Answer PKSR 2 Science Year 3

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SCIENCE YEAR 3 PKSR 2 2006 ANSWER SECTION 1 A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B 16. TRUE 17.

TRUE 18. FALSE 19. TRUE 20. C Attracted to magnet 21.(a) Nail 22.(a) Metal spoon 23.(a) Spring 24.(a) Paper clip 25.(a) Thumbtack Not attracted to magnet 21.(b) Paper 22.(b) Chalk 23.(b) Sponge 24.(b) Marble 25.(b) Pencil A C C B A C C B C A A C A B A

D 26. white 27. coarse 28. crystal 29. magnet 30. sieve SECTION B 1. a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. d. Spring C Spring A 9 Keep the same: weight of object Change: length of spring Measure : number of paper clip used Circuit B Circuit A circuit B has more electricity flow through it remove one battery from circuit B

3. a. b. sponge, cloth change? : type of material measure ? : amount of water left

4. a. b. c. keep the same : Amount of water poured change : Type of soil measure : Amount of water collected sandy soil, garden soil, clay soil clay soil, garden soil, sandy soil

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