Raytown Fire Protection District SAFER Release

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Raytown Fire Protection District

Press Release

Raytown Fire Protection District To Be Awarded a 1.2 Million Dollar Grant

PIO Assigned: Matt Mace Fire Marshal Follow up Info: 816-737-6034 Date: June 27, 2012
Raytown, MO. Raytown Fire Chief Rick Mawhirter is pleased to announce that the Raytown Fire Protection District has received initial notification from the Department of Homeland Security. The District has been awarded $1,222,893 from the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant. The purpose of this SAFER grant is to provide funding for firefighters pending layoffs. Ultimately, SAFER grantees should achieve more efficient responses and safer incident scenes through the expanded capabilities which retaining these will personnel provide. We are pleased with todays initial notification and are hopeful this will prevent us from having to eliminate nine firefighter positions for the next two years, Chief Mawhirter. Communities across the country are facing difficult budget challenges. Without FEMAs commitment to assisting local governments, the Raytown Fire Protection District would be facing even more difficult budget decisions. It is our goal to utilize this grant to maintain our operation till we can restore our funding to a sustainable level. I would like to personally thank our Senators Roy Blunt, Claire McCaskill, and Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II and for their incredible support of public safety. Fiscal Year 2012 Background Information: The Raytown Fire Protection District had to address an approximate $1.3 million budget shortfall for fiscal year 2012 due to declines in assessed property valuation. In addition to substantial cuts in operating and maintenance budgets, the Fire District implemented a 5.5% salary reduction for all employees. Additionally, nine firefighters have received official notification from the Fire Board that their position would be eliminated effective September 2, 2012.

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