
Did not finish high school ................................ 2% High school graduate ...................................... 8% Some college but did not finish ....................... 21% Two-year college degree................................. 12% Four-year college degree................................ 19% Some postgraduate work ................................ 11% Postgraduate degree ...................................... 25% Don't care to say ............................................. 1%

Q14 If you are 18-45 years old, press 1. If 46-65, press 2. If older than 65, press 3.
18-45 .............................................................. 28% 46-65 .............................................................. 51% Older than 65 .................................................. 21%

Q16 Language of Interview

English ............................................................ 99% Spanish........................................................... 1%

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 Survey of 529 Arizona independent voters / 888 621-6988

June 4-5, 2012


Gender Base Wom an Obam a Favorability Favorable 51% Unfavorable 43% Not sure 6% 55% 41% 4% 48% 44% 8% Man Rom ney Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 53% Not sure 12%

Gender Base Wom an Man

33% 56% 12%

37% 50% 12%

Gender Base Wom an Brew er Favorability Favorable 36% Unfavorable 54% Not sure 10% 35% 56% 9% 37% 51% 12% Man Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 24% Unfavorable 58% Not sure 18%

Gender Base Wom an Man

21% 61% 17%

26% 55% 19%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Gender Base Wom an Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 33% Unfavorable 46% Not sure 20% 35% 45% 20% 32% 48% 20% Man
Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 57% Unfavorable 34% Not sure 9%

Gender Base Wom an Man

62% 29% 10%

53% 39% 8%

Gender Base Wom an Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 51% Rom ney 39% Undecided 10% 54% 36% 10% 47% 42% 11% Man Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 48% Jeff Flake 33% Undecided 19%

Gender Base Wom an Man

53% 29% 18%

43% 38% 19%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Gender Base Wom an AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 39% candidate Republican 31% candidate Not sure 29% 42% 29% 29% 37% 34% 29% Man

Gender Base Wom an Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 43% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 36% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 19% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 2% 44% 43% Man







Party Base Independent Obam a Favorability Favorable 51% Unfavorable 43% Not sure 6% 51% 43% 6% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 53% Not sure 12%

Party Base Independent

35% 53% 12%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Party Base Independent Brew er Favorability Favorable 36% Unfavorable 54% Not sure 10% 36% 54% 10% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 24% Unfavorable 58% Not sure 18%

Party Base Independent

24% 58% 18%

Party Base Independent Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 33% Unfavorable 46% Not sure 20% 33% 46% 20%
Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 57% Unfavorable 34% Not sure 9%

Party Base Independent

57% 34% 9%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Party Base Independent Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 51% Rom ney 39% Undecided 10% 51% 39% 10% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 48% Jeff Flake 33% Undecided 19%

Party Base Independent

48% 33% 19%

Party Base Independent AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 39% candidate Republican 31% candidate Not sure 29% 39% 31% 29%

Party Base Independent Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 43% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 36% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 19% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 2% 43%




June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Obam a Favorability Favorable 51% Unfavorable 43% Not sure 6% 33% 54% 14% 54% 41% 5% 36% 34% 30% 60% 18% 22% 44% 56% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 53% Not sure 12% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

46% 38% 16%

33% 56% 11%

20% 39% 40%

13% 82% 6%

54% 37% 8%

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Brew er Favorability Favorable 36% Unfavorable 54% Not sure 10% 45% 46% 9% 34% 57% 9% 43% 11% 46% 25% 69% 6% 47% 38% 15% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 24% Unfavorable 58% Not sure 18% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

46% 32% 22%

21% 63% 17%

31% 29% 40%

34% 60% 6%

24% 51% 25%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 33% Unfavorable 46% Not sure 20% 27% 51% 21% 36% 43% 20% 4% 46% 50% 25% 47% 27% 19% 76% 5%

Race Base Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 57% Unfavorable 34% Not sure 9% 31% 54% 15% 63% 31% 7% 19% 49% 32% 87% 13% 36% 50% 14% Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Anglo Am erican Asian else Base Hispanic Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 51% Rom ney 39% Undecided 10% 39% 42% 19% 53% 39% 8% 36% 20% 44% 82% 13% 6% 38% 56% 7% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 48% Jeff Flake 33% Undecided 19% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else

38% 44% 18%

50% 32% 17%

39% 17% 44%

73% 27% -

30% 36% 33%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Race Latino or White or African Som ething Base Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 39% candidate Republican 31% candidate Not sure 29% 36% 40% 25% 41% 30% 28% 11% 25% 64% 60% 27% 13% 30% 36% 34%
Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 43% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 36% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 19% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 2% Base

Race Latino or White or African Som ething Hispanic Anglo Am erican Asian else



















Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65 Obam a Favorability Favorable 51% Unfavorable 43% Not sure 6% 56% 32% 12% 52% 45% 3% 44% 51% 5% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 53% Not sure 12%

Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65

24% 56% 20%

37% 54% 9%

45% 46% 10%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65 Brew er Favorability Favorable 36% Unfavorable 54% Not sure 10% 25% 59% 16% 39% 54% 7% 45% 45% 10% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 24% Unfavorable 58% Not sure 18%

Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65

20% 57% 23%

25% 60% 15%

26% 55% 19%

Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65 Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 33% Unfavorable 46% Not sure 20% 37% 36% 27% 32% 50% 18% 32% 51% 17%

Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65 Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 57% Unfavorable 34% Not sure 9% 56% 29% 15% 58% 37% 6% 59% 34% 8%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65 Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 51% Rom ney 39% Undecided 10% 59% 29% 12% 50% 42% 9% 42% 46% 11% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 48% Jeff Flake 33% Undecided 19%

Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65

48% 28% 24%

48% 35% 16%

47% 36% 17%

Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65 AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 39% candidate Republican 31% candidate Not sure 29% 44% 27% 29% 39% 31% 30% 35% 39% 26%
Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 43% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 36% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 19% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 2%

Age Older Base 18-45 46-65 than 65













June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Education Base Obam a Favorability Favorable 51% Unfavorable 43% Not sure 6% 52% 48% 27% 56% 17% 35% 58% 7% 41% 57% 2% 58% 35% 7% 64% 30% 6% 63% 32% 5% 80% 20% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Rom ney Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 53% Not sure 12% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

36% 47% 17%

30% 40% 30%

46% 44% 10%

41% 48% 11%

32% 57% 11%

35% 58% 7%

28% 60% 11%

36% 64% -

Education Base Brew er Favorability Favorable 36% Unfavorable 53% Not sure 10% 60% 23% 16% 43% 45% 13% 50% 34% 16% 33% 51% 16% 33% 54% 13% 26% 71% 3% 29% 68% 3% 36% 57% 7% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 24% Unfavorable 58% Not sure 18% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

30% 33% 37%

31% 39% 30%

34% 44% 22%

36% 49% 15%

14% 67% 19%

15% 68% 16%

18% 71% 11%

36% 57% 7%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Education Base Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 33% Unfavorable 47% Not sure 20% 40% 34% 26% 26% 51% 23% 25% 56% 19% 41% 39% 20% 37% 44% 18% 38% 39% 23% 35% 47% 18% 51% 49% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

Education Base Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 57% Unfavorable 34% Not sure 9% 23% 44% 33% 53% 31% 16% 41% 44% 15% 52% 37% 11% 60% 37% 3% 68% 27% 5% 70% 27% 3% 71% 14% 15% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

Education Base Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 50% Rom ney 39% Undecided 10% 52% 48% 34% 44% 21% 37% 52% 11% 42% 46% 12% 58% 33% 8% 66% 29% 5% 55% 34% 11% 80% 20% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 48% Jeff Flake 33% Undecided 19% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say

49% 25% 26%

44% 26% 30%

32% 48% 20%

40% 38% 23%

57% 27% 16%

55% 25% 19%

56% 32% 12%

38% 14% 49%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Education Base AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 39% candidate Republican 32% candidate Not sure 29% 29% 38% 33% 23% 51% 26% 26% 43% 31% 42% 26% 32% 43% 25% 32% 45% 27% 27% 48% 26% 26% 64% 14% 22% Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 43% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 36% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 19% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 2% Base

Education Did not finish High school Som e college but Tw o-year Four-year Som e postgraduate Postgraduate Don't care high school graduate did not finish college degree college degree w ork degree to say






























Language of Interview Base English Spanish Obam a Favorability Favorable 51% Unfavorable 43% Not sure 6% 51% 43% 6% 72% 28% Rom ney Favorability Favorable 35% Unfavorable 53% Not sure 12%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish

35% 53% 12%

44% 28% 28%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Language of Interview Base English Spanish Brew er Favorability Favorable 36% Unfavorable 54% Not sure 10% 36% 54% 10% 44% 28% 28% Rs Leg Favorability Favorable 24% Unfavorable 58% Not sure 18%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish

23% 59% 18%

44% 56%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish Ds Leg Favorability Favorable 33% Unfavorable 46% Not sure 20% 33% 47% 19% 28% 72%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish Planned Parenthood Favorability Favorable 57% Unfavorable 34% Not sure 9% 58% 34% 8% 28% 72%

June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988


Language of Interview Base English Spanish Obam a/Rom ney Obam a 51% Rom ney 39% Undecided 10% 50% 39% 10% 72% 28% Carm ona/Flake Richard Carm ona 48% Jeff Flake 33% Undecided 19%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish

48% 33% 18%

28% 28% 44%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish AZ Leg Generic Ballot Dem ocratic 39% candidate Republican 31% candidate Not sure 29% 40% 31% 29% 28% 28% 44%
Support gay m arriage/Civil unions only/No legal recognition Gay couples should 43% have sam e legal m arriage rights as m an + w om an Gay couples should 36% be allow ed civil unions but not "m arriage" There should be no 19% legal recognition of gay couples Not sure 2%

Language of Interview Base English Spanish








June 4-5, 2012

survey of 529 Arizona independent voters

3020 Highwoods Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 / 888 621-6988

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