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Marketing Research Questionnaire For 3D FAB LAB Printer

Conducted by: CMS (JMI)

(Group 2) Batch (2011-013) Mahvish Fatima : 11.MBA.27 Sumbul Khan: 11.MBA.59 Sameer Ali Mir: 11.MBA.47 Jafar Hosseini: 11.MBA.50 Lalthasangi: 10.MBA.25 Ramreisem R Shimrey: 11.MBA.56

Name : Age: Sex: Telephone/ E. mail ID:

1). To which industry do you belong to? Engineering Architecture Industrial Designing Jewellery Designing Foot wear Industry Engineering Construction Automative Industry Others please specify

2). What type of printer do you use? Ink jet Laser jet Apple Laser Writer Apple Image writer Electromagnetic Printers Line Printer 3.D Printer Others please specify

3). How much would you like to spend on your printer? 2000 - 10000( in rupees) 10000-18000( in rupees) 18000-26000( in rupees) 26000-34000( in rupees) 34000-42000( in rupees) 42000-50000( in rupees) 50000 and above( in rupees)

4). Would you like to use a printer that would give you 3. D Images? Yes No

5). What do you like most about our new product? Design Functioning Versatility User Friendly Interface Price Accessibility Low Maintenance Over all performance

6). If our new product was available today, How likely would you use it as well as recommend it to others? Very Likely Moderately likely Not likely Slightly Likely

7). If you are not likely to use our product, why not? Do not need it Do not want it Can not pay for it Will not pay for it Others please specify

8). How important is convenience while choosing this type of product? Extremely Important Very Imortant Moderately Important Slightly Important Not at all important

9). What do you like most about the competing products currently available from other companies? Price Convenient handling Portability

Other features please specify

10). What would make you more likely to use our new product in comparison to others?

11). What changes would most improve our new product?

12). What in your opinion is the future of 3D Printing technology?

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