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(11:27:49) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel.

(11:28:04) Aubergine: Hello (11:28:16) Aubergine: Anyone at home (11:28:49) Aubergine *wonders if KC is still lurking in the lobby* (11:31:22) Aubergine *maybe she being held hostage by the receptionist. should I go back and rescue her* (11:32:02) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (11:32:38) Aubergine: I was just about to mount a daring rescue (11:33:48) Aubergine: Are you okay KC. Did the receptionist hurt you. (11:34:06) Kinkyclawz: *walks in backwards* Thanks! Yeah, i won't forget. *grinz and turns* Oh, hey Genie! Sorry, I was comparing hot fellas with the Receptionist, a very nice lady this time. (11:34:10) Aubergine: Are you still bound and gagged with duct tape? (11:34:24) Kinkyclawz: I'm fine thanks, no daring rescue needed, but bless ya for thinking of it. ^^ (11:34:51) Kinkyclawz: LMAO No, no, but those hot chaps might be if she and I ever get our paws on them. ^^ (11:34:53) Aubergine: speaking of hot fellas did you see Magic Mike (11:35:16) Kinkyclawz: Magic Mike? No. I've heard of it, and that Channing Tatum is in it. ^^ (11:35:28) Kinkyclawz: It is visually pleasing? (11:35:32) Aubergine: I haven't stop talking about it since last week (11:35:46) Aubergine: Is it ever (11:36:11) Willie: Eileen logs into the Chat. (11:36:18) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Well, if it's our normal topic of conversation, yes. (11:36:21) Eileen: Hey you two!!! (11:36:26) Kinkyclawz: Eileen! Hello suesse! (11:36:33) Eileen: How are you? (11:36:37) Kinkyclawz: How are my two favourite Twisters? (11:36:46) Aubergine: Matthew McConnaghy, Channing Tatum, Adam Rodriguez to name a few (11:36:52) Aubergine: hello Eileen (11:36:56) Kinkyclawz: I'm ok thanks, glad to be home from work. *is sore* (11:37:03) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, nice line up. (11:37:21) Aubergine: I'm well (11:37:23) Eileen: are you feeling better tonight, KC? (11:37:33) Eileen: I'm good. (11:37:41) Eileen: just tired

(11:37:45) Aubergine: truly an eye pleasing movie (11:38:36) Kinkyclawz: A lot better than last week thanks, my doctor put me back on my anti inflammatories which are taking the edge off. (11:38:56) Kinkyclawz: Heh, it sounds ir, Genie. ^^ I've heard it mentioned. (11:39:27) Kinkyclawz: Aww, my poor, tired Twister! *offers a shoulder for you to have a nap on if you like* (11:40:05) Aubergine: what have you ladies been doing to be so tired and achy( (11:40:55) Kinkyclawz: I've got Arthralgia (joint pain, just a step below arthritis and just as sore) (11:40:57) Eileen: glad to hear that KC (11:41:19) Kinkyclawz: 12.5 hours on shift walking around a warehouse makes it flare a bit. (11:41:21) Eileen: sport, sport (11:41:22) Eileen: lol (11:41:40) Eileen: and just generally not sleeping enough during the week and sleeping too much during the weekend. lol (11:41:42) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, exercise! Good girl! (11:41:53) Kinkyclawz: How are you doing with your weight loss, hunny? (11:41:59) Eileen: i think i finally got back on track with my diet (11:42:01) Eileen: lol (11:42:03) Aubergine: Arthralgia haven't heard of that as I skipped that stage and went straight to arthritis (11:42:06) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya. (11:42:17) Eileen: my body told me for 1 1/2 months that it wanted a rest. (11:42:25) Eileen: oh my 12.5 hours! (11:42:30) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, my sympathies Genie. How bad is it hunny? (11:42:46) Eileen: arthritis is bad (11:42:48) Eileen: :( (11:42:57) Eileen: so is arthralgia (11:43:00) Eileen: :( (11:43:22) Aubergine: you need rest Eileen otherwise your body with plateau and you will stop any progress (11:43:26) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, and you didn't listen, Eileen? *hugz* (11:43:48) Aubergine: Some days it's bad and some days it's worse (11:44:06) Aubergine: or will not with^^^ (11:44:50) Aubergine: I read that sentence and it didn't make any sense (11:44:52) Kinkyclawz: *hugz Genie too* Poor thing. Your eclectic climate must make that fun. (11:45:11) Kinkyclawz: LOL I didn't notice the typo. oops.

(11:45:47) Aubergine: so far Aleve helps (11:45:55) Eileen: i cannot change the pattern (11:46:22) Eileen: i really hope your illnesses are not bothering you too much (11:46:24) Eileen: :( (11:46:35) Aubergine: two days of rest should be built into your workout routine (11:47:07) Kinkyclawz: You've gotten used to it, Eileen? Would it maybe help making small steps toward a change, rather than trying to change your routine all at once? (11:47:17) Eileen: nah it works like it is now and i dont have to do much longer anyway. only 15 more kg (11:47:56) Eileen: i only do one hour sport per day so that isnt much. lol (11:48:21) Kinkyclawz: 15Kg sounds like loads, but most of the UK still works on the Stone weight scale. (11:48:21) Eileen: just really need to go to bed earlier. (11:48:33) Aubergine: no that isn't much (11:48:49) Kinkyclawz: Not a lot but reaping great rewards. Well done Eileen! (11:48:52) Aubergine: I don't understand the stone weight scale (11:49:06) Eileen: 2,355st (11:49:08) Kinkyclawz: Aleve, Genie? Is it a tablet or a joint rub?(11:49:18) Kinkyclawz: 2 stone not bad! (11:49:41) Eileen: i mean i only have to loose that much until my aim. (11:49:53) Kinkyclawz: I was weighed fully clothed at the doctors and he said I needed to get down to 10 Stone - that might help my joints. (11:49:56) Aubergine: It's a tablet an NSAID over the counter like motrin or advil (11:49:57) Eileen: but let's not talk about me (11:50:24) Kinkyclawz: Yes, lets talk about you, you clever, slim girl. (11:50:31) Eileen: 60-65 kg. that's good (11:50:34) Aubergine: I was told that walking would help me, but it's hard to walk some days (11:50:56) Kinkyclawz: Heh, not good, I'm 4 Stone over that. *blushes* (11:51:48) Kinkyclawz: It is, Genie, especially when bits don't want to bend or generally move at all without a fair bit of pain. (11:52:25) Eileen: damn that sucks (11:52:30) Eileen: so sorry to hear that (11:53:20) Eileen: 63,694kg = 10st (11:53:26) Eileen: I don't really understand stone (11:53:28) Eileen: lol (11:53:31) Aubergine: today is a good day....tomorrow is unknown (11:53:45) Kinkyclawz: I might be a waif-like figure when we meet up next May, Eileen.

