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THE RULE ON THE WRIT OF AMPARO RESOLUTION Acting on the recommendation of the Chairper on of the Committee on Re!

i ion of the R"#e of Co"rt "$mitting for thi Co"rt% con ideration and appro!a# the propo ed R"#e on the Writ of Amparo& the Co"rt Re o#!ed to APPRO'E the ame( Thi R"#e ha## ta)e effect on Octo$er *+& *,,-& it p"$#ication in three /01 ne. paper of genera# circ"#ation( Septerm$er *2& *,,-(

/Sgd(1 RENATO S( PUNO Chief Justice

/Sgd(1 LEONARO A( 3UISUM4IN5 Associate Justice /Sgd(1 CONSUELO 6NARES7SANTIA5O Associate Justice /Sgd(1 AN5ELINA SAN8O'AL75UTIERRE9 Associate Justice /Sgd(1 ANTONIO T( CARPIO Associate Justice /Sgd(1 MA( ALICIA AUSTRIA7MARTINE9 Associate Justice /Sgd(1 RENATO C( CORONA Associate Justice

/Sgd(1 CONCHITA CARPIO MORALES Associate Justice /Sgd(1 A8OLFO S( A9CUNA Associate Justice /Sgd(1 8ANTE O( TIN5A Associate Justice /Sgd(1 MINITA '( CHICO7NA9ARIO Associate Justice /Sgd(1 CANCIO C( 5ARCIA Associate Justice /Sgd(1 PRES4ITERO :( 'ELASCO& :R( A sociate Justice /Sgd(1 ANTONIO E8UAR8O 4( NACHURA Associate Justice /Sgd(1 RU4EN T( RE6ES Associate Justice


FULL TE;T OF AMEN8E8 SECTIONS < AN8 == 7A(M( No( ,-7<7=*7 SC 7 THE RULE ON THE WRIT OF AMPARO 7 Octo$er =>& *,,-

Section =( Petition( 7 The petition for a .rit of amparo i a remed? a!ai#a$#e to an? per on .ho e right to #ife& #i$ert? and ec"rit? i !io#ated or threatened .ith !io#ation $? an "n#a.f"# act or omi ion of a p"$#ic officia# or emp#o?ee& or of a pri!ate indi!id"a# or entit?(

The .rit ha## co!er e@tra#ega# )i##ing and enforced di appearance or threat thereof( Sec( *( Who Ma? Fi#e( 7 The petition ma? $e fi#ed $? the aggrie!ed part? or $? an? A"a#ified per on or entit? in the orderB =( An? mem$er of the immediate fami#?& name#?B the po" e& chi#dren and parent of the aggrie!ed part?C *( An? a cendant& de cendant or co##atera# re#ati!e of the aggrie!ed part? .ithin the fo"rth ci!i# degree of con ang"init? or affinit?& in defa"#t of tho e mentioned in the preceding paragraphC or 0( An? concerned citiDen& organiDation& a ociation or in tit"tion& if there i no )no.n mem$er of the immediate fami#? or re#ati!e of the aggrie!ed part?( The fi#ing of a petition $? the aggrie!ed part? " pend the right of a## other a"thoriDed partie to fi#e imi#ar petition ( Li)e.i e& the fi#ing of the petition $? an a"thoriDed part? on $eha#f of the aggrie!ed part? " pend the right of a## other & o$ er!ing the order e ta$#i hed herein( Sec( 0( Where to Fi#e( 7 The petition ma? $e fi#ed on an? da? and at an? time .ith the Regiona# Tria# Co"rt of the p#ace .here the threat& act or omi ion .a committed or an? of it e#ement occ"rred& or .ith the Sandigan$a?an& the Co"rt of Appea# & the S"preme Co"rt& or an? E" tice of "ch co"rt ( The .rit ha## $e enforcea$#e an?.here in the Phi#ippine ( When i "ed $? a Regiona# Tria# Co"rt or an? E"dge thereof& the .rit ha## $e ret"rna$#e $efore "ch co"rt or E"dge( When i "ed $? the Sandigan$a?an or the Co"rt of Appea# or an? of their E" tice & it ma? $e ret"rna$#e $efore "ch co"rt or an? E" tice thereof& or to an? Regiona# Tria# Co"rt of the p#ace .here the threat& act or omi ion .a committed or an? of it e#ement occ"rred( When i "ed $? the S"preme Co"rt or an? of it E" tice & it ma? $e ret"rna$#e $efore "ch Co"rt or an? E" tice thereof& or $efore the Sandigan$a?an or the Co"rt of Appea# or an? of their E" tice & or to an? Regiona# Tria# Co"rt of the p#ace .here the threat& act or omi ion .a committed or an? of it e#ement occ"rred( Sec( +( No 8oc)et Fee ( 7 The petitioner ha## $e e@empted from the pa?ment of the doc)et and other #a.f"# fee .hen fi#ing the petition( The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ha## doc)et the petition and act "pon it immediate#?( Sec( 2( Content of Petition( 7 The petition ha## $e igned and !erified and ha## a##ege the fo##o.ingB



