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Studi Kasus Iklan TV Commercial

versi Eci

Smart Advertisement

Product Definition
KitKat is a Snack Category

Product Situation
Now people think that chocolate is chocolate not only a kids product, but it is a substitute of sweets. In today's market chocolate has very good demand. There are many reason behind that i.e change in customer taste, change in customer view, good marketing, the way company promoting etc.

Product Price
Rp 3500,- s/d 8.000,-

Market Segmentation Analysis

Age : Gender : SES : Geografis : Psikografis : 12 35 tahun Male dan Female A, B Cities Modern people which is has a high concern about VALS


Ada Break Ada KIT KAT "

SWOT Analysis
STRENGHT WEAKNESS : Famous Brand, Good Taste, Trusted Company : Limited Distribution, People are now more health conscious they dont eat much chocolate. Still price is not affordable for large portion of rural area : No direct competitor, Market is grow, Change in consumer behavior, now people think that chocolate is not only a kids product : High market competition, Follower, economic situation



Biro Iklan: MACS 909 Iklan : TVC Produsen: Nestle

Advertisement Script: BUNYI dering telpon. (suara bapak-bapak, tanpa gambar, layar hitam, hanya teks.) Siapa nih? (suara perempuan) Eci, om Oh, Edi Eci, Om, bukan Edi Oh, Egi C, c, Charlie Oh Charlie. Kok, suaranya kayak perempuan? Aaaaaarrrrggghh.....!!!

Advertisement Objective Awareness

Advertisement Approach Humour

Script Content of ad created fun and funny

Transform consumption experience: To create a feeling, image, or mood about a brand that is activated when the consumer uses the product

Creative Analysis Its such an idea that TV Commercial adopted from Radio Commercial Simple and very cheap production Script is strong and Locally Act Very Memorable and SMART advertisement

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