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1) In my opinion (based on my limited knowledge and experience),

99.99% of sihir will involve jinn. And some jinns are very clever in the
ability to lie low when rukyah is being conducted. For such cases, to be
thorough, the following amal have been tried:
1a) reciting Surah Yasin 3x facing the patient
1b) reciting the zikir "YA MU'ID" (the Restorer) 100x to flush out the jinns
who are lying low.

i would like to ask the following:
I have been possessed since i was 7yrs old...i am now 29!
Alhamdulillah. ..i had my Ruqya done as the symptoms were getting a
bit too much...lower back pain...numbness in my left leg...feeling
dizzy... laziness in praying ..and not being able to hear the
adhaan!!! SubhanAllah. ..when doing the 3rd Ruqya the Jinn actually
spoke through...and expressed the reason for posessing
me...Friendship & Love!
Anyway...It looks like the Jinn has left me as i dont feel him around
anymore...i had a second Ruqya after 2 months roughly, but by a
diferent Brother...and he said it looked like i had Sihr too...the
first brother who did the ruqya also suspected this as i couldnt bear
to hear the ayaah "Wat Taba'oo Maa'tatloo'Shayatee n alaa mulki
Sulayman..." When he used to recite on my ear....the jinn would
actually scream and ask to stop...
anyway the secon brother advised me the following amal:
After each salaah pray Durud + Qursi+ 3Xs Surah Ikhlaas+ 3Xs Surah
Falaq+ 3Xs Surah Naas...
pray the same before sleeping...
And he gave me some herbal stuff to have for 2 months...also he gave
me Black Seed Oil to rub on my forehead before sleeping and some
drops to put in my nose..(i belive all these have ruqya prayed on it)
Overall i am ok alhamdulillah. is the lower back pain that its
persisting.. .Drs find thers nothing wrong with me ...But the pain is feels like something is burning inside...and i struggle

to walk and lift my left leg...
In terms of dreams i keep dreaming that someone (evil) is folloing me
and wants to possess me...but i am fighting it and hiding myself it cant get me...
No what i wanted to ask is:
Is it possible for someone to have both Sihr and Possesion by a jinn
because he's in love wid u?
Also after doing the ruqya is it normal to have this pain in the
lower back...? Or does this means something is still inside (audhoo
I am sorry for the extensive text but i had to write the main details
in order for u to understand.. .!
Once again sorry..may ALLAH bless u all and may ALLAH protect us all
from all this calamities.. .all i can say to comfort those n myself
under these problems is " Trials and Tribulations makes us More Pious
n Humble"
So i belive that although we are suffering... ALLAH is rewarding us
InshALLAH... just put ur trust in HIM. i hope this helps as it has
helped me coping wid this...
Thanking u in antecipation,

Asslamulakium warhmatulla wabarakatohu

To destroy effect of taweez use recited water,
Ruqya Water
(2)Al Baqara 1-5 (7x)
(2)Al Baqara 163-4 (7x)
(2)Al Baqara 255-256 (7x)
(2)Al Baqara 285-286 (7x)
(10)Yunus 81-82 (7x)
(109) Al-Kafirun 109 (7x)
(112)Al-Ikhlas 112 (7x)
(113)Al Falaq 113 (7x)
(114)Al-Nas 114 (7x)

Recite above verses 7 x

Add extra power to water
(36)Ya sin
(37)Al saffat 1-10
(44)Al Dukhan
(72)Al Jinn 1-9
Recite above verses 1x
Then blow into bottle of clean water, when blowing ensure some saliva
is transferred to water, place taweez inside and then throw into
flowing water such as a river.
Fee amanillah
-- In RuqyaShariyah@ yahoogroups. com, "mompetc2"
<mompetc2@.. .> wrote:
> Assalamu alaikum,
> if sihr was done using taweez and one is unable to locate the taweez,
> what is the best way to destroy the effects of this sihr?
> wasalaam

I believe one brother who reported that his wife has a dream about
twins. In my personal opinion, I feel this is not a bad dream.
However for those who have BAD DREAM, please DO NOT tell others
about it. Unless we hope it will come true, nauzubillah !
After a bad dreamt, keep your cool. Just say Auzubillah 3x and spit
(dryily) to the left shoulder.
There is a famous story of a rich trader who dreamt being murdered
during a trade journey. He was afraid and told the great Sheikh
Abdul Qadir al-Jilani. Anyway he was safe, although he actually felt
someone stabbed him (in another dream) and he saw blood when he
in that journey.

