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Just For Teachers

It is my goal to help you find the resources and materials that you need to help you teach our students. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you find!

Collaborative Research Lessons

Below are lessons that I am ready to teach with your students. Sign up for a time to bring your class and we will go through these research lessons together.

Overview of the Big 6 Research ModelWith this, I have handouts that can be printed for each student or group that g guide them through the research process Types of Reference Books- Which do you use and practice using them, including u using the Table of Contents and Index Taking Organized Notes While R Researching Making A Bibliography- Citing Sources u using E Evaluating Websites Finding Materials in the LibraryPracticing Using Destiny Quest, then Going to the Shelves and Pulling R Resources (Fiction & Non-Fiction) Writing an Outline- Students make a topical outline before beginning a writing project t

Lessons & Activities for Any Book

If you are reading a book that is Historical Fiction, why not start it out with some cool activities to help students become experts on the time period when the novel was set? Sign up for a time for your students to come to the library in small groups or as a whole class and create historical time lines with TimeToast, or make a Museum Box online!

Character Analysis

These activities work with any book.

Students will be separated into three groups. This way, you could sign up for this activity multiple times, and groups could rotate. Group 1: Animoto Slideshow: Include pictures that portray the characters traits, mood, etc. Students will guess who your character is. Group 2: Wordle: Students create a Wordle document based on a characters traits, mood, habits, quotes, etc. Group 3: Students create a Blabber on Blabberize for the character.


I would also be glad to help any small group of students create a Glogster, Animoto, Storybird, Prezi, PowerPoint, or another project based on a book, concept, etc.

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