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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

Homework of the Week*

>English Subjects
Grade 9th Monday (Science) -Draw two pictures taking into account these elements: Natural ecosystem Artificial ecosystem And then write a paragraph about each one of them in your Science notebook.


July 17 to 19th

>Teacher: David D Avila

Thursday (Science/Social) -Create a collage about the these kinds of ecosystems, in your Science notebook: Lentic Lotic

Tuesday (Social) -Draw the Canadian map, then write the name of the Provinces with their corresponding capital cities, and then write the limits of Canada in your Social notebook.

Wednesday (English/ Math) -Consult and write the main uses for the Ordinal Numbers in your Math notebook. -Create a diagram about the main kind of Modal Verbs and then write five complex sentences using them as examples, in your English notebook. -Read the text American Customs in the English section to the module (page 9 aprox) and solve the activities about it.


-Create a diagram about the main kinds of pollution and then write a paragraph about them, in your Science notebook.

-Draw the Canadian map, then write the name of the Provinces with their corresponding capital cities, and then write the limits of Canada in your Social notebook. -Draw the Canadian map, then write the name of the Provinces with their

-Create a collage about the main kinds of pollutions, in your Science notebook.


-Consult and create a diagram about the main causes of the Greenhouse

-Create a diagram about the main kind of Modal Verbs and then write five

- Create a collage about the Greenhouse effects, in your Science notebook.

effects and then write a paragraph about them, in your Science notebook.

corresponding capital cities, and then write the limits of Canada in your Social notebook.

complex sentences using them as examples, in your English notebook.

*Note: the homework schedule can be modified along the week, according to the advance during class

activities or different institutional events. Moreover, the teacher could ask extra consults to reinforce your knowledge.

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