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Antes de tomar casa dnde morar, mira su vecindad!

In this activity we will be visiting websites that have houses for sale. Use the websites given to answer the questions about the houses found there. You will research houses in Ecuador, since that is the focus of the assignment. 1. List below the information that you would expect to find out about houses in Ecuador.

2. Visit the MentorMob website to view pages that have houses for sale in Ecuador:

3. Select 4 houses fill in the following chart. La ciudad Nombres de cuartos Nmero de dormitorios Nmero de telfono Precio (Euros/pesos/quetzals) Precio (dlares)

4. Look at the pictures and descriptions associated with the house. What do you notice? Is there anything different about these houses compared to the houses we see in western PA?

5. Did you find all of the information that you expected? Put a check mark beside each item in #1 above that you found. Put an X in front of each item you did not find.

6. List here 4 words that are similar to words in English.

7. List here 5 words that are not like English but that you understand by context.

8. List 5 words that you don't understand from the description of the house. Look these words up in the dictionary.

Copyright acknowledgment for this activity is given to Jay Nase (

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