A-Z of Natural Highs - Sceletium

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A-Z of Natural Highs

~ mood enhancer ~ connector How it works: Appears to enhance serotonin activity, the mood-enhancing neurotransmitter, and balance dopamine, adrenalin and noradrenalin; there is still much that is unknown about its effects on the brain. Positive effects: Lessens depression, tension and anxiety, promotes a sense of connection. Associated with insights, heightened sensory perception and improving meditation. Also reduces addictive cravings. Cautions: In very large doses can have euphoric effects, followed by sedation. No reported toxicity, however we recommend not taking with anti-depressants. Sceletium has not been researched sufficiently to recommend it for use in pregnancy and nursing. Although we know of no cases as such, if combined with large amounts of tryptophan or 5-HTP there's the possibility of serotonin syndrome - headache, an increase in body temperature and heavy sweating. Stop taking and seek medical advice if this occurs. How much?: As a mood enhancer, the normal dosage is 50-100mg; as a connector, 10Q-200mg.

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