per ona#

circ"m tance




*( The name and per ona# circ"m tance of the re pondent re pon i$#e for the threat& act or omi ion& or& if the name i "n)no.n or "ncertain& the re pondent ma? $e de cri$ed $? an a "med appe##ationC 0( The right to #ife& #i$ert? and ec"rit? of the aggrie!ed part? !io#ated or threatened .ith !io#ation $? an "n#a.f"# act or omi ion of the re pondent& and ho. "ch threat or !io#ation i committed .ith the attendant circ"m tance detai#ed in "pporting affida!it C +( The in!e tigation cond"cted& if an?& pecif?ing the name & per ona# circ"m tance & and addre e of the in!e tigating a"thorit? or indi!id"a# & a .e## a the manner and cond"ct of the in!e tigation& together .ith an? reportC 2( The action and reco"r e ta)en $? the petitioner to determine the fate or .herea$o"t of the aggrie!ed part? and the identit? of the per on re pon i$#e for the threat& act or omi ionC and >( The re#ief pra?ed for( The petition ma? inc#"de a genera# pra?er for other E" t and eA"ita$#e re#ief ( Sec( >( I "ance of the Writ( 7 Upon the fi#ing of the petition& the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ha## immediate#? order the i "ance of the .rit if on it face it o"ght to i "e( The c#er) of co"rt ha## i "e the .rit "nder the ea# of the co"rtC or in ca e of "rgent nece it?& the E" tice or the E"dge ma? i "e the .rit "nder hi or her o.n hand& and ma? dep"tiDe an? officer or per on to er!e it( The .rit ha## a# o et the date and time for "mmar? hearing of the petition .hich ha## not $e #ater than e!en /-1 da? from the date of it i "ance( Sec( -( Pena#t? for Ref" ing to I "e or Ser!e the Writ( 7 A c#er) of co"rt .ho ref" e to i "e the .rit after it a##o.ance& or a dep"tiDed per on .ho ref" e to er!e the ame& ha## $e p"ni hed $? the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge for contempt .itho"t preE"dice to other di cip#inar? action ( Sec( F( Ho. the Writ i Ser!ed( 7 The .rit ha## $e er!ed "pon the re pondent $? a E"dicia# officer or $? a per on dep"tiDed $? the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge .ho ha## retain a cop? on .hich to ma)e a ret"rn of er!ice( In ca e the .rit cannot $e er!ed per ona##? on the re pondent& the r"#e on "$ tit"ted er!ice ha## app#?( Sec( <( Ret"rnC Content ( 7 Within e!ent?7t.o /-*1 ho"r after er!ice of the .rit& the re pondent ha## fi#e a !erified .ritten ret"rn together .ith "pporting affida!it .hich ha##& among other thing & contain the fo##o.ingB

