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This article describes the Physical reality in terms of Impulse and Unit AB,( matter) ( not as with Big Bang) . It is shown what is matter and how is connected across the universe . Euclidean Geometry is proved to be the dual Model of Space since this is Particle and Wave as Complex numbers.

Markos Georgallides : Tel-00357 -99 634628 Civil Engineer(NATUA) : Fax-00357-24 653551 15 , N . Mylona St , 6010 , Larnaca Cyprus Expelled from Famagusta town occupied by the Barbaric Turks . Email < >

In previous articles has been explained :

1. The first dimensional Unit AB is the geometrical Shape that has as Position the ( direction B , B ) and as Magnitude ( the length AB = 0 N ) . ( F1-3) ds = An Infinitely small increment of length AB in the direction AB , BA . = An Infinitely great magnitude AB in the direction AB , BA . Any point C is on Straight line AB , when then exists equation CA + CB = AB , i.e. the Whole AB is equal to the Parts CA and CB . ( equation ). 2. Spaces of Unit AB are ( in Plane ) the Infinite Regular Polygons inscribed in the circle with AB as Side , (repetition of Unit AB ) , the Nth Space , the Nth Unit Tensor of the N equal finite Elements ds , and the Spaces line AB . ( F.1-6 , F.2 ) 3. Anti-Spaces of Unit AB are ( in the three dimentional space ) the Symmetrically Infinite Regular Solids inscribed in the Sphere with AB as side of the Solid , ( Harmonic Repetition of Unit BA , symmetrical to AB ) , the Nth Anti-Space , the Nth Unit Tensor of the N equal finite Anti-Elements and the Spaces , line BA . ( F1-6 , F2 ) 4. Sub- Spaces of Unit AB are ( in Plane ) the Infinite Regular Polygons inscribed in the circle with AB as diameter , ( Harmonic Repetition of the Roots in Unit AB ) and in Nth Sub-Space , the Nth Unit Tensor of the N finite Roots and in case of Elements are the points on the circle ) . ( F1-6 ) , ( F.3 ) The Superposition of Spaces , Anti - Spaces and Sub-Space Layers of Unit AB is shown in F4 . Remark : (+) Spaces , (-) Anti-Spaces , ( ) Sub-Spaces , of a unit AB are between magnitude ( Point = 0 =Nothing ) and the Infinite magnitude ( = = Infinite ) which means that all Spaces are in one Space . Because in Spaces and Anti-Spaces , the Spaces of Unit AB is line AB , and in Sub-Spaces , the Sub-Spaces of Unit AB are the points on the circle with AB as diameter , then this ordered continuum for points on the circle of Unit AB and on line AB shows the correlation of Spaces in Unit AB . ( Monas)

5. For N = , Point B of Unit AB is in Infinity , N , The Spaces , Anti - Spaces and Sub-Spaces are created from Points only, without Position and Dimension , and are within these infinite enclosed points. Since Spaces , Anti Spaces and Sub-Spaces are created from Unit AB , and are Property of this Unit only , therefore these are a Restrained System ( S ) Presupposition for Unit AB = ds (displacement ds ) , is Point A to move at the New position B (A= B) , which means an IMPULSE ( P ) removes point A to B . Since in each Restrained System ( S ) the Work done ( W) by Impulse ( P ) on a Virtual displacements ( ds > 0 ) is zero , or W = P.ds = 0

Therefore , Each Unit AB = ds > 0 exists , by this Inner Impulse ( P ) . i.e. The Position and Dimension of all Points which are connected across Universe and that of Spaces exists , because of this Static Inner Impulse , on the contrary should be one point only ( Primary Point = Black Hole ds = 0 ) . Impulse is and may be Vacuum , Momentum or Potential or Induced Potential. 6. Any two Points A , B on Primary Space or Anti-Space , consist the first Dimentional Unit AB , so itself , using the same Principles of Equality ( AB = BA ) Inequality and Stability , creates all Spaces , Anti-Spaces and SubSpaces of Unit AB and Since are Property of this Unit only , therefore each of these bounded Spaces is a Restrained System of Unit AB . Fig 4 Impulse PA , P B at points A , B is Property of these points only and since also Spaces , Anti-Spaces and Sub-Spaces of Unit AB is a Restrained System of this Unit AB , therefore , Impulses PA, P B at points A ,B , and the Spaces , Anti Spaces and Sub-Spaces of Unit AB is a New Restrained System . A New Unit with a quite different Quality . THE FIRST MATERIAL UNIT [FMU] , i.e. The [FMD] is a DIPOLE the First Material Dipole [ FMD = AB PA , P B ]. : < >
Fig . 8

