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The Legend Of Korra By Matt Bacon

Nickelodeons The Legend of Korra ~ Book 1

2012 Matt Bacon

EXT. SOUTHERN WATER TRIBE VILLAGE - EVENING Snow flurries over an almost desolate terrain of ice. A small village sits in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by small mountains of ice. A decently sized igloo sits with its lights on and smoke rising from the chimney. A hooded figure gazes over the village from afar. He raises up his lantern. HOODED FIGURE Were here. Two additional figures enter the frame. All three begin their descent into the village as... INT. VILLAGE IGLOO - EVENING A young thirty-something couple cleans their living room waiting for guests. TONRAQ, strong, tall, and man of the house, smiles at his wife as he picks up clutter. SENNA, smaller than her husband in every way, returns with a worried gaze as she sweeps the floor. A young girl no older than four peeks out of her bedroom. TONRAQ Dont dorry, Senna. Shell be fine. SENNA Shes too young. Shes not even a kid, yet. TONRAQ I know, but shes the avatar. We need this. The world needs this. SENNA ButThere is a knock at the front door. The young girl stops peeking. Senna hurridly puts away her broom as Tonraq opens the door. The three hooded figures walk inside as they lower their hoods. The Order of the White Lotus logo adorns the front of their outfits. SENNA Welcome to our home. The leader of the Order stands unammused.


LEADER OF THE ORDER We have invesitaged many claims both here and in the Northern tribe. All have proven to be false. Tonraq joins Senna in the center of the room. SENNA Then you should be happy to know your search has come to an end. LEADER OF THE ORDER What makes you so sure that your daughter is... the one? The couple smiles. SENNA Korra, dear! Almost immediately a large chunk of earth flies past the group. The Order looks startled. Standing in a large hole in the wall is the young girl, clothes too small for her body and eyes as blue as the sky. KORRA I am the Avatar! Deal with it! Korra runs into the room raising the ground with her earthbending. Using a bowl of water from the other side of the room, she "bends" away the fire in the fireplace. The room goes dark. She follows up with a few random punches of fire into the sky, ending with a punch into the fireplace when lights the room back up. Finally, she mixes her bending a bit before concluding with a punch of fire straight at the camera.

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