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Erlang Sucks

or How I Lost All Hope

The goal of this presentation was, basically, to commit suicide, since Joe Armstrong was in the audience

Covering Erlang news for the past 5 years Moved to Sweden just to program in Erlang Was a web programmer (PHP, Python, Coldfusion)

Who am I? Just a regular guy doing regular stuff

Where do I begin? To tell the story of how great Erlang could be...

Joe Armstrong: With Erlang its very easy to do the impossible and very hard to do the easy stuff


Erlang is crazy weird wonderful stuff created by mad scientists to be used in crazy weird wonderful stuff created by other mad scientists. Just look at the topics at EUC

Rest of the world

Whereas other languages are these hipster kids showing off their new shiny toys. People coming from these languages keep asking: Can you do this or that? Lets see if we can.

This here is a cricket. You know, when theres silence or some vast empty space lled, well, with emptiness and scilence, thats when you hear the crickets. Ill use this cricket to illustrate a point

Package/library/dependency management
Perl Python Ruby Node.js CPAN easy_install gem npm

How do you manage stuff in other languages? Easy

Package/library/dependency management

What about Erlang?

Package/library/dependency management
rebar erlware CEAN agner epm

Well, there have been attempts at that in the past and currently

Package/library/dependency management

gem install package_name easy_install package_name pear install package_name (PHP 0_o)

See, its insanely easy in some languages. For the love of all thats good and holy, its even easy in PHP!

Package/library/dependency management
{deps, [application_name, {application_name, "1.0.*"}, {application_name, "1.0.*", {git, "git:// rebar.git", {branch, "master"}}}]}.

Obviously, its as easy in Erlang... Or is it?

Package/library/dependency management
{deps, [application_name, {application_name, "1.0.*"}, {application_name, "1.0.*", {git, "git:// rebar.git", {branch, "master"}}}]}. 1> agner fetch package_name

You can use agner, but there some problems with it

Libraries: Imaging
Perl Python Ruby Node.js PHP Haskell Go 2971 hits on CPAN PIL 105 hits on rubygems 37 entries in npm built-in 242 entries on Hackage 5 packages

Ok, what about other stuff. Perl isnt even funny, but even Go has 5 packages.

Libraries: Imaging

Erlang is on par with them, is it not?

Libraries: Imaging


Well, if your goal is only to read EXIF data, then yes, of course

Libraries: Formatted Text

Markdown Python Ruby Haskell Go Textile BBCode ...

What about some really basic stuff?

Libraries: The Cloud

Amazon Rackspace Heroku Python Ruby Haskell Node.js ...

What about this next great thing everyones talking about: the cloud? I mean, cmon. Node.js is two years old and it has everything

You see?

This really goes beyond just the few things Ive shown here. If you need something insanely cool and hardcore, someones doing it with Erlang. If you want something simple that everyone in other languages seems to be using, your out of luck.

http:/ /
News Forum Wiki 3 years PHP 2 years Erlang PHP PHP

I know what Im talking about, some of this stuff is impossible even today

Frontend Mainstream libraries Small projects Medium projects GUI

Backbone Some of backend Management If it aint 5 million hits a day, its not a project

Id say that Erlang really doesnt suck... in some pretty serious areas. And sucks in some less serious ones

Moral of the story

funny and insightful at the same time

Really, there was no moral :) If we want Erlang to be more mainstream, we should really try and build some of the stuff the hipster kids take for granted. Obviously, I want someone else to do that :)

Credit where its due

Mad Scientist: http:/ / Cool hipster kids by Gaultier: http:/ / the-kids-are-alright/ Cricket: http:/ /

Credit where its due

Tick, cross: http:/ / %3Abasicset Cool hipster kids by Gaultier: http:/ / the-kids-are-alright/ Cricket: http:/ /

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