(11:54:00) Aubergine: I figured out I weight 12.79 stone (11:54:19) Aubergine: maybe I should get walking (11:54:46) Kinkyclawz: to be honest, me either in relation to other weights, Eileen, but then again, I've never been overly concerned, though I am eating less and more carefully. (11:56:07) Kinkyclawz: it depends on your height, hun. I'm only 5feet 5 inches or so and the Doc says that means I'm obese. >< (I thought about it after, and I was weighed fulyl cothed so surely that makes a difference?) (11:56:43) Kinkyclawz: but I do have a Buddha belly so get rid of that & I'll be happy. What's your secret Eileen? (11:56:55) Eileen: i used to way 16.6 st (11:57:13) Eileen: now im at 11.3 (11:57:28) Eileen: 106 kg -> 72 kg (11:58:09) Eileen: but im 1.75 m tall. lol (11:58:39) Kinkyclawz: *wanders over to google conversion to find out that that is in feet and inches* (11:58:53) Eileen: my secret? not really a secret, just less calories and more sport (or sport at all) lol (11:59:30) Aubergine: I'm 5'5" and considered obese (11:59:49) Aubergine: somewhere along the way I've turned pear shaped. (11:59:57) Kinkyclawz: Oh, well done!! *big celebratory hugz* (12:00:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, bless ya, me too Genie. But it's enhanced my boobs so I'm reluctant to lost too much. LMAO (12:01:01) Kinkyclawz: I do 11.5 hours walking around at work, shouldn't that be enough? LOL (12:01:12) Kinkyclawz: lose not lost. >< (12:01:15) Eileen: 5'9" (12:01:20) Aubergine: apparently not (12:01:38) Aubergine: if I lose weight will I get taller (12:01:44) Eileen: lol (12:01:49) Eileen: you will look taller (12:01:58) Eileen: my colleague said that i look taller now (12:02:02) Kinkyclawz: (12:02:05) Eileen: but i dont want to look taller! (12:02:05) Aubergine: that's a good incentive (12:02:06) Eileen: rofl (12:02:18) Eileen: oh and i know what you mean about the boobs KC (12:02:19) Eileen: lol (12:02:32) Eileen: mine are smaller now.

(12:02:51) Eileen: but i don't mind too much. as long as it fits with the overall looks (12:02:53) Eileen: lol (12:02:54) Aubergine: that's why they invented the wonderbra (12:03:02) Eileen: lol (12:03:07) Kinkyclawz: Bugger! May I bother you lovely ladies for the chatlog please? I pressed the wrong button and everyone disappeared for a moment. (12:03:07) Eileen: true (12:03:18) Eileen: oh(12:03:33) Aubergine: oh dear. I can send it over (12:03:53) Eileen: im missing a big chunk because i came in later (12:03:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL Yes, you don't want massive boobs and a body that can't handle 'em. You'd fall over. (12:04:20) Aubergine: be a bit top heavy (12:04:29) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thanks Genie! Not that big a chunk, suesse. Fear not. (12:04:34) Kinkyclawz: LOL Indeed. (12:04:57) Eileen: thanks Genie (12:04:57) Kinkyclawz: And yes, Wonderbras are a wonderful enhancement invention. (12:05:12) Eileen: i dont mind the size at all (12:05:21) Eileen: but now i have a bit too much skin (12:05:22) Eileen: lol(12:05:23) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (12:05:28) Eileen: *coughs* will (12:05:38) Eileen: oh hello Fang!!! (12:05:41) Eileen: How are you? (12:05:57) Aubergine: Hello Fang (12:06:40) Fang: not too bad, I hope you are all OK and are having a sensible ontopic discussion (12:06:46) Kinkyclawz: Oh, hey Fang! ^^ How are you, Twrother dear? Aww, bless ya Eileen. Not sure how you tackle that, hunny. (12:07:09) Kinkyclawz: WE're having a... very matter of fact conversation. (12:07:58) Kinkyclawz: *is glad Fang didn't come in during the previous conversation, his poor tongue would have been tied* (12:08:00) Aubergine: chatlog sent in one big clump (12:08:10) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou kindly, Genie! MWAH! (12:08:44) Fang: clump is good word (12:08:58) Kinkyclawz: It is, and a very useful word too. (12:09:09) Eileen: lol (12:09:15) Eileen: i wonder how Fang would have reacted (12:09:21) Aubergine: very accurate word too

