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HEALTH AND ILLNESS health illness disease asthma chickenpox smallpox heart attack heart disease hepatitis ulcer flu mumps wound injury blood hospital doctor family doctor nurse injection medicine pill prescription vaccine painful painless bandage band aid crutch plaster wheelchair to feel good to catch a cold to have a cold to sneeze to cough to blow one's nose to feel sick to feel dizzy to faint to pass out to be tired to be exhausted to have backache to have earache to have a headache to have a sore throat to have a stomach-ache to have toothache to have a temperature to have a cough to have diarrhoea salud enfermedad (en general) enfermedad (especfica) asma varicela viruela infarto cardiopata hepatitis lcera gripe paperas herida (por un arma) herida sangre hospital mdico mdico de cabecera enfermera inyeccin medicina pastilla, pldora receta mdica vacuna doloroso indoloro venda tirita, curita muleta yeso silla de ruedas sentirse bien atrapar un resfro tener un resfro estornudar toser sonarse la nariz tener nuseas estar mareado desmayarse desmayarse estar cansado estar agotado tener dolor de espalda tener dolor de odos tener dolor de cabeza tener dolor de garganta tener dolor de estmago tener dolor de dientes tener fiebre tener tos tener diarrea


to have a rash to have spots to have a black eye to get a bruise to get burnt to lose one's appetite to lose one's voice to break one's arm to sprain one's ankle to twist one's ankle to be constipated to have constipation to be allergic to to suffer from to vomit to throw up to hurt to swell to take an aspirin to take a medicine

tener erupciones, sarpullido tener granitos tener un ojo morado magullarse quemarse perder el apetito quedarse afnico quebrarse el brazo tener un esguince en el tobillo torcerse el tobillo estar estreido tener estreimiento ser alrgico a sufrir de vomitar vomitar doler hincharse tomar una aspirina tomar un medicamento

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