The story was the great Sheikh al-Jilani has to make special hajat
prayers for 70 times to prevent the tragedy !
If people of regular amal like us are to do that hajat prayer, my
estimate it would take 490 (70 x 7) times of special hajat prayers !
So the best way is to KEEP QUIET !
http://islamqa. com/index. php?ref=9577& ln=eng&txt= bad%20dream
Hadeeth References
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also taught
us what to do when someone sees something unpleasant in a dream
wakes up as a result. That is: to spit drily to the left, to seek
refuge with Allaah from the Shaytaan, to change the side on which
one was sleeping, and to pray if one wishes.
(a) It was reported that Abu Qutaadah
said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: `Good dreams come from Allaah and bad dreams come from the
Shaytaan. If any one of you sees a bad dream which makes him afraid,
let him spit drily to his left and seek refuge with Allaah from its
evil, then it will not harm him." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3118;
Muslim, 2261).
(b) It was reported from Jaabir that the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: "If any one of you sees a dream that he dislikes, let him spit
drily to his left three time, and seek refuge with Allaah from the
Shaytaan three times, and change the side on which he was sleeping."
(narrated by Muslim, 2262).
(c) It was reported that Abu Hurayrah
said: "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: `If any one of you sees something that he dislikes (in a
dream), let him get up and pray, and not tell people about it.'"
(narrated by Muslim, 2263)
Take care and wassalam
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Start by reciting durood Ibrahim
)(the one recited in salaat
Soorat al-Faatihah
The beginning Soorat al Baqaraa



) (4


Soorat al Baqraa 2:102


Aayat al-Kursiy from Soorat alBaqaraa, 2:255

Soorat al Baqaraa (final two
verses) 2: 285-286:

Soorat Araaf 7:117-125


Soorat Yoonus 10:79-82


Soorat Hashr 59:21-24

Soorat al Jinn 72:1-5

Soorat al-Kaafiroon 109:


Soorat al-Ikhlaas and alMiwadhatayn (i.e., Soorat alFalaq and Soorat al-Naas) to be
recited three times.

Reciting the following duaa if

you are doing ruqya for yourself:
Allaahumma Rabb al-Naas, adhib
al-bas washafi, anta al-Shaafiy,
laa shifaaa illa shifaauka,
shifaaan laa yughaadiru
or the following if you are reciting
for someone else:
Bismillaah urqeek min kulli
shayin yudeek, wa min sharri
kulli nafsin aw aynin haasidin
Allah yushfeek, bismillaah
End with reciting durood Ibrahim
(the one recited in salaat)
You can also recite the aayahs,
soorahs and duaa mentioned
above in water, and then you can
drink some and wash with the

rest, this is beneficial, by Allahs

I agree with brother Abu Hussain that is rather unexpected for sihir to be
passed through kitab. Unexpected but of course possible.
To confirm, I would suggest reciting Qursi 21x with the suspected items
in front of you. If you feel goosebumps on your hand/neck, then there is
You then proceed to do the amal as suggested by brother Abu Hussain:
the 3 sihr nullyfying ayats (Al-Araf 117-122; Al-Yunus 81-82 & Ta-Ha 69)
and the 3 quls x3 and blow on them
Another option, I generally suggest reciting Yassin verse 12 21x to
RELEASE jinns tied to personal items such as rings, clothings, etc.
regards and wassalam
salams brother polan
i think it is in both of us possibly it is the same one yes
he always belching when reciting quran but as u no im having a
struggle to get him to take it seriously
is there any way we can stop it jumping from one to the other
i will have trouble getting him to bathe as he works night shift and
comes home v late
plus ive had this problem like a really intense pain in my stomache
since doing my recitation this morning which was bigger than usual
3 yasin
thikr al mu id
3 jinn
1300 la illaha
felt nauseas but not just the pain can i stop it and is it a good or
bad sign
jazaakallah khair for ure help

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