Tutorial Subtotal Excel

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Microsoft Excel - Tutorial to calculate the subtotal in sheets

Step 1 - Format the date.

In the first 4 columns, place the following information as: Column 1 (Base) 01-Jan-00 Column 2 (Day) Only the number of the corresponding day Column 3 (Month) Only the name of the corresponding month Column 4 (Year) Only the corresponding year Column 5 (Time) Only the time of day

Base Day Month 01-Jan-00 1 jan 01-Jan-00 1 jan 01-Jan-00 1 jan 01-Jan-00 1 jan 01-Jan-00 1 jan 01-Jan-00 1 jan 01-Jan-00 1 jan

Year Time 2000 00:00 2000 01:00 2000 02:00 2000 03:00 2000 04:00 2000 05:00 2000 06:00

Step 2 - To calculate the desired function should be conducted as follows:

1. Select inside tab (Data), the icon corresponding to Subtotal function;

2. Then answer the questions about how the calculation should be (At each change in and Use function and which columns will be calculated):

For example, to calculate the minimum temperature for each day (24h), select "At each change in" Base and "Use function" Min, and then select the columns where you want to run the function in Add subtotal to.

3. Click ok to start the calculation; It is shown that the data had previously and plus the subtotal at each set interval:

4. To show only the subtotals calculated click on 2:

5. To copy only the subtotals, first select the columns you want, then press F5 to activate the selection mode "Special", then click "Visible cells only":

6. Then copy normally - Ctrl + C 7. And paste in the destination table with the "Paste Special - Values":

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