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The Simpson Firm

You r Success is Ou r M ission Att orne y-at-L aw 2904 Siwanoy Dr ive Edgewo od, M aryl and 21 040 Off ice : 4 43-504-722 0 Fax:410-671-7 831 Omar @T he Simps onF irm.c om www .T he Simpso nF irm.c om

O m a r J . S i m ps o n, Es q.



Good Morning! The Schedule for Hu$tle-Nomics 2013 is below. This year s focus will be Making Legal $! Please contact me if you have any questions: 7/30/12 Invitations go out to potential 2013 Hu$tle-Nomics participants. 8/31/12 Hu$le-Nomics 1st Weekly meeting and Introduction to Hu$le-Nomics (Parent/Guardians Invited). Weekly meetings held every Friday from 8/31/12 to 5/24/13. 9/7/12 Lessons Begin The Basics What is a Stock? How can it make me $? Setting $

Goals, Know Your Investing Style. Pick Team Captains. Fundraisers begin. 9/14 9/28/12 How to Do Stock Homework, Pick Stock, Start Fantasy trading on TD Ameritrade.. 10/19/12 What are Options? How can they make me $ ?

10/26 11/16/12 - How to Do Options Homework, Pick Options, Start Fantasy trading with Options. Monthly Financial Reports Due on: 10/26/12, 11/30/12, 12/14/12,1/25/13,3/1/13,3/29/13 and 4/26/13. 1/25/13 Real Trading Begins!!! Students Pick Stocks and Options to Trade and Start

Making Trades.
3/29/13 Students Visit Wall Street in NY. (?) 5/24/13 End of School Ceremony! Final Financial Report, Scholarship Profit Checks Handed Out to Participants! This schedule is subject to change based primarily on student progress. I expect the students will excel and want to go faster and may adjust the schedule accordingly.

//Omar J. Simpson, Esq.

Omar J. Simpson, Esq., Founder Peace In EveryHood, Inc. and Hu$tle-Nomics. 443-504-7220
Beginning July 1st, 2012, 20% of all profits from any work conducted by The Simpson Firm shall be contributed to the Hu$tleNomics anti-violence and anti-drug effort. If you would like to contribute you can by sending your donation to: Omar Simpson, Esq., 2904 Siwanoy Drive, Edgewood, MD 21040. Please put Hu$tle-Nomics on the note line so that your funds can be directed to that account. Please call 443-504-7220 if you have any questions

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