Difference Between Will and Going To

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What's the difference?

'Will' and 'be going to'

Will + infinitive A decision at the moment of speaking: (UNA DECISIN AL MOMENTO DE HABLAR) Julie: Theres no milk. John: Really? In that case, Ill go and get some. A prediction based on opinion: (Una prediccin) I think the Conservatives will win the next election. A future fact: The sun will rise tomorrow. For promises / requests / refusals / offers: Ill help you tomorrow, if you like. More examples:

Be going to + infinitive A decision before the moment of speaking: (UNA DECISION ANTES DEL MOMENTO DE HABLAR) Julie: Theres no milk. John: I know. Im going to go and get some when this TV programme finishes. A prediction based on something we can see (or hear) now: The Conservatives are going to win the election. They already have most of the votes.

(The phone rings) Julie: I'll get it! ('I'm going to get it' is very strange, because it makes us think that Julie knew the phone was going to ring before it did).

I'm going to go on holiday next week. ('I'll go on holiday next week' makes it sound like you've only just decided at that minute. Of course, this is possible, but normally we plan our holidays more in advance!).

Use of will Future

a spontaneous decision (UNA DECISIN ESPONTNEA) example: Wait, I will help you. an opinion, hope, uncertainty or assumption regarding the future (UNA OPININ, UNA INCERTIDUMBRE, ETC.) example: He will probably come back tomorrow. a promise (UNA PROMESA) example: I will not watch TV tonight. an action in the future that cannot be influenced (UNA ACCION EN EL FUTURO QUE NO PUEDE MODIFICARSE) example: It will rain tomorrow.

EL FUTURO TAMBIEN TIENE SUS VUELTAS !!! Adems del tiempo Futuro Simple, a menudo se utiliza un futuro formado con GOING TO para expresar intencin, certeza o futuro inmediato. INTENCION We're going to study Russian next year. Vamos a estudiar ruso el ao prximo (Tenemos intenciones de) The plane is going to arrive at 8:00. El avin va a llegar a las 8:00 (Acaban de anunciarlo) I'm going to listen to those CDs right now. Voy a escuchar esos CDs ya mismo (Los escuchar de inmediato)



A este tipo de futuro se lo suele llamar FUTURE OF INTENTION (FUTURO INTENCIONAL).

Future Tense with 'going to'

El tiempo futuro con 'going to' se usa ms comnmente en el lenguaje hablado cuando se desea hacer referencia del futuro inmediato, a algo que est por ocurrir. It's going to rain! Va a llover! (algo que est por ocurrir) Tambin se emplea para hablar de intenciones o planes para hacer algo.

I'm going to learn English. Voy a aprender ingls. (intencin) Se forma con el verbo TO BE conjugado para la persona correspondiente, seguido de GOING TO y el verbo base. Por ejemplo:

I'm You're He's She's It's We're You're They're going to going to going to going to going to going to going to going to play play play play play play play play

Otros ejemplos del uso de going to

Para formar el futuro con "going to" necesitamos usar el presente simple del verbo "to be" (ser,estar) seguido de "going to" y luego otro verbo. Ej:He is going to study English at university. (l va a estudiar ingls en la universidad) ALGUNOS USOS GENERALES Usamos el futuro con "going to" para expresar planes de futuro. Normalmente nos referimos con el futuro con "going to" a un futuro cercano. Ej:I am going to study for my exams.(Voy a estudiar para mis exmenes)I am not going to go by bus, I am going to go by car. (No voy a ir en autobs, voy a ir en coche)Are we going to have lunch today?(Vamos a almorzar hoy?)He isn't going to the dentist today at 4, he is going to go tomorrow.(l no va a ir al dentista hoya las 4, va a ir maana) El futuro con "going to" se usa para expresar intenciones o acciones a las que el hablante ha accedido o ha prometido llevar a cabo. Ej:I am going to buy a new computer.(Voy a comprar un ordenador nuevo)We are going to help you with your verbs.(Vamos a ayudarte con los verbos)They are going to cook lunch for us.(Van a cocinar el almuerzo para nosotros) Cuando no estamos muy seguros de lo que va a suceder en el futuro, tambin usamos el futuro con "going to" para expresar nuestros pensamientos o predicciones. Ej:We think they are going to go abroad.(Creemos que se van a ir al extranjero)They have the feeling their company is going to expand.(Tienen la sensacin de que su empresa se va a expandir)

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