(12:09:25) Eileen: i know a way to handle it but it will be very expensive (12:09:31) Eileen: but let's leave it at that (12:09:47) Eileen: lol (12:10:05) Fang: *wonders if I want to know what they're on about, probably not* (12:10:24) Fang: should I wonder off for five minutes and come back? (12:10:28) Fang: let you finish? (12:10:38) Aubergine: maybe you do, but sorry should have come earlier (12:11:22) Kinkyclawz: Yes, you'd ahve been tongue tied but happy. (12:11:29) Kinkyclawz: Should we share? (12:11:46) Aubergine: we started talking about hot fella (12:11:59) Aubergine: and the movie Magic MIke (12:12:25) Eileen: oh magic mike! (12:12:28) Aubergine: I don't know how the conversation veered off topic (12:12:28) Eileen: has anyone seen it? (12:12:31) Eileen: i want to see it (12:12:33) Eileen: how is it? (12:12:45) Aubergine: I loved it (12:12:48) Eileen: then we were talking about our weight (12:12:52) Aubergine: very realistic (12:13:12) Fang: oh the stripping movie (12:13:16) Kinkyclawz: I've not seen it, but heard it mentioned. It might not have made it to the UK yet. (12:13:26) Fang: they seem to look better than those in the full monty (12:13:43) Kinkyclawz: It's about stripping? *smiles sneakily* Might have to have a nosey. For.. research purposes. (12:13:59) Aubergine: yes a lot better (12:14:02) Kinkyclawz: Oh, I thought they were lovely in The Full Monty. ^^ (12:14:03) Eileen: i know it has matt bomer in it (12:14:12) Aubergine: and the moves (12:14:17) Kinkyclawz: Why does that name sound familiar? (12:14:18) Eileen: i dont know The Full MOnty (12:14:25) Aubergine: Yes Matt Bomer is in it (12:14:41) Aubergine: You don't know the Full MOnty (12:14:46) Aubergine: how is that possible (12:15:12) Fang: I could give you a demonstation of the movie? ...actually maybe not (12:16:06) Kinkyclawz: It's a Brit Flick about 5 out of work steelworkers who try to earn money by performing in clubs like the Chippendales do. However, one of them starts bragging that they'll do the Full Monty (ie remove everything) and, well, lots of laughs (and a few tears) follow. ^^

(12:16:06) Aubergine: (12:16:13) Eileen: ah i see (12:16:16) Eileen: yeah i know that one (12:16:28) Eileen: we have sometimes other movie titles in germany (12:16:30) Kinkyclawz: LMAO A demonstration? ^^ (12:16:50) Aubergine: yeah what do the Germans call it (12:16:54) Eileen: please no demonstration (12:16:55) Eileen: lol (12:16:59) Kinkyclawz: I wondered if it might have a different title. (12:16:59) Eileen: i dont know (12:17:26) Aubergine: I vote yes for the demonstration (12:17:51) Fang: probably something that describes the film in more of a clear way, something like "a Brit Flick about 5 out of work steelworkers who try to earn money by performing in clubs like the Chippendales do. However, one of them starts bragging that they'll do the Full Monty (ie remove everything) and, well, lots of laughs (and a few tears) follow" (12:17:53) Eileen: Ganz oder gar nicht - was the title (12:17:57) Eileen: everything or nothing (12:17:59) Aubergine: I'll even give you a virtual tip (12:17:59) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, a slight change of topic, but a new member of the BWP contacted me about their new site.! home/mainPage Looks good, eh? (12:18:01) Eileen: to be honest (12:18:06) Kinkyclawz: It's a work on progress. (12:18:09) Eileen: im not a big fan of male strippers (12:18:20) Kinkyclawz: OK, I vote yes too, for a demonstration! (12:18:20) Fang: me neither Eileen (12:18:25) Eileen: i might skip the movie (12:18:29) Eileen: good to know Fang (12:18:30) Eileen: lol (12:18:43) Kinkyclawz: *goes to the neverending cupboard ot bring the Security Guard's uniform* (12:18:45) Fang: no demonstartion, Eileen was meant to get naked in England colours but hasn't yet, blame her for ruining for everybody (12:19:20) Eileen: lol (12:19:27) Eileen: i said i wouldnt do it (12:19:34) Fang: it was your idea! (12:19:35) Kinkyclawz: Love the alternative German title for The Full Monty. ^^ LOL A fair description.

(12:19:36) Aubergine: Eileen! (12:19:40) Fang: you said it not me (12:20:07) Kinkyclawz: ILMAO @ Fang. (12:20:12) Fang: what is a rough translation, men with not garments? (12:20:27) Fang: ROFNIEC (12:20:35) Aubergine: men with no knickers (12:20:46) Fang: ah! (12:21:01) Eileen: but that doesnt mean id do it (12:21:02) Eileen: (12:21:07) Fang: I wouldn't make a very good translator (12:21:09) Kinkyclawz: LOL (12:21:52) Eileen: lol (12:21:58) Aubergine: your trying to be polite when doing translations you must be accurate (12:22:47) Fang: but I'm English, I have to be polite,it's in my blood (12:22:54) Fang: not that everybody is but still (12:23:31) Eileen: lol (12:24:01) Fang: my Nan would give me a clump around the ear if I wasn't, see good word, many uses (12:24:15) Fang: what's German for Clump? (12:24:25) Kinkyclawz: ***** (12:25:12) Fang: ah saving stars (12:25:36) Eileen: clump = klumpen (12:25:39) Kinkyclawz: No, not everybody, but we are olite, aren't we? (12:25:47) Eileen: see not so different lol (12:25:56) Kinkyclawz: There's that ol' replace C woth K thing again. (12:25:57) Eileen: yes you are oplite (12:26:03) Eileen: or olite (12:26:11) Eileen: (12:26:18) Fang: a typo of a tpyo Eileen? very meta (12:26:20) Kinkyclawz: LOL Oplite, a partial operation? (12:26:28) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (12:26:51) Eileen: lol yeah an operation with less calories (12:26:54) Fang: no it's like apps, there's a lite version to give you taste of the operation but you have to pay more for the whole thing (12:27:05) Aubergine: lol (12:27:06) Fang: like liposuction? (12:27:07) Kinkyclawz: A conversation without a typo is no good, is it? (12:27:23) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Yay for calorie-less operations. ^^

