Chater Related Query With Result

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SELECT id,body,type,title,likecount,commentcount, linkurl,(select feeditemid , commentBody, commenttype from feedcomments) FROM AccountFeed

Query Results
Returned records 1 - 8 of 8 total records in 0.990 seconds: Id 1 0D590000009yIvACAU 2 0D590000009yJ6LCAU Body Type TrackedChang e TrackedChang e Titl LikeCoun CommentCoun LinkUr FeedComments e t t l 0 0 1 0 0 2 FeedItemId 1 0D59000000A0rwyCAB 2 0D59000000A0rwyCAB 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 FeedItemId 1 0D59000000A0gYNCAZ CommentBody then done it CommentType TextComment FeedItemId 1 0D590000009yJE0CAM CommentBody hiii i like it ohh realy CommentBody hiii CommentType TextComment TextComment CommentType TextComment

3 0D59000000A0rwyCAB hiii ita TextPost an post on the accoun t 4 0D590000009yJE0CAM 5 0D590000009yJgXCAU 6 0D590000009yQXpCA M 7 0D590000009zIhQCAU TrackedChang e TrackedChang e TrackedChang e TrackedChang e

8 0D59000000A0gYNCA hiiii its TextPost Z workin g

SELECT Id, Type,CreatedById, CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName, ParentId, Parent.Name, body, Title, LinkUrl, ContentData, ContentFileName, (SELECT Id, FieldName, OldValue, NewValue FROM FeedTrackedChanges ORDER BY Id DESC), (SELECT Id, CommentBody, CreatedDate,CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName FROM FeedComments ORDER BY CreatedDate LIMIT 10), (SELECT CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName FROM FeedLikes) FROM NewsFeed ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC, Id DESC LIMIT 100

SELECT Id, Type, CreatedById, CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName, ParentId, Parent.Name, Body, (SELECT Id, FieldName, OldValue, NewValue FROM FeedTrackedChanges ORDER BY Id DESC), (SELECT Id, CommentBody, CreatedDate, CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName FROM FeedComments ORDER BY CreatedDate LIMIT 10), (SELECT CreatedBy.FirstName, CreatedBy.LastName FROM FeedLikes) FROM NewsFeed ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC, Id DESC LIMIT 100

SELECT Id, (SELECT feeditemId FROM FeedLikes), (SELECT feeditemId,CommentBody FROM FeedComments ), (SELECT feeditemId FROM FeedTrackedChanges) FROM Accountfeed Feed

Query Results
Returned records 1 - 8 of 8 total records in 1.086 seconds: Id FeedLikes FeedComments 1 0D590000009yIvACAU 2 0D590000009yJ6LCAU 1 3 0D59000000A0rwyCAB FeedItemId 1 0D59000000A0rwyCAB FeedItemId 1 0D590000009yJE0CAM CommentBody hiii FeedTrackedChange 1 FeedItemId 0D590000009yIvACAU FeedItemId 0D590000009yJ6LCAU CommentBody hiii i like it ohh realy

FeedItemId 1 0D59000000A0rwyCAB 2 0D59000000A0rwyCAB 1 1 FeedItemId 0D590000009yJE0CAM FeedItemId 0D590000009yJgXCAU

4 0D590000009yJE0CAM 5 0D590000009yJgXCAU 6 0D590000009yQXpCAM 7 0D590000009zIhQCAU

FeedItemId 1 0D590000009yQXpCAM 1 FeedItemId 0D590000009zIhQCAU CommentBody then done it

8 0D59000000A0gYNCAZ

FeedItemId 1 0D59000000A0gYNCAZ

FeedItemId 1 0D59000000A0gYNCAZ

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