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Siva Sivani Institute of Management BUSINESS COMMUNICATION

Batch:20 of TPS A&TPS B & BIFAAS Term: 2 Prerequisite: Facilitator: Vidya Bhandarker Email: Mobile : 9652656794

Course Objective: In communication business and relationships are important. The ability to communicate efficiently and effectively is a crucial asset to master in the marketplace. Knowing English is an important skill but to hone that skill to the business environment is an essential tool for surviving and moving towards the goals on the business horizon. This course is designed to write smart and readable letters, memos, emails and reports TEXT BOOK : Effective Business Communication by Krizan, Merrier, Logan and Williams: Business Communication Making Connections in a Digital World Eleventh Edition Tata McGraw Hill, 2010 SUPPLEMENTARY BOOKS: Raymond V Lesikar: If these books are not in the library your seniors in the Marketing batch should have them.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students are expected to pre-read the text book and come prepared with PPTs and make presentation. Class will be divided into groups and one group member will responsible for making a presentation each session. SESSION PLAN: Session 1: Evolution of Communication and Evolution of Communication Media. Evolution of Communication - Introduction to Business Communication.( Chapter 1 Krizan) Session 2: Forms of communication-Communication Process Model- Channels of communication- Principles of effective communication Characteristics of Business Communication (Chapter 5 in Krizan) Session 3: Benefits of effective communication Managers role in business communication.(Chapter 2 Krizan and Chapter 16, 17, 18 Lesikar) Organizational Communication: Formal and Informal communication. 1

Session 4: Benefits of Effective Communication. Non-Verbal CommunicationUnderstanding Kinesics, Proxemics and Chronemics-Strategies for effective ListeningBarriers to Effective Listening-Active and Passive Listening. Verbal Communication and Importance of Listening (Chapter 14 in Lesikar and Chapter5 in Krizan) Session 5-7: The Seven Cs of Business letter writing Effective Business Correspondence Kinds of Business Letters Writing effective memos. (Chapters 6,7,8,9, Lesikar and Chapter 17 in Krizan)

Session 8: What is a Report? - Purpose of Report Parts of a report - Corporate reports verbal communication. (Chapter 10, 11 and 12 in Lesikar and Chapter 10 in Krizan) Session 9-10: Employment Communication-Job Search-Writing Cover letters and Resumes(Chapter 16 Krizan) Session 11-13: Meetings and Conferences Planning a meeting How to lead effective meeting Minutes of the meeting Web conferencing Session 11-15: New Platforms of Communication PEDAGOGY: CONTINUOUS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT (CIA): Quiz :2 Report Class Participaton Assignment Assignment in Advance: Letter to an Irate customer about a faulty product: Due Oct 17, 2011 Letter to a customer about a new product Memorandum about a meeting to team members Report to CEO about fall in sales in the first quarter 20 10 10 10

CLASS ROOM DECORUM: While the entire book will be divided for ppt presentations by students so you will actually read before you come to class. Further, all students will remain attentive through the presentation and in the last ten minutes may be asked to present a synopsis of what has transpired in the class for the day. This will be accounted as part of class participation. CC will be consider the manager of the class and will be responsible that the communication loop is kept between students and me. Students who are attending to other activity during class will be marked absent for the day. Those who are absenting themselves from class should inform via email or sms. Afterall this is part of business communication! This is what you will be practicing in the marketplace on graduation. COURSE CONTENTS: Unit I --Evolution of Communication-Globalization and the Indian Business Scenario Introduction to Business Communication- Forms of communication-Communication Process Model- Channels of communication- Principles of effective communication Characteristics of Business Communication Benefits of effective communication Managers role in business communication.- Strategies for improving organizational -Communicating Effectively Across Cultures Unit II -- Non- Verbal Communication Understanding, Kinesics, Proxemics and Chronemics - Strategies for effective listening Barriers to effective listening - Active and Passive listening. Unit III -- Business Writing & Business communication The Seven Cs of Business letter writing Effective Business Correspondence Kinds of Business Letters Writing effective memos. Unit V -- Meetings and Conferences Planning a meeting How to lead effective meeting Minutes of the meeting Web conferencing. Report writing What is a Report? - Purpose of Report Parts of a report - Corporate reports verbal communication. The Importance of listening. Unit IV -- Employment Communication-Job Search- Resume

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