(12:27:50) Kinkyclawz: Heh, bringing us back to the toher topic. ^^ (12:27:54) Eileen: yeah the replacement c (12:27:55) Eileen: lol (12:27:56) Fang: or an amputation, there's loads of calorie free operations that help you lose wiehgt (12:28:01) Aubergine: all operation are less calories you shouldn't be eating during the operation (12:28:27) Aubergine: I sure don't want the doctor to be eating (12:28:45) Fang: not even party rings? (12:28:48) Eileen: yeah that would not be good (12:28:54) Aubergine: what if he loses half a sandwich or party ring (12:28:54) Eileen: party rings in your abdomen? (12:28:56) Eileen: noooooooo (12:29:29) Kinkyclawz: LOL No, not even party rings. (12:29:55) Kinkyclawz: Trying to convince people that the aprty rings is your belly button. (12:30:10) Fang: or a piercing? like a belly button ring (12:30:10) Kinkyclawz: rong not rongs. (12:30:14) Eileen: or fries (12:30:18) Kinkyclawz: WTH? (12:30:23) Eileen: rofl (12:30:31) Kinkyclawz: yeah, a belly button party ring. ^^ (12:30:44) Fang: were your rongs wrong? (12:30:51) Aubergine: what if it's not near your belly button (12:31:07) Eileen: hmmm good question (12:31:09) Fang: this conversation has taken a bizzare turn (12:31:25) Eileen: a bit yeah I agree, Fang (12:31:27) Kinkyclawz: That's when you have to get even more creative. (12:31:38) Kinkyclawz: Bizarre but fun. (12:31:50) Eileen: hnmm (12:31:57) Kinkyclawz: Lovebites from the biscuit leech? (12:31:59) Eileen: a piercing for you nipple? (12:32:01) Aubergine: when has the conversation not been bizarre (12:32:08) Eileen: your (12:32:15) Eileen: good point genie (12:32:23) Fang: are you having nipple problems there Eileen? (12:32:28) Kinkyclawz: LMAO That's one big nipple party-ring, eh? Suits the boobs conversation. (12:32:30) Kinkyclawz: Oops.

(12:32:35) Fang: er there was one week, in March, I think (12:32:40) Eileen: lol not at them moment no *coughs* (12:33:05) Fang: *gets tounge tied thinking about the boobs converstion* (12:33:10) Kinkyclawz: Which March, Fang? (12:33:16) Kinkyclawz: Last year, right? (12:33:31) Kinkyclawz: Damn, sorry for the tongue tied-ness. (12:33:45) Fang: tits OK (12:33:50) Fang: I mean it's OK (12:34:05) Aubergine: lmao (12:34:08) Kinkyclawz: *giggles, wondering how long Fang can continue for* (12:34:15) Eileen: *coughs again* (12:34:28) Eileen: you okay, Fang? (12:34:34) Eileen: those typos *shakes head* (12:34:39) Kinkyclawz: *with the Freudian slips that is* (12:34:49) Kinkyclawz: Terrible (12:34:56) Fang: *giggles at KC's wiggles and Eileen's shaking tit about* (12:34:58) Kinkyclawz: sorry my typos are catching. (12:34:59) Kinkyclawz: (12:35:06) Eileen: Boobs! Oh mean Oops (12:35:14) Aubergine: you guys have given the poor man tourettes (12:35:39) Kinkyclawz: ^^ It's one of our lesser known talents, I believe. (12:35:45) Eileen: how do you know what my t** is doing, Fang? (12:36:30) Fang: well my eyes were drawwwn thre as that's a strange place to put the saving bras (12:36:38) Fang: saving stars! (12:36:59) Fang: two of them got loose (12:37:20) Aubergine: conversation comes full circle and back to Eileen's bras (12:37:20) Kinkyclawz: *wiggles... uh, giggles* (12:38:08) Eileen: rofl (12:38:16) Fang: jiggles, wiggles, giggles (12:38:43) Kinkyclawz: LMAO!!!! (12:39:11) Fang: you were discussing Eileen's bras? that';s one of my favouritisitsititstits topics (12:39:13) Kinkyclawz: You're right, Genie. Wonderbra, uh, wonderful! (12:39:34) Eileen: *rolls eyes* lol (12:39:43) Kinkyclawz: YAY! We should ahve mentioned it sooner. (12:39:57) Fang: do you mean rolls snakes eyes? (12:40:00) Willie: Fang rolls 1d6 and gets 6. (12:40:09) Fang: I got a sex! (12:40:14) Fang: I mean six!

(12:40:14) Willie: Aubergine rolls 1d6 and gets 2. (12:40:18) Willie: Kinkyclawz rolls 1d6 and gets 5. (12:40:46) Fang: oh no Eileen has rolled her eyes and now can't see to roll the dice! (12:40:48) Kinkyclawz: LMAO @ Fang (12:41:06) Kinkyclawz: BRB m'dears! (12:41:29) Fang: KC can't take it anymore (12:41:44) Fang: she's gone fore a lay down (12:41:54) Willie: Eileen rolls 1d6 and gets 2. (12:42:08) Eileen: hb KC (12:42:27) Eileen: awww no sex for me (12:42:29) Eileen: argh (12:42:32) Eileen: six for me (12:42:48) Eileen: lol (12:42:49) Fang: looks like you lost the bet again Eileen (12:42:59) Eileen: oh wait (12:42:59) Aubergine: I'm sorry to hear that (12:43:02) Eileen: was there a bet? (12:43:03) Fang: you're bottom (12:43:05) Fang: with Eileen (12:43:10) Fang: I mean with Genie (12:43:24) Eileen: yeah we are (12:43:30) Fang: damn tpying, spelling, names they all go into one bit clump (12:43:34) Eileen: we're at the bottom of all things (12:43:43) Fang: how do you feel about your bottom? (12:43:49) Fang: being bottom? (12:43:50) Eileen: one big Klumpen (12:43:58) Fang: being bottom? a being human spin-off? (12:43:58) Eileen: my bottom is okay (12:44:05) Fang: what the hell am I typing? (12:44:05) Eileen: but being bottom? mmm (12:44:14) Fang: I should stop (12:44:18) Eileen: yes (12:44:28) Eileen: (12:44:31) Fang: but I can't (12:44:41) Aubergine: big klumpen sound like a Grimm character (12:44:42) Eileen: you must! (12:44:46) Fang: It's like a compulsion, too much nervous energy (12:44:48) Eileen: lol (12:45:15) Fang: Eileen help me calm down

