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Technology has now become a walking stick.

With each of us, using it in every ph ase of life, one cannot imagine a day without technology and the various gadget it inspires. No matter what the job to be done is, we have a gadget for it, maki ng us do our job in a faster and simpler way. Technology has also affected the society and its surroundings in a number of way s. In many societies, technology has helped develop a more advanced economy (inc luding today's global economy) and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. The gadgets that we use in our everyday life has made us so dependent on them th at we can t go one hour without using a gadget in some way or the other. This has le ad to many conservatives to believe that the frequent usage of technology and ma chines has reduced the usage of their brains in normal day to day functions. Abi lity to perform mental mathematical calculations has greatly reduced because the calculators perform all the calculations. This and many more instances like thi s has what lead some people to believe that with the rise in technology the abil ity of humans to think for themselves has deteriorated. Technology is also making communication easier in today's world, but at the expe nse of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a comp uter screen. Many say this has helped them and is in fact allowing them to do be tter in their area of work thus allowing them to be more productive and efficien t. But this comes with certain adverse effects too. People are spending more tim e in front their computer screens rather than spending time in actual physical, face to face interaction. Having their own ill effects. Technology is supposed to be a luxury and not a dependency. With a deliberate ef fort to keep your mind engaged and yourself sharp, technology dependency can be kept at bay. This arrangement allows to have a harmonious relationship with the technology which you control and explore with your own agile brain.

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