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Also known as manic-depressive illness Disorder of the brain Can cause mood shifts, changes in energy, ability to function

on Can be treated Long-term illness that must be monitored and managed throughout a persons life

When symptoms appear before age 12, it is often confused with ADHD Affects men and women equally Average age of onset: early 20s Worldwide, 7 out of every 1,000 are affected with bipolar disorder, or .7% of the worlds population

Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings Range from overly high to irritable, sad, and hopeless, then back again Often periods of normal mood in between Periods of highs and lows called episodes of mania and depression


Increased energy Extreme irritability Poor judgment Little sleep needed Abuse of drugs Sad, anxious, empty mood Loss of interest or pleasure in activities Thoughts of suicide

Bipolar I
The classic form of the illness Involves recurrent episodes of mania and depression

Bipolar II
Never develop severe mania Alternate between depression and hypomania

Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder

Four or more episodes within 12 month period Tends to develop later in the course of illness More common among women than men



Research Twin Studies Genes GRK-3 gene, chromosome 22 FAT-1 gene, chromosome 4 AY070435 gene (Slynar), chromosome 12 Thought to be on 18 & 21 Then 1, 6, 7, & 10, 22 11 & X-Chromosome Polymorphisms

Bipolar Disorder is highly treatable once diagnosed Mood Stabilizers (Lithium) Combination Medication & Psychosocial Treatment Anticonvulsant Medications ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)


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