(12:45:20) Fang: before I hyperventilate (12:46:06) Fang: KC had the right idea, go for a lay down to calm down (12:46:25) Eileen: uhmmmm (12:46:31) Eileen: *what to do?* (12:46:35) Fang: I actually had something mythology related to add tonight (12:46:42) Eileen: *hugs Fang to her chest* (12:46:46) Fang: Genie help her! (12:46:51) Aubergine: time for a subject change I think (12:47:01) Fang: Oh now I can see what you were talking about (12:47:02) Kinkyclawz: *returns* (12:47:05) Eileen: tututut poor Fangy, calm down (12:47:18) Eileen: *strokes head* (12:47:24) Fang: tutu? I'm not wearing a tutu! you lost! (12:47:25) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, what's going on here? Looks liek pandemonium. Well, normal I mean. ^^ (12:47:40) Fang: we were talking about you going down (12:47:48) Fang: going for a lay down (12:47:51) Fang: to calm down (12:47:52) Aubergine: I'm not quite sure where things went wrong (12:47:58) Fang: calm down calm down (12:48:09) Eileen: Fang is hyperventilating (12:48:14) Kinkyclawz: Sounds like I missed a gutter-bound conversation, yes? (12:48:14) Aubergine: but I think Fang has lost it (12:48:14) Eileen: trying to calm him down (12:48:33) Fang: I do! (20:05:23) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (12:48:35) Aubergine: he keep repeating bottom (12:48:47) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps mashing his face into your chest might not be the calming influence you thought it might be, eileen. Just a thought. (12:48:55) Fang: quick Eileen follow Genie's advice and change the topic to something sensible (12:48:59) Eileen: oh not? (12:49:05) Eileen: Sorry! (12:49:10) Fang: but it is very comfy KC, it was a fine idea (12:49:10) Eileen: uhmmmmmmmmm (12:49:15) Eileen: *thinks hard* (12:49:27) Kinkyclawz: Bottom, not the Shakespeare character? (12:49:35) Eileen: Tardis! (12:49:41) Aubergine: me thinks not (12:49:43) Fang: sexy beast!

(12:50:03) Eileen: oh now he's back (12:50:08) Fang: I call my Tardis sexy (12:50:13) Kinkyclawz: Ah, alas and alack, not the Bottom he refers to. (12:50:14) Eileen: thinks the Tardis is a sexy beast (12:50:52) Fang: (12:50:59) Kinkyclawz: The good Doctor is back from the twin mountains of Eileenia? (12:51:02) Eileen: *doesnt let go of Fang and continues to cuddle* (12:51:40) Fang: 8o:D:P:favorite: (12:52:13) Kinkyclawz: Oh, he's still exporing then. *giggles girlyly* (12:52:25) Eileen: my my mymyyyyyyy Fang (12:52:33) Fang: it's what could mountaineerists do KC (12:53:19) Fang: good mountaineers (12:53:43) Kinkyclawz: Apparently so. You're still exploring those lofty peaks? (12:54:14) Eileen: oh my we lost Genie (12:54:18) Eileen: are you okay, Genie? (12:54:21) Fang: well she is holding me very tight (12:54:28) Fang: she probably doesn't want to intrude (12:54:34) Kinkyclawz: I think we're gutter-bound tonight, huh? (12:54:51) Fang: I had something werewolf related to say too KC (12:54:52) Kinkyclawz: Genie, are you our life line in the clean world? (12:55:15) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, can you remember what it was? WE might be saved by then. (12:55:41) Kinkyclawz: *eats the word "by" as it was not meant to be in the sentence* (12:55:44) Aubergine: sorry I got distracted and since the conversation was all about Eileen's boobs I didn't have anything to contribute (12:55:48) Fang: when even the VICE or reason gives up we're in trouble (12:56:24) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, we are in trouble. (12:56:28) Fang: well if Eileen tells you more about them then you could contrubute more? (12:56:32) Fang: no! (12:56:36) Fang: topic! (12:56:36) Eileen: but i only want to hold Fang (12:56:40) Eileen: nothing unclean in that (12:56:43) Fang: ...what was it (12:56:53) Eileen: please continue with the new topic (12:56:55) Eileen: (12:56:56) Fang: no it's gone (12:57:10) Kinkyclawz: Nothing unclean in the holding, but the placement of the

holding might raise a few eyebrows, Eileen. (12:57:12) Eileen: come on Fang you can do it (12:57:22) Eileen: oh! okay! (12:57:23) Aubergine: I hear the Hobbit has finished filming (12:57:28) Fang: yep you're causing some raising Eileen (12:57:33) Eileen: *shifts Fang's head to her shoulder* (12:57:43) Eileen: oh has it? (12:58:04) Fang: well done Genie (12:58:06) Kinkyclawz: Oh yes, I heard that too. Peter Jackson sounded jubilant. I presume filming for both films? (12:58:20) Fang: hobbitm stupid hobbiteses, gollum, vampire dwarf (12:58:42) Aubergine: Yes both films and now it's to the editing room (12:58:42) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Eileen - Very subtle Twister dear. ^^ (12:58:51) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (12:59:00) Eileen: my precioussssssssssss (12:59:04) Fang: they'll take ages to do (12:59:23) Eileen: *winks in KC's direction* (12:59:49) Kinkyclawz: The first film is out in December, right? Not giving them a lot of time to edit the first, though they've probably been editing for a while, huh? (12:59:51) Fang: oh I saw some article about Aidens fans being worried he'd be uglied up as dwarf but they shouldn't worry as he's the sexy dwarf or soemthing (13:00:16) Fang: hmm I don't seem quite so distracted (13:00:17) Kinkyclawz: *winks at Eileen* Oh dear, eye ointment needed again? (13:00:25) Aubergine: there seems plenty time to edit. (13:00:29) Fang: we seem to be talking about The Hobbit if that helps? (13:00:53) Eileen: we are (13:00:58) Aubergine: I'm still having trouble with a 6' drawf (13:01:01) Eileen: *takes eye ointment* (13:01:25) Kinkyclawz: I was just thinking if there's as much CGI as the LOTR trilogy, it might be cutting it fine. Yes, we seem to be. (13:01:28) Eileen: from very far away he will look like a dwarf (13:02:01) Eileen: so we will have to stand on the wall of the cinema (13:02:11) Aubergine: sure if he's in Australia and the camera is in New Zealand (13:02:20) Aubergine: that might work (13:02:33) Eileen: I'm sure that's how it is (13:02:34) Fang: it's weird most of this chat seems like it's gone by in a blur, I remember something about mountains, we must be the volcano from the from the first trilogy?

