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Anti-racism Learning Pathway Today: Challenging Racism inthe ii B Workplace: The role of leadership b Li Feb-Mar 2021 ‘Asynchronous online course For all staff April 2021 Team deeper dives: Facilitated discussions, workshops, speakers, action planning ‘ Ownership of learning, unlearning and relearning Moving towards Racial equity and racial justice jae lee Canada ‘000001 ivi Canada Alias monciales Global tars ons c SE oe ae » o LB Parcours d’apprentissage dans le cadre de la lutte contre le racisme Q Aujourd’hui : Lutter contre le racisme au travail : le rdle du leadership Février-mars 2021 ég3 Formation asynchrone en ligne pour tout le personnel Avril-mai 2021 Approfondissement de la formation en équipe : Discussions animées, ateliers, conférenciers, etc. Apprendre, désapprendre et réapprendre Vers 'équité raciale et la justice raciale Canada ‘000002 a) Myths and Facts While assumptions and stereotypes about white people do eit, this i considered rata prejudice, not racism. Racial prejudice refers to a st of dcrimintory or derogatory Myth #1 | Etetudes based on assumptions derived from perceptions about race and/or sin colour Thus, ral prejudice car indeed be dected at white people (eg, "White peopte can't Reverse racism | dance") but fs not considered racism because ofthe systemic relatlonship to power. When exists, IPOC can _| packed with power, prejudice results n acs of dscrimnation and oppression agaist groups be racist towards | or icvidials, In Canada, white people old tis cultural power due to Eurocentric modes of white people. | thing, rooted in colonials, that continue to reproguce and privilege whiteness. Its viteness that has the power to define the terms of racalized others’ exstence Unfortunately, great harm comes to others not simply by our intention, but by our Inattentions. we are not paying attention to how ater are harmed by arg social oces that may be out of our persona control but nevertheless Benet sh Unt wa, Ur Myth #2 ‘inattentiveness to these social forces can be hurtful. Paying attention to the ways racism Concinues to unjust privige white people and disadvantage peope and communities of Racism has ‘colour enables us to see racism as much bigger than our intentions. Separating intention from to do with ‘inattention means that if we say something that inadvertently hurts someone else, we do not. intentions. | need to get defensive. Instead, we can say, "I'm so sorry. | did not realize what that would sound lke or feel like for you.” We can use the experience as a learning opportunity to see Life from another’s point of view. Unfortunately, education cannot solve all of our problems. Even if we have been taught to recognize that the stereotypes about people of colour are not true, we may still respond Myth #3 | physically out of deep prejudices when we are least aware. Learning the right definitions of Facism of using the most up-to-date terms will not inoculate us against continuing to actin Racism can _| racist ways or contributing to racial inequity. Some people have never had the advantages of be remedied | an education and yet have led the way In antiracism and kindness toward all people. If we Myth #4 Inrecent times, Canadian fund teaser to name the racism that was happening across Canada race issues | the border than in their own backyard. Truth be told, racism is just as bad in Canada. Take are not like the a moment to read Racism in Canada Is Ever Present and We Have A Long History of Denial United States, things are better here! Nertocrcy represents a vision in which power and privege would be allocated by invidal Myth #5. | Mert not by social orgs. While Indvieals may have worked really had to get postions of employment, is critical not to divorce how race, clas, gender, sexality impacts indica The myth of __ | sity to navigate social istutons suc asthe workplace with more wth ease, For example meritocracy. 1 | law school actos Canada have typlaly held homogenized ass cohorts of white middle upper eptes ih worked really hard | cass white men, until recently. pre i toget where am, | 2tselv 4 {on and barriers that made it dificult for women, BIPOC Y | communi to enter la school. So despite the hard work of white men in ye doth | BO Schon, they have ssteic advantages that others morinatized groups do not have 1 | hetoss/ ww.,php/ALR/artile/cownload/337/324/335 ben Se eee Canada sis Fact #1 Racism and Colonialism foundational to this place we now call Canada Colonialism typically includes enforcement of codes of superiority such as white supremacy, ‘oppressive governance, and distortion of historical facts as told by the