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The Fundamental Interpersonal Relationships-Behavior

Developed by Will Schutz, Ph.D.

How do Leaders Develop Effective Relationships? How do Leaders Stress their relationships? How do Leaders relate to their people? What skills are needed to effectively relate to subordinates?

Group Dynamics
Instillation of Hope Universality Imparting of Information Altruism Recapitulation of the Primary Family Socialising Techniques Imitative Behaviour Interpersonal Learning Group Cohesiveness Catharsis Existential Factors

Inclusion Control Affection

Expressed and Wanted

Inclusion Control Affection

Expressed Behavior Wanted Behavior

Expressed Inclusion

Expressed Control

Expressed Affection

Wanted Inclusion

Wanted Control

Wanted Affection

Expressed Behavior
I make efforts to include other people in my activities and to get them to include me in theirs. I try to belong, to join social groups, and to be with people as much as possible.

Wanted Behavior
I want other people to include me in their activities and to invite me to belong, even if I do not make an effort to be included.

Expressed Behavior
I try to exert control and influence over things. I take charge of things and tell other people what to do.

Wanted Behavior
I want others to control and influence me. I want other people to tell me what to do.

Expressed Behavior
I make efforts to become close to people. I express friendly and affectionate feelings and try to be personal and intimate.

Wanted Behavior
I want others to express friendly and affectionate feelings toward me and to try to become close to me.

Rate Yourself
Low Need; Moderate Need; High Need
Expressed Inclusion Wanted (from others) Inclusion Expressed Control Wanted (from others) Control Expressed Affection Expressed (from others) Affection

Take the FIRO-B

0-1 are very low scores; the behavior described will be rarely seen. 2-3 are low scores; the behavior described will not be noticeable characteristic of the person. 4-5 are borderline scores; although not extreme, the person may display a tendency toward the behavior described for the lower (4) or higher (5) scores.

Scores Continued
6-7 are high scores; the behavior will be a noticeable characteristic of the person. 8-9 are very high scores; the behavior will be strongly characteristic of the person.

Build and Maintain Effective Relationships

A person with High Expressed In Low Expressed In High Expressed Co Low Expressed Co High Expressed Aff Low Expressed Aff matched with a person with High Wanted In Low Wanted In High Wanted Co Low Wanted Co High Wanted Aff Low Wanted Aff

Seldom do Relationships Match, these would need work

A person with High Expressed In Low Expressed In High Expressed Co Low Expressed Co High Expressed Aff Low Expressed Aff matched with a person with Low Wanted In High Wanted In Low Wanted Co High Wanted Co Low Wanted Aff High Wanted Aff

High Expectations
Inclusion Control Affection

Expressed Behavior

0 9

0 9

0 9

Wanted Behavior

The Rock
Inclusion Control Affection

Expressed Behavior

0 0

0 0

0 0

Wanted Behavior

Inclusion Control Affection

Expressed Behavior

0 0

9 0

0 0

Wanted Behavior

Party Time
Inclusion Control Affection

Expressed Behavior

9 9

0 0

9 9

Wanted Behavior

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