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Statement from the Rev. Michael R.

Cote, Bishop of Norwich: We have just learned of the arrest of Father Dennis Carey, former pastor of St. Pauls Church in Waterford, on charges linked to child pornography. We, along with everyone else, will wait to see how the legal process unfolds and to learn the details of the investigation. These allegations are extremely serious and run contrary to everything we believe as a Church. To exploit children in that fashion is absolutely reprehensible. We pray the allegations are not true. This is a sad moment for all of us. We always hope we will never again hear about any investigations or allegations of misconduct by priests. For the parish community, for the priests of the diocese, and for me personally, it is extremely difficult. We are all saddened and deeply hurt. We are grateful to the State Police for their professionalism. They continue to have our full support and cooperation.

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