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Virtual Street Art

We declare the world as our canvas.

Enduring Understandings:
-Street art is an art movement that is gaining momentum (as shown in Exit Through the -Street ar9sts use the physical, social, poli9cal, and emo9onal environment of an area to create their work. -Street ar9sts convey a message and/or visually alter a space with their work. -Street ar9sts engage with the public. -Street ar9sts use illegal and legal methods to produce their art. -Ar9sts use Photoshop as a tool to produce their artwork.



Robin Rhode



Tiny People

Lunar and Zets

Julian Beever

Candy Chang

STEP 1: Take a photo of your space.

Step 2: Create sketches for how you will use that space. (At least 3 Brainstorm sketches, 1 Final sketch)

Step 4: Create your Virtual Street Art, using Photoshop.

DAY 1: Photography
-Divide into teams. Come up with team name. -Group photography walk. Each team will: -Take 5 pictures of a blank canvas for their street art. -Take 1 picture of a piece of street art that they see.

Essen9al Ques9ons:
-Who uses this space? Who will see my art? -What is this space used for? How will I use it to make my art? -What statement or visual pun do I want to make? -What style do I want to use?

The Plan:
DAY 1 (Friday): Divide into teams, Take photographs. DAY 2 (Monday): Begin working on 3 Brainstorm Drawings and 1 Final Drawing. DAY 3 (Thursday): Finish Final Drawings. DAY 4 (Friday): Photoshop day in Computer Lab puang it all together! DAY 5 (Monday): Final day. Catch-up day!

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