=( The #a.f"# defen e to ho. that the re pondent did not !io#ate or threaten .ith !io#ation the right to #ife& #i$ert? and ec"rit? of the aggrie!ed part?& thro"gh an? act or omi ionC *( The tep or action ta)en $? the re pondent to determine the fate or .herea$o"t of the aggrie!ed part? and the per on or per on re pon i$#e for the threat& act or omi ionC 0( A## re#e!ant information in the po e ion of the re pondent pertaining to the threat& act or omi ion again t the aggrie!ed part?C and +( If the re pondent i a p"$#ic officia# or emp#o?ee& the ret"rn ha## f"rther tate the action that ha!e $een or .i## ti## $e ta)enB =( to !erif? the identit? of the aggrie!ed part?C

*( to reco!er and pre er!e e!idence re#ated to the death or di appearance of the per on identified in the petition .hich ma? aid in the pro ec"tion of the per on or per on re pon i$#eC 0( to identif? .itne e di appearanceC and o$tain tatement from them concerning the death or

+( to determine the ca" e& manner& #ocation and time of death or di appearance a .e## a an? pattern or practice that ma? ha!e $ro"ght a$o"t the death or di appearanceC 2( to identif? and apprehend the per on or per on in!o#!ed in the death or di appearanceC and >( to $ring the " pected offender $efore a competent co"rt( The ret"rn ha## a# o tate other matter re#e!ant to the in!e tigation& it re o#"tion and the pro ec"tion of the ca e( A genera# denia# of the a##egation in the petition ha## not $e a##o.ed( Sec( =,( 8efen e not P#eaded 8eemed Wai!ed( 7 A## defen e other.i e& the? ha## $e deemed .ai!ed( ha## $e rai ed in the ret"rn&

Sec( ==( Prohi$ited P#eading and Motion ( 7 The p#eading and motion are prohi$itedB




di mi C

*( Motion for e@ten ion of time to fi#e ret"rn& oppo ition& affida!it& po ition paper and other p#eading C 0( +( 2( >( -( F( <( =,( Motion to dec#are re pondent in 8i#ator? Motion for Co"nterc#aim Third7part? motion a $i## or for of po tponementC partic"#ar C cro 7c#aimC comp#aintC Rep#?C defa"#tC Inter!entionC Memorand"mC

==( Motion for recon ideration of inter#oc"tor? order or interim re#ief order C and =*( Petition for certiorari& mandam" or prohi$ition again t an? inter#oc"tor? order( Sec( =*( Effect of Fai#"re to Fi#e Ret"rn( 7 In ca e the re pondent fai# to fi#e a ret"rn& the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ha## proceed to hear the petition e@ parte( Sec( =0( S"mmar? Hearing( 7 The hearing on the petition ha## $e "mmar?( Ho.e!er& the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ma? ca## for a pre#iminar? conference to imp#if? the i "e and determine the po i$i#it? of o$taining tip"#ation and admi ion from the partie ( The hearing ha## $e from da? to da? "nti# comp#eted and gi!en the ame priorit? a petition for ha$ea corp" ( Sec( =+( Interim Re#ief ( 7 Upon fi#ing of the petition or at an?time $efore fina# E"dgment& the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ma? grant an? of the re#ief B /a1 Temporar? Protection Order( 7 The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge& "pon motion or mot" proprio& ma? order that the petitioner or the aggrie!ed part? and an? mem$er of the immediate fami#? $e protected in a go!ernment agenc? or $? an accredited per on or pri!ate in tit"tion capa$#e of )eeping and ec"ring their afet?( If the petitioner i an organiDation& a ociation or in tit"tion referred to in Section 0/c1 of thi R"#e& the protection ma? $e e@tended to the officer in!o#!ed(

