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Blue Printing

Service blue print is a visual portrayal of a service plan.

Preparation of Blue Print

Represent the product in the form of its molecular structure. Break down the process into logical steps Recognize the variability in the process. Identify the backstage element in the process.

Service Mapping
Line of interaction Line of visibility Line of internal interaction Line of implementation

Layers and features of service Map

Custoer Front Stage
Line of interaction Line of visibility Line of internal interaction

Service Structure

Front line Employees

Support staff Back Stage Management Service

Line of implementation

Building a service blue print

Determine the purpose of building the blueprint. Identify the process to blue print. Develop the script of service depicting role of the customer, sequence of events and what other people are likely to do. Draw the process (left to right) from the customers point of view. Draw the line of interaction.

Building a service blue print (cont)

Draw the line of visibility Draw the process from the customer contact employees point of view distinguishing front stage from backstage activities. Draw the line of internal interaction Link customer and contact employee activities to needed support function. Identify the fail points where things are likely to go or might go wrong

Advantages of Blue Print

Provides an over view Identifies fail points Improved service design Rational service design Continuous quality improvement Provides integrated view of service Identifies resources Constitute a rational basis for the both external and internal marketing Facilities top down bottom-up approach to quality improvement.

Overnight hotel stay

Physical evidence Desk registration papers lobby key Check in Elevators hallways room Delivery tray food appearanc e Receive food Food Hotel exterior parking Arrive at hotel Cart for bags Cart for bags Room Ameniti es room Sleep shower Menu Bill desk lobby hotel exterior parking Check out and leave

Give bags to bell person

Go to room

Receive delivery bags

Call room service


Contact person

Greet and take bags

Process registrati on

Deliver bags

Deliver food

Process check ou

Take bags to room

Take food order

Invisible process
Registration system Prepare food

Registration system

Stay at a Budget Hotel

Spend Night in Room


Check In

Break Fast

Check out

Key Visible action Core product

Benefits received
Invisible action

Repair TV set or Music system

Travel to store
Technician examines TV, Diagnoses problem

Leave Store

Return Three Days later

Pick up TV and Play

(Later) switch on TV at Home

Technical Repairs TV

Key Visible action Core product

Benefits received
Invisible action

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