colonizing powers Canada - a settler colonial society - is a concept formed based on many myths including European discovery and harmonious multiculturalism. Prior to contact, this part of the world had hundreds of different Indigenous cultures. Pre-contact population estimates on the continent range fram 5 to 10 milion, but - through colonial violence - were reduced to fewer than a million. Through official policy, the Indian Act systematically denied Indigenous ‘women status, undermined traditional governance structures, banned Indigenous languages and ceremonies, denied Indigenous peoples the right to vote or politically organize, forcefully removed Indigenous children from their homes, and removed Indigenous peoples from their lands. In May 1689, following complaints about labour shortages in New France, King Louts XIV of France gave permission for the colonists to enslave Pawnee Native “Americans and Africans. Between 1749 and 1782, most of the Black neople brought to Nova ‘were enslaved by English or American settlers. In 1760, during the Seven Years” War between Britain and France, the Articles of Capitulation, which ceded New France to Britain, permitted that Black people and Pawnees would remain enslaved. Enslavement in Canada Involved 200 hundred years of brutality. Stolen from their ancestral lands, enslaved Black peoples were stripped of their indigenous African languages, cultures and traditions. ‘They were subjected to unrelenting physical, psychological and sexual abuse. Children were stolen and sold, and families were forcibly separated, Early Canadian immigration and labour policy explicitly aimed to restrict/prohibit peoples based on race. Fact #2 Racism is distinct from other forms Of discrimination and oppression Race is a social and political construct, invented by scientists in the West, to support the: slobal positioning of some groups as superior and others as lnferior. Not rooted tn any Biolosiea fact, race has very real implications. To justify the idea of a white race, every institution was and is used to prove that race exists and to promate the idea that the white race is at the top of the racial hierarchy and all other races are below. Racism is diferent ‘ram prejudice, hatred, oF discrimination. Racism involves one group having the power to carry aut systematic discrimination through the Institutional policies and practices of the Soctety and by shaping the cultural bellefs and values that support those racist policies and practices, The saliency of race is Important because le gets to the heart of peoples” humanity In ways that other oppressions don't. Racism specifically and intentionally dehumanizes non white and especially Black - peoples. This process of dehumanization results in extreme life csparities between people based on their soclaly constructed, racial classification. While distinct, racism works. alongside other systems of oppression (colonialism, sexism, homophobla, transphabia, xenophobia, ableism etc.) to create even deeper disparities for those holding marginalized identities. Fact #3 Racism isn’t just in the past ‘The legacies of racism in Canada continue to disproportionately and negatively impact the Lives of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour. The contemporary criss that is Hssing ane Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls can be traced back to policies in the Indian Act that Created residential schools, banned traditional (matriarchal) governance structures, and facilitated the Sixties - and aillennial - Scoop. In her groundbreaking work Policing Black lives, Robyn Maynard unpacks how emancipation in Canada shifted the criminalization and Control of Black peoples from one institution (slavery) to another (policing). Racial profiling ‘in schaols, workplaces, health care, child welfare and public spaces have led some Jurisdictions to dectare anti-Black racism a public health erisis, while a UN expert panel warns ‘of systemic anti-Black racism in Canada’s criminal justice system, The racialization of sauerly can be seen across justice & policing, child welfare, education, employment, ‘immigration & settlement, housing & homelessness, and water & food security. These isproportionalities are not by accident. Remember, race isa social construct not rooted in any biological fact. As such, these outcomes have nothing to do with any inherent inferiority/superiority between different groups. Rather, they are by design. The evidence fn this is overwhelming. Familiarize yourself with the mountains of reports, data and narratives that exist Fact #4 Black, Indigenous and People of Colour have resisted racism and ‘white supremacy for