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Journal of Research into New Media Convergence: The International Technologies

This very journal is basically an interview which is done by Patrick Crogan to Samuel Weber. The title is Targeting, Television and Networking: An Interview with Samuel Weber. Here a light is thrown on various aspects by the interviewee on the targeting, media and networking. According to him; The target is someone who doesnt fit the usual criteria. So one dont have the same kind of search procedures as in the normal hiring process. The target of opportunity can be a function of affirmative action policy or be somebody whose qualifications are unusual enough that one would not find them with a regular search process following criteria peculiar to an individual discipline. On the one hand the association of targeting with the aim of controlling the future, controlling the environment by identifying a target, localizing it and hitting it or reaching it, depending on what area a person is in, and on the other hand the notion of opportunity, which suggests the unpredictable emergence of an event that cant be entirely planned. The coupling of the two terms suggests that targeting, rather than just designating an abstract activity in which, unencumbered by constraints of time and space, he identify something that he/she wants to accomplish or goals to be reach and then everything is done to achieve that, involves responding in a very determinate situation spatially and temporally to an unpredicted, unforeseen event, trying to get that event in some sense under control. The word opportunity itself is interesting because it already condenses this idea of the unpredictable, singular event being turned into an occasion to do something else. An opportunity means precisely to be able to do something with the event. Quite literally, the

word suggests a portal, op-port-unity; a gateway through which one can pass into another domain. The latter can be construed as a realm of goals, and then the opportunity is instrumentalized, like the target. But it can also suggest an area that may not be definable strictly or primarily in terms of goals, aims or ends. In the latter case, you cant be absolutely sure that you are going to be able to reach your target or even that there is one. So you have this tension between the two terms, target and opportunity. In the financial domain as well, where the maximization of profit in the short term takes precedence over all other considerations and has come to undermine the very foundations of the capitalist economy that produced it in the first place. The current financial crisis deriving from the use of subprime mortgages is an excellent example of this tendency. Targeting in this sense seeks to eliminate the uncertainties of time by considering it primarily as short term and thus as amenable to the accomplishment of certain goals, the maximization of profit primarily, without worrying about what comes next. One reaction to this is the growth of ecological concerns, about sustainable growth, but these are then quickly exploited by the very same system dominated by finance capital and short-term profit maximization. Overall, the journal speaks about concept of targeting and opportunities in common. Though the real methodology is not been specified to do targeting but the concepts it has Discussed are really helpful for one who wants to do a project on targeting.

Culture & Psychology JOURNAL OF Positioning in Accounting for Redemption and Reconciliation
The journal speaks out the combination of culture and psychology in the regard of Positioning, i.e.; how these both play a vital role while understanding the concept of positioning. The author has tried to clear

the concept of positioning through Accounting for Redemption and Reconciliation.

The Social Practice of Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a ubiquitous social phenomenon, woven into the fabric of social lives, and is emblematic of the human condition. It ranges from inter-personal relationships observed in everyday life to a wider social context of business, economics, politics, government, international relations and diplomacy.

The Concept of Positioning

The concept of positioning is introduced as a metaphor to enable an investigator to grasp how persons are located within conversations as observably and subjectively coherent participants in jointly produced storylines. The act of positioning refers to the assignment of parts or roles to speakers in the discursive construction of personal stories. Here positioning theory to the analysis has been applied in order to understand the nature of the experience of reconciliationwhat it is to remember the problematic past and what it is to be reconciled with it. Harr and Van Langehove note that there are three ways of expressing and experiencing ones personal identity or unique selfhood (Harr & van Langenhove, 1991; van Langenhove & Harr, 1993). They are by stressing ones agency in claiming responsibility for some action; by indexing ones statements with the point of view one has on their relevant world; or by presenting a description/evaluation of some past event or episode as a contribution to ones biography. I will show in the following analysis of an extract how such indexing and marking of ones agency are empirically observed in the redemption narrative. Furthermore, Harr and van Langenhove state that the positioning has larger theoretical implications for the moral sensibility of a person in taking a particular position in a given conversational setting. Positioning is a metaphor for oscillating subjectivity located in time and

place/space. The utterance is indexed with his or her spatial and temporal location, and as a claim about a state of affairs it is indexed with its speakers moral standing (Harr & van Langenhove, 1991, 1999). Such indexing allows us to look at the ways in which a speaker takes responsibility for the reliability of his or her claim. A discourse produced in the interview is not treated as the single account representing the truth. The discursive act of positioning thus involves a reconstructive element: the biographies of the one being positioned and the positions may be subject to rhetorical redescriptions (van Langenhove & Harr, 1993). The question, then, is to examine how this rewriting is understood with regard to personal identity and selfhood (van Langenhove & Harr, 1993, p. 85). As in recent work exemplified in critical and discursive psychology, positioning does not assume a stable, fixed identity or individual state of mind, but is situated in discursive practices. Positioning indeed strikes a chord with this view of multiple, unfixed, fleeing and dynamic identity. Yet, van Langenhove and Harr identify that [t]here seems to be a tension between the multiplicity of selves as expressed in discursive practices and the fact that across these discursive practices a relatively stable self-hood exists as well. Overall all the concepts dealing with the understanding of positioning has been systematically and beautifully analyzed that even a layman could gain the knowledge. Hence, this article is indeed a perfect help material for a project.

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