P = PB A ....... O....... B

[ F.M.D ]

This Dipole AB may be created , by the opposite displacement ds of one central point O , or by the Rotation of Dipole AB through this point O . Central point O may be the Prime Point or all infinite points of Spaces . The position of points A , B in Spaces and Anti-Spaces fixes the type of Dipole. [FMD] can be created and is a Monad , ( that which is one ) , and it is a part of the whole AB . Impulses PA , P B cannot be created because exist at points A , B and are of the same essence as that of Impulse P .

7. The infinite combinations of these two In-depended variables ( P , dss) contain in itself , all infinite Static Primary Spaces . On point B exist infinite common Impulses ( P = 0 B ) , due to the Stability of the Primary Spaces and Anti - Spaces [ W = P . s = 0 , and P,AB = (Li.Pi) / s) i = 1 , where s , Li is any dimensional unit distance ] , and connects the many points within infinity . Applying Principle of Virtual Work on any point B with P = 0 , then Arises at this point B Impulse P from infinite points of Primary Space ( s = W / Ps ). Any Unit AB = 0 AB of the Primary Space create infinite Spaces Anti-Spaces and Subspaces which are < a bounded State for each Space > . The beginning of the Change ( Impulse P ) is enclosed ( bounded ) in Position B and is continual in each ds , and it is the Essence and Cause of Impulse P . i.e. exists an influence flow ( perpetual flux = change = activity ) or Impulse P [ Bounded Primary Space- Anti-Space ] Bounded Impulse PA P = PB A .......O ....... B 8. Between points A , B of [PNS] and Anti-Space , i.e. [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] , and on line AB exist infinite points Ai , Bi with Impulses Pi A , Pi B that attract each other , and so forming the first Motion of the bounded Impulses Pi A , Pi B . Between points A , B of [PNS] and Anti-Space , i.e. [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] , and on line AB exist infinite points Ai , Bi which form [ FMDi = AiBi Pi A , Pi B ] that collide each other , and so forming the first motion of Dipole [ AiBi ] . All move in the first Unit AB , with PA = P B = . [ FMD = , ] . Fig.7 Motion occurs into these bounded States of [PNS] and Anti-Space , and because of the different Impulses PA , PB of points A , B and that of Impulses Pi A , Pi B , either on straight lines AB or on tracks of Spaces ,Anti-Spaces ,Sub-Spaces of AB. Since in Primary bounded Space AB is always ds = 0 AB and since also is Communicator = Medium Impulse P on [ Bounded Primary Space - Anti-Space ] is Bounded Impulse PA , PB then Points Ai ,Bi with Pi A , Pi B ( of Spaces , Anti-Spaces , Subspaces of AB ) move in Spaces of AB (Primary Space is not moving ) and in case of Space ,circular motion. Subspaces of AB are the very small moving bounded Spaces with ds > = 0 . The Infinite Impulse ( P = ) on Neutral [ B.N.S ] moves these Bounded Spaces with Infinite velocity ( v = m/s ) and zero frequency f = 0 . [ M . ray ] while The Infinite Impulse ( P = ) on Neutral [ B.N.S ] moves these Bounded Sub-Spaces with Finite velocity ( v = u m/s ) and finite frequency f 0 . Fig.6 Impulse P didnt appear in Space , because Space began inside of Impulse P .
on Communicator = Medium

