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Internship Policy for Engineering Students

An internship is an academic, curriculum-based practical work experience that enhances student learning. Internship is a kind of a part-time job during the academic year or the summer months in which students receive supervised practical training in their field. At Bahria University internship is mandatory for all AS & GS students. It is equivalent to a two (2) credit hour course and minimum period of internship is 6 weeks. Students can get internships in summer or during the semester (in case of if internship timings do not conflict with the university timings). Students are required to complete their internships before final semester examination. Students are also required to get internship certificate from the organization where they have completed their internship. Certificate must be on original letter head of the organization, signed by some official person with official stamp. At the completion of internship, students have to write a report covering following points 1. Title page covers a. Bahria University Logo b. Bahria Institute of computer and Management sciences, Karachi c. Computer Science and Engineering Department d. Internship Report e. Name of organization f. Name of student with Registration and enrollment number g. Date of submission Table of contents Organization Profile Department Profile (where student has been placed for work) Internship Supervisors Profile Tasks assigned during internship Task performed during internship Social and Technical experience Summery of internship experience in students own words Conclusion

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Please note that Internship is not a group assignment and should be perform individually.

At the time of interview student are required to bring the following documents 1. Internship certificate 2. Internship Report 3. Last transcript issued by the Bahria University Internship interviews will be conducted by internship committee comprising the Internship Coordinator and faculty members. It is noted that internship interviews will only be conducted on announced date. Internship results will be announced with in 15 days of internship interviews.

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