The S"preme Co"rt ha## accredit the per on and pri!ate in tit"tion that ha## e@tend temporar? protection to the petitioner or the aggrie!ed part? and an? mem$er of the immediate fami#?& in accordance .ith g"ide#ine .hich it ha## i "e( The accredited per on and pri!ate in tit"tion ha## comp#? .ith the r"#e and condition that ma? $e impo ed $? the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge( /$1 In pection Order( 7 The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge& "pon !erified motion and after d"e hearing& ma? order an? per on in po e ion or contro# of a de ignated #and or other propert?& to permit entr? for the p"rpo e of in pecting& mea "ring& "r!e?ing& or photographing the propert? or an? re#e!ant o$Eect or operation thereon( The motion ha## tate in detai# the p#ace or p#ace to $e in pected( It ha## $e "pported $? affida!it or te timonie of .itne e ha!ing per ona# )no.#edge of the enforced di appearance or .herea$o"t of the aggrie!ed part?( If the motion i oppo ed on the gro"nd of nationa# ec"rit? or of the pri!i#eged nat"re of the information& the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ma? cond"ct a hearing in cham$er to determine the merit of the oppo ition( The mo!ant m" t ho. that the in pection order i nece ar? to e ta$#i h the right of the aggrie!ed part? a##eged to $e threatened or !io#ated( The in pection order ha## pecif? the per on or per on a"thoriDed to ma)e the in pection and the date& time& p#ace and manner of ma)ing the in pection and ma? pre cri$e other condition to protect the con tit"tiona# right of a## partie ( The order ha## e@pire fi!e /21 da? after the date of it i "ance& "n#e e@tended for E" tifia$#e rea on ( /c1 Prod"ction Order( 7 The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge& "pon !erified motion and after d"e hearing& ma? order an? per on in po e ion& c" tod? or contro# of an? de ignated doc"ment & paper & $oo) & acco"nt & #etter & photograph & o$Eect or tangi$#e thing & or o$Eect in digitiDed or e#ectronic form& .hich con tit"te or contain e!idence re#e!ant to the petition or the ret"rn& to prod"ce and permit their in pection& cop?ing or photographing $? or on $eha#f of the mo!ant( The motion ma? $e oppo ed on the gro"nd of nationa# ec"rit? or of the pri!i#eged nat"re of the information& in .hich ca e the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ma? cond"ct a hearing in cham$er to determine the merit of the oppo ition( The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ha## pre cri$e other condition to protect the con tit"tiona# right of a## the partie ( /d1 Witne Protection Order( 7 The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge& "pon motion or mot" proprio& ma? refer the .itne e to the 8epartment of :" tice for admi ion to the Witne Protection& Sec"rit? and 4enefit Program& p"r "ant to Rep"$#ic Act No( ><F=(

The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ma? a# o refer the .itne e to other go!ernment agencie & or to accredited per on or pri!ate in tit"tion capa$#e of )eeping and ec"ring their afet?( Sec( =2( A!ai#a$i#it? of Interim Re#ief to Re pondent( 7 Upon !erified motion of the re pondent and after d"e hearing& the co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ma? i "e an in pection order or prod"ction order "nder paragraph /$1 and /c1 of the preceding ection( A motion for in pection order "nder thi ection ha## $e "pported $? affida!it or te timonie of .itne e ha!ing per ona# )no.#edge of the defen e of the re pondent( Sec( =>( Contempt( 7 The co"rt& E" tice or E"dge ma? order the re pondent .ho ref" e to ma)e a ret"rn& or .ho ma)e a fa# e ret"rn& or an? per on .ho other.i e di o$e? or re i t a #a.f"# proce or order of the co"rt to $e p"ni hed for contempt( The contemnor ma? $e impri oned or impo ed a fine( Sec( =-( 4"rden of Proof and Standard of 8i#igence ReA"ired( 7 The partie their c#aim $? "$ tantia# e!idence( ha## e ta$#i h