9. Points A , B on Primary Space is the Positive Dipole which creates matter . Points A , B on Primary Anti-Space is the Negative Dipole which creates the opposite of matter , or Anti - matter ( the negative matter ) . Points A , B either be on one Space and Anti-Space alternatively ,then is created the Neutral matter and Neutral Anti-matter . Bounded Primary Spaces- Anti-Spaces can be created , so Dipole AB on Spaces are the Units of matter , and Impulse P [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] PA , P B i.e. [ Dipole AB = Matter ] is the communicator of Impulse [ P ] , with the Bounded Impulses ( PA , P B ) or [ P ] [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] PA , P B . Fig.7- 8 Every material Dipole is consisted of AB = [ ds > 0 ] and as , AB is the first dimentional Unit which create Spaces , Anti-Spaces (F2) and Sub-Spaces (F3) then Impulses PA , P B . exist on their superposition ( F4 ) i.e. Impulse into the bounded Spaces of AB , exist as a deficite of Impulse at points A and B . For AB = 0 then Impulse exists in every point as Angular Momentum and For AB = Impulse exist in all Spaces of AB . Bounded Impulses PA , PB cannot be created because exist as the Dipole of Spaces. Since Neutral matter is consisted of these two opposite elements ( + , - ) , therefore all derivatives in this bounded Neutral Space can alternatively exist itself , as comprise both elements . Since Matter is made up of Electrons , Protons and Neutrons i.e. [ (-) (+) ( = 0 )] and Anti - Matter is made up of Anti-Electrons , Anti-Protons and Anti-Neutrons i.e. - [ (-) (+) ( = 0 ) ] = [ (+) (-) ( = 0 ) ] , therefore any Combination per two for Matter and Anti-Matter is equal to 15 and for Neutral Matter C = 6 . F.5 The Combinations of the Infinite < Dipole Points > create all qualities of matter . Considering mass as the Inertial property of matter , a measure of its energy content , and since matter is any Dipole AB with its properties , then what is measured is the material Dipole in a different Space .(Electricity , Magnetism , Light Temperature , etc ) , while Bounded Impulses ( PA , PB ) are not . Matter deduces the Laws of Nature at ( PA ,PB ) by the interconnection of Spaces in Primary Neutral Space. 10. Algebraic Numbers : According to F4 Monas AB = 0 AB , Spaces , Anti-Spaces , Sub-Spaces of AB are the Infinite Regular Polygons , on circle with AB as Side , and on circle with AB as diameter . According to De Moivres formula , the n-th roots on the unit circle AB are represented by the vertices of these Regular n-sided Polygon inscribed in the circle which are Complex numbers in the general form w = a + b. i where w = a + b.i = r. e(i) = r [cos + i.sin ] , a and b = Real Numbers , r = a+b () i = Imaginary Unit .

On Monas AB = 0 AB exists < a bounded State for each of Infinite Spaces > and the [ Dipole AB = Matter ] is the communicator of Impulse [ P ] of Primary Space , with the Bounded Impulses ( PA , P B ) of Dipole or [ P ] [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] PA , P B . We will show that Monas AB and Complex Numbers is the only manifold for Physical reality . a. Exists 1 = 1 or [ -1 +1 ] , therefore xx coordinate system represents the one-dimensional Space and Anti-Space . ( the Straight line) , 1.1 = 1 , (-1).(-1) = 1

b. Exists 1 = [ 1 , - + ( 3.i ) /2 , - - ( 3.i ) /2 ] therefore xx-yy coordinate system represents two - dimensional Spaces and Complex numbers .( the Plane ) 1.1.1 = 1 , [- +(3.i ) /2 ] = 1 , [- -(3.i ) /2] = 1 +i c. Exists 1 = 1 = 1 = [ +1 , -1 ] , [ -1 = + i , - i ] or -1 +1 , therefore coordinate systems xx - yy represents all these Spaces . -i ( Real and Complex numbers ) , where Monas = 1 = ( that which is one ) . represents the three-dimensional Space and Anti-Space. (the Sphere) . [1] =[ i] =1 Remarks : 1. Spaces and Anti-Spaces are continuous and represent Real numbers . (a) 2. The Model of nature is not built on Complex numbers because Complex numbers spring out of Spaces , Anti-Spaces and Sub-Spaces of the FDU ( ds = 0 AB ) and represent reality . The roots of Monads are the same Monads in Space and Anti-Space as well as Imaginary Monads in Sub-Space i.e. The Harmonic repetition of the roots ( Principle of Equality ) composes units with no need to be Image or real dimensions . Image or Real dimensions exist in Euclidean Geometry as the vertices of the Regular Polygons ( and Anti-Polygons ) on any First dimensional unit AB . The geometrical Visualization of Complex numbers , springs from formula 1 = 1 , i (c) and since 1 is the one dimentional real Space ( the straight line ) the vertical axis is on ( Harmonic repetition of Spaces ) the other one dimentional Imaginary Space which is conveyed . Since dimension needs ( N-1) points then (c) is representing the Space with three dimensions (dx ,dy ,dz ) which is Natural , Real and Complex numbers 3. Natural numbers with their discrete nature symbolize discontinuity of Spaces . 4. Monads ( Entities) are the Harmonic repetition of their roots , and since roots are the combinations of purely real and purely Imaginary numbers , which is a similarity with Complex numbers ( Real and Image ) then , Monads are composed of Real and Imaginary parts as Complex Numbers are . i.e. Objective reality contains both aspects ( Real and Imaginary , discrete , AB , and Continuous , PA , P B , etc ) . This Duality exists in Euclidean Geometry to all Elements . Following Principle of Equality and In-equality ( Quality = Quantity) then :