(13:03:22) Kinkyclawz: Then again, a 5'10' or so Hobbit is also a stretch... pardon the pun. (13:03:26) Fang: I'm guessing the CGI won't take as long as they have the technology in place now, I think they had to develpo much of it for the originals but now they can just tweak it (13:03:32) Eileen: lol(13:03:45) Eileen: yeah the volcano, Fang *rolls eyes* (13:04:03) Eileen: yeah i think so (13:04:09) Fang: oh soorry for being a bit behind (13:04:11) Eileen: and maybe they have more staff? (13:04:13) Kinkyclawz: Ah, yeah, fair point about the tech already being developed. Possibly improved upon too? (13:04:42) Aubergine: more staff they employeed half of NZ the last time (13:04:48) Fang: I think Gandalf has a staff (13:05:04) Fang: well that means there's still another half Genie (13:05:16) Kinkyclawz: By the by, speaking of the hot not-so-dwarfish dwarf, did you see this link I put up earlier?! home/mainPage (13:05:46) Kinkyclawz: The first half made the film, the other half were IN the film (13:05:47) Aubergine: I did see the link and investigated it throughly (13:06:53) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, good good. My new friend will be pleased. I promised to share, and it seems like here was the best place to start. (13:07:19) Aubergine: did you invite her to join us (13:07:27) Fang: I wish Aiden well but I don't think it's really for me (13:07:35) Eileen: yeah saw the link thanks (13:07:45) Aubergine: we could be persuaded to steer the conversation to John Mitchell (13:08:29) Fang: what like if Mitchell met Hal? (13:08:56) Eileen: lol (13:08:56) Aubergine: why hasn't Mitchell met Hal (13:09:02) Kinkyclawz: LOL I didn't yet but I will do in my next reply. She's asking for help finding certain pictures from some stage productions so I'll invite her and her sister along for a night of madness. LOL (13:09:32) Kinkyclawz: Death and proper death might have a hand to play there, Genie. (13:09:46) Aubergine: Hal is one of the Old one and Mitchell is their darling (13:09:58) Fang: it's a good job she didn't come tonight, they wouldn't return a second time (13:10:04) Kinkyclawz: But I just BET there's a fanfic somewhere exploring that possibility.

(13:10:28) Kinkyclawz: No, fair point. Domino doesn't come back mch now, either, bless her. (13:10:34) Aubergine: they must have passed each other in a past life (13:10:41) Eileen: my men are Fang and Jared P. atm(13:10:41) Eileen: lol (13:10:51) Eileen: yeah they might have met (13:10:55) Fang: yes! first billing! (13:11:03) Fang: no I haven't met Jared (13:11:04) Kinkyclawz: Awww, you're such a sweetheart, Eileen. ^^ (13:11:16) Aubergine: that's quite an accomplishment Fang (13:11:29) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, I like the idea Genie! You should write it. ^^ (13:11:43) Fang: Mitchell wasn't the old ones darling, he and Herrick were a problem (13:11:52) Fang: or at least a minor annoyance (13:12:04) Aubergine: I'll think on it some more (13:12:29) Aubergine: Herrick was the annoyance they like Mitchell (13:12:36) Eileen: Fang is more real (13:12:37) Eileen: (13:12:54) Kinkyclawz: But Mitchell was the darling to a lot of hte younger vampires, maybe they met in the course of one of those Recruitment drives? (13:13:00) Aubergine: oh so Jared is just a fantasy (13:13:00) Fang: I'd like to see Hal deliver a lecture to Mitchell, you think you have problems... (13:13:07) Eileen: lol he is (13:13:30) Fang: hmm true actually, I think Mitchell was being groomed to join them one day now I think of it (13:13:30) Eileen: a bit like with Adam (13:13:37) Eileen: i mean the lecture (13:13:44) Aubergine: they could have met at the dog fights (13:14:05) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Fantasy is good, reality can be better... sometimes (13:14:17) Fang: keeping it real (13:14:33) Aubergine: reality should be better all the time (13:14:40) Kinkyclawz: Ooh yeah, perhaps. (13:15:12) Fang: we know Herrick met the old ones, that's how he learned about reserection (13:15:25) Kinkyclawz: depends on the reality or the fantasy. ^^ (13:15:53) Kinkyclawz: Maybe Hal was the one he met? (13:15:53) Fang: and Hettie turned him of course (13:15:58) Eileen: do you mean resurrection? (13:16:53) Kinkyclawz: Oh yeah, I forgot Hettie was Herrick's maker. She might have

told him, Maker to, erm, Makee? (13:17:09) Fang: oh...yeah...even when I'm trying to keep it on topic up pops an erection when I least expect one Eileen (13:17:21) Kinkyclawz: *snortlaugh* (13:17:29) Eileen: *giggles* (13:17:46) Aubergine: Lmao (13:18:14) Fang: well that lasted a long time, the topic I mean not the ...other thing (13:18:34) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (13:18:43) Eileen: my shoulder is not sexy at all Fang. Calm down! (13:18:49) Eileen: Okay BTT (13:18:51) Fang: they need a flashback episode (13:19:19) Kinkyclawz: Vampire flashback... or spin off series? (13:19:24) Fang: Ivan, Daisy, Hettie, Mitchell, Herrick, Hal etc at a Dog fight (13:19:33) Fang: or meeting for tea(13:19:54) Fang: maybe a clas of 1891 reunion? (13:19:56) Kinkyclawz: LOL Served by an over-enthusiastic, tea-loving ghost? (13:20:03) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (13:20:23) Eileen: lol (13:20:50) Fang: damn lack of budget, they couldn't even afford to have Ivan and Daisy in every episode when they were alive/undead (13:21:01) Fang: maybe just Ivan (13:21:19) Fang: there's so much more they could do with Ivan (13:21:37) Aubergine: Yea Daisy doesn't go back as far as 1891 (13:21:44) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, and I bet he knew Hal too (13:21:51) Eileen: Class of 91 ... 1791 (13:22:18) Kinkyclawz: Neither does Mitchell. (13:22:24) Fang: Hal may have invited him to old one club (13:23:06) Fang: oh shhh you and your logic, Daisy was Ivan's date so didn't need to be born then and er..they made a mistake with Mitchell's birth cirtificate (13:23:19) Kinkyclawz: Perhaps, see how the old ones do it, you young whippersnapper. (13:23:55) Aubergine: how old was Ivan? (13:24:07) Fang: 200ish? (13:24:28) Kinkyclawz: Bloody hell. Sorry Genie, could you please send the chatlog again? Hit the same wrong key again. (13:24:31) Fang: Toby said that being an old one wasn't just about age but about attidude (13:24:52) Aubergine: sure thing hang on (13:24:53) Kinkyclawz: He did? (13:25:09) Eileen: i see