The re pondent .ho i a pri!ate indi!id"a# or entit? m" t pro!e that ordinar? di#igence a reA"ired $? app#ica$#e #a. & r"#e and reg"#ation .a o$ er!ed in the performance of d"t?( The re pondent .ho i a p"$#ic officia# or emp#o?ee m" t pro!e that e@traordinar? di#igence a reA"ired $? app#ica$#e #a. & r"#e and reg"#ation .a o$ er!ed in the performance of d"t?( The re pondent p"$#ic officia# or emp#o?ee cannot in!o)e the pre "mption that officia# d"t? ha $een reg"#ar#? performed to e!ade re pon i$i#it? or #ia$i#it?( Sec( =F( :"dgment( 7 The co"rt ha## render E"dgment .ithin ten /=,1 da? from the time the petition i "$mitted for deci ion( If the a##egation in the petition are pro!en $? "$ tantia# e!idence& the co"rt ha## grant the pri!i#ege of the .rit and "ch re#ief a ma? $e proper and appropriateC other.i e& the pri!i#ege ha## $e denied( Sec( =<( Appea#( 7 An? part? ma? appea# from the fina# E"dgment or order to the S"preme Co"rt "nder R"#e +2( The appea# ma? rai e A"e tion of fact or #a. or $oth( The period of appea# ha## $e fi!e /21 .or)ing da? from the date of notice of the ad!er e E"dgment( The appea# ha## $e gi!en the ame priorit? a in ha$ea corp" ca e (

Sec( *,( Archi!ing and Re!i!a# of Ca e ( 7 The co"rt ha## not di mi the petition& $"t ha## archi!e it& if "pon it determination it cannot proceed for a !a#id ca" e "ch a the fai#"re of petitioner or .itne e to appear d"e to threat on their #i!e ( A periodic re!ie. of the archi!ed ca e ha## $e made $? the amparo co"rt that ha##& mot" proprio or "pon motion $? an? part?& order their re!i!a# .hen read? for f"rther proceeding ( The petition ha## $e di mi ed .ith preE"dice "pon fai#"re to pro ec"te the ca e after the #ap e of t.o /*1 ?ear from notice to the petitioner of the order archi!ing the ca e( The c#er) of co"rt ha## "$mit to the Office of the Co"rt Admini trator a con o#idated #i t of archi!ed ca e "nder thi R"#e not #ater than the fir t .ee) of :an"ar? of e!er? ?ear( Sec( *=( In tit"tion of Separate Action ( 7 Thi R"#e ha## not prec#"de the fi#ing of eparate crimina#& ci!i# or admini trati!e action ( Sec( **( Effect of Fi#ing of a Crimina# Action( 7 When a crimina# action ha $een commenced& no eparate petition for the .rit ha## $e fi#ed( The re#ief "nder the .rit ha## $e a!ai#a$#e $? motion in the crimina# ca e( The proced"re "nder thi R"#e ha## go!ern the di po ition of the re#ief a!ai#a$#e "nder the .rit of amparo( Sec( *0( Con o#idation( 7 When a crimina# action i fi#ed "$ eA"ent to the fi#ing of a petition for the .rit& the #atter ha## $e con o#idated .ith the crimina# action( When a crimina# action and a eparate ci!i# action are fi#ed "$ eA"ent to a petition for a .rit of amparo& the #atter ha## $e con o#idated .ith the crimina# action( After con o#idation& the proced"re "nder thi R"#e ha## contin"e to app#? to the di po ition of the re#ief in the petition( Sec( *+( S"$ tanti!e Right ( 7 Thi R"#e ha## not dimini h& increa e or modif? "$ tanti!e right recogniDed and protected $? the Con tit"tion( Sec( *2( S"pp#etor? App#ication of the R"#e of Co"rt( 7 The R"#e of Co"rt ha## app#? "pp#etori#? in ofar a it i not incon i tent .ith thi R"#e( Sec( *>( App#ica$i#it? to Pending Ca e ( 7 Thi R"#e ha## go!ern ca e in!o#!ing e@tra#ega# )i##ing and enforced di appearance or threat thereof pending in the tria# and appe##ate

co"rt ( Sec( *-( Effecti!it?( 7 Thi R"#e ha## ta)e effect on Octo$er *+& *,,-& it p"$#ication in three /01 ne. paper of genera# circ"#ation(

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