1a 2b 3c 4d

Point is nothing , Everything and it is Anywhere . Straight line is 0 and ( the first dimensional unit AB is the first material Dipole) Plane is Positive , Negative , Neutral and Complex . Space is Positive , Negative , Neutral and Complex .

5. Considering Infinite ( Primary Points ,FMD ,Spaces, Anti-Spaces ,Sub-Spaces of AB ) as a Parameter , then are Quantized and Engulfed in Primary Neutral Space . Euclidean Geometry corresponds to the Physical Universe and laws of Spaces without inapplicable intuitions and incomprehensible . 6. Laws of Physics are located in Geometrical Formation of Universe and utilized by Impulse P , through the bounded Impulses PA , P B , of Points . 7. A Dipole acquires mass by moving through Spaces . Time also is then derived and doesnt exist since Motion is related to other objects . Since Dipole [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] may have AB = 0 ds and also , for Immense amount of PA = 0 PA , P B = 0 P B , the infinite combinations of infinite Dipole reveal discrete and Continuity in every point of Primary Neutral Space . Because of this periodic nature ( Property , not Time ) of points , appearance (+) and disappearance (-) of manifold occurs . This is why particles loosing mass [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] disappear and also loosing [ PA , P B ] reappear . 8. Dipole [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] does not mix points and Impulses, because ds > 0 and points come out of Impulse P ( two separate domains ) as Impulse P connects points in PNS and influences [ PA , P B ] on Dipole AB . Since Dipole AB may be in any Space with different [ PA , P B ] then in case PA = P B = and ds = 0 we have a Black Hole i.e. a Translation ( violation) of a Space Dipole ( Gravity , Electromagnetic spectrum ,etc Energy and Physical laws ) into Primary Neutral Space . Since mass = [ FMD =AB PA , P B ] and ds = 0 then an enormous amount of Impulses is created as well as emission of X-ray photons , with very small frequencies . The transformation from one Space to another one , doesnt delete the laws of conservation of Energy . Dipole in [PNS] create Spaces , Anti-Spaces, Sub-Spaces which Vibrate and are the origin of the other Spaces . 9. The Stability of Dipole itself appears to depend on the continually effect ion of Impulse P on the bounded Impulses [ PA , P B ] ( zero point energy ) i.e. In generation by the ( quantum-fluctuation ) motion of charged particles that constitute matter ( ds , PA , P B ) = Dipole or [FMD = AB PA , P B] , Impulse P , still follows the conservation of Energy law , and this because Impulse P with the enormous amount of energy effects on the bounded Impulses PA , P B of Dipole [ FMD = AB PA , P B ]. Since frequency of P is near zero [ M.ray ] Electromagnetic radiation throughout Space is not observable unless a new Media is found for this . This property had not leaked into Universe once , but it is a continuous affection on the bounded Impulses on Points of Primary Neutral Space .

FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES . 1. The Elements of Euclidean geometry are , Points , straight Lines , circle .etc,


The Space Layers ( Regular Solids ) with sides equal to AB = 0 The Increasing Plane Spaces by Repetition of the same Unit AB . [ 9 ]


F.2 3. The Sub-Space Layers ( Regular Solids on AB ) as Roots of AB = 0 The Decreasing Plane Spaces by Repetition of the same Unit AB . [ 9 ]

F.3 4.The Superposition of Plane Space , Anti-Space Layers and Sub-Space Layers : The simultaneously co-existence of Spaces , Anti-Spaces and Sub-Spaces of any Unit AB = 0 , i.e. , Euclidean , Elliptic , Spherical , Parabolic , Hyperbolic , Geodesics , Metric and Non-metric geometries , exists in Euclidean Model as an Sub case within .The Interconnection of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Spaces Anti-Spaces and Subspaces of the Universe . The Unity of Opposites .[9]



Matter , Anti-matter , Positive Negative Neutral Matter .

Fig 5 6. Velocities of Matter , Anti-matter , Neutral Matter in [ PNS ]

Fig . 6

Fig . 7 7. The First Material Dipole [ FMD = AB PA , P B ] = [ FMD ]

Fig . 8



c c

One degree of Freedom (linear).

Three degree (Globe) = c =


(b) a (b) Two degrees (Plane) ab=ab =ac=ac , ab ac , ab ac

, c

1. Since Primary point O may be at point A and in all directions ( all degrees of freedom ) , only when exists another one point A such that OA + OA = 0 and or OA = - OA and O = - O = - O , then this process is equivalent , in the two dimentional space , to the two equal and perpendicular First dimentional Units OA OB and OA = - OA , OB = - OB . ( b ). This is the motion in Dipole AB , AB, [ matter] [ Anti-matter] = Motion Periodic motion of C , transformed to Axial-Centrifugal [ A , ADEH ] . 2. It has been proved [ 8 ] that the two equal and perpendicular Units AB , AB , ( in plane BAB ) construct the Isosceles rightangled triangle BAB and the three circles on the sides as diameters . From any point D on the first circle is conscructed the square ADEH with vertices on the three circles . This Geometrical Formation is a mooving Machine and is called < Plane Formation of Constructing Squares > The Plane System of triangle ABB with the three circles on the sides as diameters consists the Steady Formulation , and square ADEH is the moving Changeable Formulation of this twin , System - Image ( The Plane System of the Squares Antisquares ) . On this System of these three circles ( The Plane Procedure which is a Constant System ) is created a continues and also a not continues Symmetrical Formation . The changeable System of the Regular Polygons and the Image ( The Changeable System of the Regular anti-Polygons ) , as this is in Space and also this in Time it is proved that , in this Constant System , the Rectilinear motion ( C ) of the Changeable Formation is Transformed into a twin Symmetrically axial centrifugal rotation ( A , O ) ( the motion of Spaces ) on this Constant System . 3. The conservation of the Total Impulse and Angular Momentum , as well as the conservation of the Total Energy in this Constant System with all properties included exist in this moving Spaces and Anti-Spaces ( the Images ) of the one - dimensional point units A , A - B , B , as well as , in Primary Constant System . This is the dual nature of Dipole AB = [matter] [matter] = PA , P B = Particle or Wave. The Property of all Monads is Magnitude (mass) , Potential (Charge ) and ( Position) . Magnitude [ AB or BA ] , Potential [ PA ,P B or P B ,PA ] , Position [ B or B ] [FMD = B PA , P B] [FMD = B P B , PA]= Axial-Centrifugal motion . Analysis of this Periodic motion C , and Time Registration follows :

Periodic motion of C = of Space(Matter) and Anti-Space (Anti-Matter)

Fig ,8

References :
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] MATRIX STRUCTURAL of ANALYSIS , by J.L.MEEK library of Congress Catalog 1971. DER ZWECK IM RECHT by RUDOLF V. JHERING 1935 EUCLIDS ELEMENTS IN GREEK

The great text of J . L .Heiberg ( 1883-1886 ) and the English translation by Richard Fitzpatrick . ELEMENTS BOOK 1 .
GREEK MATHEMATICS by, Sir Thomas L .Heath - Dover Publications ,

Inc , New York.63-3571.



OF UNIVERSE . ( EUCLID .Spaces.doc ) . ( EUCLID .not.BIG BANG .doc )


by Markos Georgallides


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