(13:25:09) Fang: so somebody had to have invited Hal into the inner circle, of course he knew Hettie (13:25:19) Eileen: sorry distracted, im cutting out rose pedals (13:25:23) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou Genie. (maybe just send the lot if that's easier, and I'll sort it out later) (13:25:30) Kinkyclawz: Aww, for origami? (13:25:36) Eileen: i think it might have been hettie (13:25:39) Eileen: papercraft (13:25:41) Aubergine: okies (13:25:49) Fang: oops 400 not 200 (13:25:54) Fang: @lycan666 What's the difference between an Old One and a New One? Its partly to do with age and partly state of mind. For example Ivan was well over four hundred years old, but there was something about him his innate grandeur and status made him an old one. Whereas Regus is probably around the same age but somehow its difficult to think of him as an Old One. (21:26:28) Kinkyclawz: Hm, I bet the levels of origami books being sold have skyrocketed since Hal made that beautiful rose. (21:26:45) Eileen: lol its not origami (21:26:49) Eileen: what i make (21:26:53) Fang: hmm maybe Hal and Hettie could reform a nicer version of the old ones (21:26:59) Eileen: and i still didnt do the origami rose (21:27:04) Eileen: yeah (21:27:09) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, he did indeed. I remember that answer now you mention it. Thanks for finding that, Fang. *hugz* (21:27:15) Eileen: i wonder if we will see hettie again (21:27:16) Fang: regus somehow made it out alive so he could be their first recruit (21:27:33) Fang: as he's nice by vampire standards (21:27:35) Kinkyclawz: Papercraft, even better! Can we see pictures please? (21:27:51) Aubergine: on it's way (21:27:57) Fang: the blog is still in my RSS feed despite it never updating (21:28:06) Kinkyclawz: Thanks Genie! MWAH again! (21:28:37) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, I see. And Rebecca's left the blog now so no idea who's running it now. (21:28:53) Eileen: oh what was that? (21:28:56) Fang: we better see Hettie again, even though Toby said not to get our hopes up

(21:29:01) Aubergine: Regus made himself indispensable with his keeper of the scroll drivel (21:29:20) Aubergine: bring back Barry (21:29:27) Fang: brb (21:29:54) Eileen: This is what I'm making: 202/00323/index.html (21:30:10) Kinkyclawz: ***** (21:30:43) Aubergine: aw timeless roses (21:30:55) Kinkyclawz: Oh, that's beautiful! (21:31:10) Kinkyclawz: HB Fang! (21:31:13) Fang: aww (21:31:17) Fang: too late I'm back (21:31:23) Eileen: wb Fang (21:31:56) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, wb Fang. (21:32:04) Fang: I decided to just go at 21:47 and 22 seconds rather than have a break and then return (21:32:34) Eileen: i will have to leave soon too (21:32:38) Aubergine: how precise (21:32:40) Fang: that's pretty advance oragami, what have you made to build up to that? (21:32:50) Fang: it's Eileen rubbing me off (21:32:58) Fang: no wait,rubbing off on me (21:33:20) Fang: no wait, oh you know what I mean, her influence (21:33:22) Aubergine: lol (21:33:22) Eileen: papercraft is a bit like modell making with pieces made of paper (21:33:31) Kinkyclawz: Me too, tired from work now. (21:33:45) Eileen: lol I know what you mean Fang (21:34:03) Eileen: you cut out the pieces of paper and put them together (21:34:05) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Fang (21:34:13) Aubergine: You'll have to post a picture of your completed project (21:34:36) Aubergine: such a talented Twister (21:34:40) Kinkyclawz: oh, yes please? share with us? (21:35:10) Eileen: i will (21:35:12) Eileen: (21:35:14) Fang: yes pictures of you ROFNIEC, I mean of your finished project (21:35:21) Fang: yes you are Will (21:35:26) Kinkyclawz: I think I could do papercraft. Sounds theraputic. (21:35:56) Fang: sounds dangerous, a high potential of paper cuts (21:35:58) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Fang, you're too fast for us!

(21:36:09) Kinkyclawz: humour wise. (21:36:13) Aubergine: you need patients and a steady hand (21:36:33) Kinkyclawz: The Doctor should be good if you need patients. (21:36:33) Fang: I'm too fast for my own good (21:36:41) Kinkyclawz: Oh, not THAT inf of Doctor, are you? (21:36:42) Aubergine: the desire to stay in the lines (21:37:08) Eileen: q=tbn:ANd9GcRhW3h1TrZx64m0OkQyW5X0zGgcNWEvV0j31hVjz4pBkB9sv9RoJw (21:37:24) Fang: anyway the bit of werewolf mythology I heard recenlty was that King John (of Robin hood fame) was rumoured to have been a werewolf (21:37:36) Fang: and Mad King George too (21:37:49) Aubergine: did you make that? (21:37:50) Fang: maybe being human could have a werewolf royal family (21:37:55) Kinkyclawz: Really? (21:38:09) Aubergine: maybe they do (21:38:14) Eileen: roll on floor in england's colours! (21:38:16) Eileen: remembered! (21:38:21) Aubergine: werewolves seem to be secretive (21:38:40) Fang: you missed out an "N" there Eileen (21:38:46) Kinkyclawz: Hmm, that bears some investigation methinks, I like the notion though. It almost ties into Doctor Who too. (21:38:58) Aubergine: so a secret society of werewolves isn't a stretch (21:38:59) Eileen: no didnt make that (21:39:01) Fang: maybe Tom could be descended from them (21:39:04) Eileen: oh! N=naked (21:39:06) Fang: King Tom (21:39:36) Fang: yeah put something like "King John Werewolf" into google and there's a few mentions of it (21:39:42) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, you're all giving me ideas for a story! (21:39:48) Kinkyclawz: Not a fanfic either. LOL (21:39:50) Fang: hey! that's my idea (21:40:14) Kinkyclawz: Are you going to write it? (21:40:20) Fang: Robin Hood vs Werewolfs/ Robin Hood vs The werewolf king (21:40:25) Aubergine: intellectual property (21:40:33) Aubergine: fair game (21:40:36) Eileen: lol (21:40:42) Eileen: and Robin Hood as a vampire? (21:40:42) Fang: well probably not, I did pitch it to asylum but I think they want proper writers!

