Michaud Poll Memo

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MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Interested Parties Jill Normington July 16, 2012

The following is a summary of findings from a telephone survey conducted among 400 likely voters in the new 2nd Congressional District of Maine. Interviews were conducted June 25-27, 2012. The sampling error for this survey is plus or minus 4.9 percentage points.

With less than six months to go before Election Day, Congressman Mike Michaud remains extremely well positioned to win reelection. He brings several strengths to the upcoming election. First, Michaud is not only well-known, but very well-liked by his constituents. In the new Second Congressional District of Maine, Michaud enjoys name ID of 90%. Moreover, Michauds favorable rating is 51%-21%. Among Independents, Michauds favorable rating is even better at 51%-16%. While Congress as an institution is widely reviled, a majority of voters gives Congressman Michaud a positive job rating, with 51% rating the job he is doing as excellent or good. Moreover, 60% of the voters think Michaud is working hard for the people of the district and 55% think he is effective. Second, and certainly the direct result of his strong internal ratings, Michaud maintains a solid lead over Kevin Raye, 62% to 30%. Michaud dominates among Independents, 65% to 18% and even garners 28% among Republicans. Moreover, Michaud has increased his vote share since January.
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Third, Michaud continues to build a solid campaign. He has already raised more than $900,000, and has more than twice as much cash on hand as RayeMichaud has $634k on hand compared to just $242k for Raye. His strong polling numbers combined with his campaign advantages put Michaud in a very strong position to defend this seat in November.


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