centuries ‘The mainstream narrative told of BIPOC peoples is often one of tragedy and victimhood: erasing the tremendous strength and agency held by these communities. Despite centuries ‘of systemic injustice, movements led by those pushed furthest to the margins have proven essential in resisting systemic racism and have been critical in advancing Impact on public policy and equity. For those residing in what we now call Canada, itis critical to know the ‘work of Idle No More, Black Lives Matter - Canada, Sisters in Spirit, the Land Back movement, the Lord Dalhousie ‘Scholarly Panel on Slavery and Race, and the reclamation of Black histories/places such as Afrivile and Hogan's Alley (among many others). Seek out Black, Indigenous and/or People of Colour-led grassroots organizations near you. Familiarize yourself with the indigeneity of the land that you work and reside on - both in Canada {and abroad, 00004 9) Mythes et réalités 3 Bien qu'il existe des suppositions et des stéréotypes sur les Blancs, on considére qu'ls‘agit de Mythe n° 1 | prejuges raciaux et non de racisme. Le préjugé racial designe un ensemble d'attitudes iscriminatoires ou méprisantes fondées sur des suppositions découlant de perceptions au sujet Le racisme inversé_| de la race ou de la couleur de la peau, Ainsi, des préjugés raciaux peuvent étre entretenus 8 existe, et les Noirs, | l'égard des Blancs (p. ex. =les Blancs ne savent pas danser =), mals cela ne constitue pas du les Autochtones et_| racisme en raison des rapports de force systémiques. Lorsqu'll sont soutenus par le powolr, les Tes personnes de | Préjusés entrainent des actes de discrimination et d'oppression & encontre de groupes ou de ‘couleur peuvent | Personnes. Au Canada, les Blancs détiennent ce pouvoir culture en raison des modes de pensée tre racishes crvers | curacentriques, enracinés dans le colonialisme, qui perpétuent et privilégient U'hégemonie blanche. Ce sont les Blanes qui détiennent le powoir de définr les termes de l'existence des Nes Blancs. | personnes racalisées. ‘alheureusement, ce ne sont pas seulement nos Intentions, mals aussi nos Inattentions qui peuvent causer des torts importants aux autres. Si nous ne prétons pas attention a la maniere Gont certines personnes sont lesées at des forces socials predominantes cul pevent ° Echapper & notre contréle personnel, mais dant nous tirons néanmoins profit injustement, notre Mythe n° 2 | inattention peut» avererbessante. En prétant attention sa facon dont le raise continue ce «| brivilegier injustement les Blancs et de désavantager les personnes et les communautés de Leracisme est l@ | couleur, nous constatons que le racisme va bien au-dela de nos intentions. Le fait de distinguer ‘ux intentions. | intention de inattention signitie que lorsque nos paroles blessent quelqu'un par inadvertance, ous n'avons pas & adopter une attitude défensive. Nous pouvons plutot dire : = Je suis vraiment ‘65016. Je n'avais pas conscience du poids de mes paroles 8 votre égard. ~ Nous pouvons utiliser cette expérience comme une occasion de développer notre empathle. ‘alheureusement, l'éducation ne peut pas résoudre tous nos problémes. Méme son nous a appris & reconnaitre que les stéréotypes sur les personnes de couleur ne sont pas vrais, nous ° Powvons tout de méme avoir des réactions physiques ancrées dans des préjugés profonds sans Mythe n° 3 | néme novs en rendre compte. Nous powons apprendre les bonnes défntions ov racisme Ob : utiliser les termes les plus récents, mais cela ne nous empéche pas de continuer a agir de On peut remedier | maniére raciste ou de contribuer a U'inégalité raciale. Certaines personnes n’ont pas eu la ‘au facisme par | chance de'sinstruire et sont pourtant des modetes &suivie en matiére de lutte contre le racisme Véducation, | et de bienveillance envers tous. Si nous partons du principe que l'éducation suffit & remédier au racisme, alors nous supposons que les personnes instruites sont privilégiées, comme si elles étaient plus vertueuses ou avaient une plus grande capacité & étre de bonnes personnes. Mythe n° 4 Ces derniers temps, les Canadiens ont trouvé pus facile de nommer le racisme qui se passait Les questions |_| ge tautre cdte de a frontire que das leur propre cour. A val dite, le racisme est tout auss Faciales au Canada | grave au Canada. Prenez un moment pour lire Uarticle en anglais Racisin In Canacla Is Eve hne se comparent pas | Present and We ia ary of Denial (Le racisme au Canada est toujours présent, et A celles aux Etats | nous avons une longue histoire de déni Unis; ily a moins ‘de racisme ici! La méritocratie est la vision selon laquelle le powoiret les priviléges sont attribués en fonction