(21:40:44) Kinkyclawz: Awesome cheers Fang. (21:41:05) Eileen: i could go with that (21:41:08) Kinkyclawz: LOL Yeah Eileen! Loving it! (21:41:08) Fang: ah who am I kidding I can't write that, just give me a cut of your profits like normal (21:41:23) Kinkyclawz: Asylum? The publishers? (21:41:31) Fang: or we could write it together in perfect harmony (21:41:47) Fang: yeah the Megashark vs Giant octpus style people (21:41:59) Eileen: Robin hood the vamprie (21:42:04) Eileen: hiding in the woods (21:42:11) Kinkyclawz: WE could indeed, if you want to. (21:42:18) Fang: (21:42:27) Aubergine: Robin Hood would more likely be a vampire slayer (21:42:36) Fang: Maid Marion would make a good little red riding hood (21:42:53) Fang: especially with her nightwatchman alter ego (21:43:03) Fang: I may have given this too much though btw (21:43:28) Eileen: no thats buffy and lincoln already (21:43:34) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Heading into fairy tale territory? (21:43:44) Fang: like the King only collecting so much tax to get deadly silver out of circluation (21:43:46) Eileen: and dont forget Sam and Dean (21:44:03) Kinkyclawz: LOL (21:44:15) Kinkyclawz: Oh, I like it! (21:44:17) Eileen: lol (21:44:21) Aubergine: can't forget Sam and Dean (21:44:27) Fang: Sam and Dean went out with Little red riding hood or that they're werewolves? (21:44:50) Eileen: that they are vampire slayers (21:44:51) Eileen: lol (21:44:56) Kinkyclawz: Using her to get close enough to kill the werewolves? (21:45:05) Eileen: did you know they will show SPN on Sky Living soon? (21:45:13) Eileen: season 7 i think (21:45:19) Eileen: lol (21:45:20) Kinkyclawz: They will? From the beginning, dya think? (21:45:33) Eileen: season 7 (21:45:47) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, you knew what I was going to ask! LOL (21:46:07) Fang: of course that's also why the castle has dungeons and is situated near the forest (21:46:09) Eileen:

summer (21:46:24) Kinkyclawz: Is it one a Supernatural virgin could drop in on? Or do you need to knwo what happened before? (21:46:44) Eileen: you need to know what happened (21:46:50) Eileen: its's all tied together. hehe (21:46:52) Fang: ah wht won't they start from the start (21:47:08) Eileen: but you could watch an epi and see if the premise is something for oyu (21:47:12) Aubergine: Supernatural Virgin how extraordinary is that (21:47:13) Eileen: oyu yeah (21:47:15) Fang: anyway time to go methinks (21:47:26) Eileen: yes! time to go! (21:47:40) Eileen: backpack? (21:47:49) Kinkyclawz: Tsk. (21:48:16) Aubergine: Good night all (21:48:20) Aubergine: sleep tight (21:48:30) Aubergine: have a wonderful week (21:48:43) Eileen: not extraordinary (21:48:48) Eileen: all too common (21:48:53) Eileen: unfortunately (21:48:57) Fang: look at that being human related topics and everytibg (21:48:58) Eileen: more should watch the show (21:48:59) Eileen: (21:49:18) Fang: goodnight (21:49:23) Fang: everybody (21:49:31) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight Fang, goodnight Eileen, goodnight Genie! *hugz and kisses for all* Have an awesome week, see you next time. Take care, my Chatmates. (21:49:32) Eileen: good niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight (21:49:33) Fang: adn Eileen's body (21:49:41) Eileen: dont let the bedbugs bite (21:49:56) Eileen: watch SPN KC!!! (21:50:10) Eileen: lol (21:50:16) Eileen: night Fang! (21:50:26) Kinkyclawz: I'll watch it when they start from the beginning, honest I will. (21:50:38) Fang: og fine don't say goodnight then Genie (21:50:51) Fang: *sad Tardis noise* (21:50:54) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (21:50:55) Aubergine: I said Good night first

(21:50:59) Kinkyclawz: We did brilliantly at staying on topic. Hooray for us! (21:51:00) Eileen: *sobs* KCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (21:51:05) Eileen: Bye Fang (21:51:10) Willie: Fang enters the channel. (21:51:11) Eileen: *hugs him one final time* (21:51:20) Fang: oh wait I should say that was ajoke (21:51:20) Aubergine: or near a topic (21:51:28) Aubergine: bye Fang (21:51:32) Aubergine: Hi Fang (21:51:34) Fang: *slightly happier tardis noise* (21:51:39) Fang: goodnight (21:51:40) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (21:51:43) Aubergine: Bye Fang (21:51:58) Eileen: bye! (21:52:23) Kinkyclawz: You did say goodnight first, Genie, I have the proof. Fear not. (21:52:44) Kinkyclawz: LOL Fooled us. (21:53:03) Kinkyclawz: Bye Fang. (21:53:45) Kinkyclawz: Aww, sorry Eileen. I can't watch when it's not on though. :/ (21:54:06) Aubergine: Well time to go Twister. Sweet dreams. (21:54:53) Kinkyclawz: Indeed, goodnight and have a lovely, pain-free day Twister. MWAH! (21:55:20) Kinkyclawz: Bye bye Eileen! Sleep well and good luck with your papercrafting! (21:55:27) Aubergine: You too. (21:56:18) Kinkyclawz: Thanks, I'll try. Seeya next week. (21:56:43) Aubergine: Yep. (21:56:51) Willie: Eileen has been logged out (Timeout). (21:56:52) Willie: Aubergine logs out of the Chat.

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