Change ANY Habit in 7 Days or Less!

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Just The Facts Presents:

The Power To Change

The Essentials
by P. James (Coach Comeback) Holland


Daily motivational quotes and posters at LIFE EMPROVEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA


Did you know that the majority of the decisions you make every single day are not actually decisions at all? They are primarily habits.

This book will not only teach you how to take control of your life by helping you to understand and change your bad or unwanted habits. It will also guide you through practical steps you can use to craft new habits.

A habit can be changed once we have the belief that it can change or that you have no choice but to change.

Example: Have you ever known someone who has been struggling to lose weight for years? They have a gym membership. They seem to be eating all the right foods. Yet, you hear them complain that they never lose weight.

Then they receive a diagnosis from the doctor telling them they need to lose 30lbs or die.

Almost like magic you notice the pounds just start to melt away in what seems like days.

In the following pages you will learn how to harness this power to cultivate your own habits to achieve practically anything you desire.

There are three parts to this book. Each one giving you deeper insight into important aspects of your habits. First, we will go into how habits are created in individual people. Next, you will discover what habit are responsible for prosperous and thriving companies. Finally, you will learn the power of habits when it comes to entire communities.

Habits are actions that you preform automatically and almost without any effort. Once you understand how they work, you can begin to change them.

Special Note: Since this is Just The Facts if you want further insights or actual examples given in the book PLEASE visit materials and sources.




2012 by Just The Facts Publication ISBN - 978-1-300-00723-4 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: The Author and Publisher has striven to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book, not withstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author and Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. First Printing, 2012

Printed in the United States of America

Your Free Bonuses For Purchasing:.....................................................3 LIFE EMPROVEMENT ENCYCLOPEDIA.......................................3 Prologue The Habit cure....................................................................... 4 DISCLAIMER...................................................................................... 8 Table of Contents.................................................................................. 9 Part one: The Habits of Individuals...................................................11 Chapter 1: The Habit Loop How Habits Work...........................11 Chapter 2: The Craving Brain How To Create New Habits.......15 Chapter 3: THE GOLDEN RULE OF HABIT CHANGE Why Transformation Occurs.................................................................. 18 Part Two: The Habits Of Successful Organizations........................... 21 Chapter 4: Keystone Habits, Or The Ballad Of Paul ONeill Which Habits Matter Most............................................................. 22

Chapter 5: Starbucks And The Habit Of Success When Habits Become Automatic......................................................................... 25 Chapter 6: The Power Of Crisis How Leaders Create Habits Through Accident And Design...................................................... 29 Chapter 7: How Target Knows What You Want Before You Do How Companies Predict (and Manipulate) Habits........................ 32 Part 3: The Habits Of Societies........................................................... 35 Chapter 8: The Saddle-back Church And The Montgomery Bus Boycott How Movements Happen.............................................. 36 Chapter 9: The Neurology Of Free Will Are We Responsible For Our Habits?.................................................................................... 39 Appendix A Reader's Guide To Using These Ideas.................... 44



Your habits and your memory are separate. When you perform a task from your memory your mind is actively searching for what to do next and you are a conscious participant. However, when it becomes a habit, your brain becomes almost inactive so it can focus on other things while at the same time it triggers a routine to take over on auto-pilot. In the full version of this book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, the author shares an interesting story about a man who had an illness that completely wiped out his short-term memory. He cannot tell you where the front door is while inside his house, nor can he even remember how he got into the room that he is in. What is interesting is the fact that even with no memory whatsoever he is still performing tasks he learned before the illness and has the ability to learn new ones although he has no recollection of it. When this man was asked where the restroom was he had no idea. But when the urge arises, almost robotically, the man gets up, walks to the restroom, relieves himself, washes his hands then returns to his seat. Habits are formed in the tissue in the center of the brain known as the basal ganglia. When you are starting a new action for the first time this area of the

brain is extremely active looking, searching, memorizing, taking notes and studying everything it can. Once you have repeated this action over and over again the brain activity slows down and it begins to run automatically. The brain will notice a pattern, recall the previous experiences and send a signal to follow the routine without much thought at all. Our brains our constantly looking for ways to make things simpler for us so that we can use our activity to focus on other things. Although it is ultimately trying to save us energy and mental activity like having to think about how to tie your shoes every single morning it can also create not so good routines like grabbing a doughnut every time you pass a bakery. The Habit Loop is composed of three basic functions. First, your brain recognizes some sort of familiar signal or cue that it is time to start a routine and go into auto-pilot. Once it does it starts the habit process or the routine. The third component to the habit loop is the reward or the end result that you are working towards. The reward is the most important element. We enjoy the rewards we receive. In essence, the brain works backwards. Once we get that rush of good feelings from whatever reward we just received, whether it be physical, emotional or mental, the basal

ganglia goes back to see what we did to cause it then remembers it. Next time, all we need is the familiar cue and it will trigger the routine to get us back to that same result. Knowing the structure of how habits function is what will give you the skill to be able to change and reshape them. If you do not make a conscious effort to change a habit it will unfold automatically without any participation needed from you. You do not even need to be consciously aware of how the habit started, the reward you are getting or what is triggering it for it to still run its course over and over again. Your cue could be any sight, sound, smell, emotion, time of day, type of weather, being around a certain person, your pet or even passing by your favorite grocery store. Your reward could be a new car, better job, sympathy, a sense of satisfaction, or any other range of emotional or physical items.


You can begin the process of creating, growing and managing your own habits with two simple steps. 1. Find your cue. Make it something identified and as simple as possible. easily

2. Premeditate your reward. Plan and spell out ahead of time what will be your benefit. These two things together is what you will use as the basis for uncovering the new habits you desire. But it does not stop there. In order to make a habit stick you need to develop a craving for the reward. It has to be something that causes your mind to already anticipate the reward the instant you get your cue. In order to change an existing habit you must identify the reward that is driving the habit, then change the routine that gets you there. How deep you develop your craving for the reward is directly proportionate to how strong your habit loop will be. Conversely, when you get your cue and you do not get the reward that was associated with it you can become depressed, angry and have a wide range of emotions from disappointment to frustration. That is why some people have trouble sticking to new workout routines. Their cue to start the routine may not have been clearly defined or the reward itself was

anticipated weight loss. If at the end of a couple of days the person does not see the expected drop in weight then there is no reward associated to the routine. With there being no reward to crave a habit is never formed. On the other hand, if you happen to love smoothies your routine has a greater chance of becoming a habit if you reward yourself with a delicious shake after each workout. These strong cravings for the reward is how addictions are usually formed. Our brain does not know the difference between a good habit or a bad one. But once you can identify the craving that is driving an existing habit you can begin to change it. Or if you want to create a new habit, design it with your specific reward in mind. You can manufacture your cravings in order to help a new habit stick. Visualize the reward ahead of time. Really get a sense of how great it will be to get your reward at the end. Anticipate it. Long for it. And eventually... Crave it! Once you do you will find that nothing will stop you from getting it and the routine will become automatic and effortless.


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