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Graph minors and embeddings

Rudi Pendavingh
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

Advanced Graph Theory, lecture 5

Rudi Pendavingh (TUE)

Graph minors and embeddings


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Denition (Graphs)
A graph is a pair (V , E ), where V is a nite set and E is a set of unordered pairs from V . We sometimes abbreviate {u, v } to uv .

Denition (Deletion and contraction)

Let G = (V , E ) be a graph, e E , v V . G \e := (V , E e) G \v := (V v , {e E | v e}) G /e := (V \e + v , E /e), where (edge deletion) (vertex deletion) (edge contraction)

E /e := {f E | f e = } {uv | uw E , u e, w e}

Rudi Pendavingh (TUE)

Graph minors and embeddings


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Graph minors
Denition (Graph minors)
A graph H is a minor of G if H is obtained from G by deletion and contraction of edges and/or deletion of vertices. We write H G if H is isomorphic to a minor of G .

Theorem (Robertson, Seymour)

Let G1 , G2 , . . . be a sequence of graphs. Then there are i, j such that i < j and Gi Gj . A set of graphs G is minor-closed if for all G G and all minors H of G , G contains a graph isomorphic to H.

Let G be a minor-closed set of graphs. Then there is a nite set of graphs F such that G G if and only if there is no H G such that H F.
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Graph embeddings

Let G = (V , E ) be a graph. The topological graph G associated with G is the 1-complex that arises from 0-cells (v )v V and 1-cells (e)eE by identifying one end of uv to u and the other to v for each uv E .

We say that a graph G can be embedded in a topological space W i the associated topological graph G has a tame embedding in W , i.e. if there is a continuous piecewise linear injection G W . Given a surface S, the class of graphs embedded in S is minor-closed.

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Graph minors and embeddings


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Planar graphs
A graph G is planar if G embeds in the 2-sphere S 2 .

Neither K5 nor K3,3 are planar.

Let f , g : G S be piecewise linear mappings in general position. Then f can be continuously deformed to g , so that all but nitely many intermediate maps are in general position. G = K5 or G = K3,3 , the parity of e,f E (G ),ef = |h(e) h(f )| is the same for all h in general position on the way from f to g . K5 and K3,3 have an embedding with exactly one intersection between nonadjacent edges.
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Kuratowskis theorem
Let G = (V , E ) be a graph. Then G is planar if and only if G has no minor isomorphic to K5 or K3,3

Induction on |V | + |E |. Suppose G has no K5 - or K3,3 -minor. If G has a vertex-separation of 2 vertices, each side has planar embedding by induction. These planar embeddings can be combined to a planar embedding of G . So G is 3-connected. By Tuttes wheels and whirls theorem, there is an e E so that G \e or G /e is 3-connected, or G is a wheel. If G is a wheel, then G is planar. If G \e is planar and G is not, then G has a K5 -minor. If G /e is planar and G is not, then G has a K3,3 -minor.
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Kuratowskis real theorem

Theorem (Kuratowski, 1931)

Let G be a graph. Then G is planar if and only if there is no embedding K5 G or K3,3 G . This follows from the previous Theorem and

Let G be a graph. If G has a K3,3 -minor, then K3,3 G If G has a K5 -minor, then K5 G or K3,3 G

Rudi Pendavingh (TUE)

Graph minors and embeddings


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The planar dual

Let G be 3-connected planar graph. Then G S 2 is essentially unique.

Let G be a graph and let f : G S 2 be a tame embedding. Then each component of S 2 is a face of the embedding f . If G is 3-connected, the faces of an embedding depend only on G .

Let G be a 3-connected planar graph. The planar dual of G is the graph G = (V , E ), where V is the set of faces of G , and E = {e | e E }, where e connects the two faces incident with e.

Show that if G is 3-connected and planar, then M(G ) = M(G ) .
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Other surfaces
Theorem (Archdeacon)
The class of projective-planar graphs has 35 excluded minors.

Let G = (V , E ) be a graph, and suppose uv , vw , wu E for some u, v , w E . Let H := (V + v , E \{uv , vw , wu} {uv , vv , wv }) Then H arises from G by a -Y operation. If H arises from G by a -Y, and H embeds in surface S, then so does G .

Theorem (Bodendiek, Wagner)

There are at least 23 graphs that are minor-minimal non-toro and are dal such that any Y- operation yields a toro graph. dal
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Outerplanar graphs
A graph G is outerplanar if there is a piecewise linear embedding f : G B 2 so that f (v ) B 2 for all vertices v of G , where B 2 is the 2-disk.

Let G be a graph. Then the suspension of G is the graph S(G ) := (V + v , E + {uv | u V })

Show that G is outerplanar if and only if S(G ) is planar.

Let G be a graph. Then G is outerplanar if and only if G has no K4 or K2,3 -minor.
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The Petersen family

Denition (Petersen family)

The Petersen family is the collection of 7 graphs that may be obtained from K6 by -Y- and Y- operations.

Draw the 7 members of the Petersen family. Verify that the Petersen graph is among them.

Show that if S(G ) has a minor in the Petersen family, then G has a K5 - or K3,3 -minor.

Rudi Pendavingh (TUE)

Graph minors and embeddings


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Linkless embeddable graphs

Let G be a graph. A tame embedding f : G R3 is linkless if the images of each pair of disjoint circuits of G are unlinked.

Show that G is planar if and only if S(G ) is linklessy embeddable.

Theorem (Conway and Gordon)

K6 is not linklessly embeddable.

Show that the other members of the Petersen family are not linkless either.

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Theorem (Robertson, Seymour and Thomas)

Let G be a graph. Then G is linklessly embeddable if and only if G has no minor in the Petersen family. This used to be Sachs Conjecture.

Be sure to understand all denitions (look up the def. of link and linking number if necessary) You must know the proof of Kuratowskis Theorem and the theorem of Conway and Gordon Make all exercises

Rudi Pendavingh (TUE)

Graph minors and embeddings


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