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ATOMIC STRUCTUREIIT-JEEFundamental Particles 1)The mass of an electron is1) 0.000549 amu2) 1.00727amu3) 1.

00867 amu4) None Note : Mass of an electron= 9.1x10 -31 Kg= 5.49 x 10 -4 amu 2)The charge on an electron is1) 9.1 x 10 -31 coulombs2) 1.602 x 10 -19 coulombs3) 4.8 x 10 -10 coulombs4) None3)The mass of a proton is equal to1) 1.6726 x 10 -24 grams2) 1.00727 amu3)1.6726 x 10 -27 Kg4) All4)The mass of a neutron is1) 1.6749 x 10 -27 Kg2) 1.00867 amu3) Both 1 & 24) None5)The charge on a neutron is1) + 1.6 x 10 -19 coulombs2) -1.6 x 10 -19 coulombs3) 4.8 x 10 -10 e.s.u4) None6)1 amu is equal to1) 1.6726 x 10 -27 Kg2) 1.6605 x 10 -27 Kg3) 1.6749 x 10 -27 Kg4) None7)The symbol used to represent a - particle is1) +1 e 0 2) -1 e 0 3) +1 p 1 4) 2 He 4 Note : - particle is nothing but an electron 8)The ratio of mass of proton to that of an electron is1) 11836 2) 18363) 18394) 19)The ratio of mass of neutron to that of an electron is1) 183 92) 11836 3) 24) 183610)The ratio of specific charge of electron to that of a proton is1) 18362) 11836

3) 18394) None Note : Specific charge = Chargee=massm 11)The equation relating the characteristic frequency ( ) of X-rays emitted by anti-cathode and atomicnumber (Z) of the metal used as an ti-cathode, given by Moseley is1) a( z b ) 2) a( z b) 3) z 2 4) a ( zb ) 12)Charge on electron was experimentally determined by1) Millikan2) Goldstein3) Chadwick4) J.J.Thomson13)Choose the incorrect statement1) Nucleus occupies very small fraction of atom and most of the atom is empty, hence most of thealpha par ticles passed through the gold foil undeflected during - particle scattering experiment.2) Entire mass of the atom is concentrated in t he nucleus and the mass of electrons is negligible.3) Nucleus carries positive c harge due to presence of protons in it.

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