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Basis of Comparison

Aim of the Healthcare System:

Singapores Heathcare System

Britains Healthcare System

-Both Healthcare Systems ensure that every citizen would have a minimum standard of welfare for a decent life - To provide its people with free healthcare at the point of need. - To build a healthy and physically fit population. - The healthcare of the people is a right of the people and is a responsibility of the government.

Managing Government SpendingHow Healthcare is Paid for.

- Encourage Singaporeans to stay well and reward those who do. -Both Healthcare Systems require taxes from their people to contribute to the Healthcare budget.

- Employer: Employers pay a certain sum of money for insurance for their workers. They can claim medical fees from insurance companies when medical services are used by their workers. The Government also collects taxes and uses a percentage of it to pay for medical services used. Increasing Efficiency of the Healthcare systems

-The money to pay for healthcare comes from the people only.

-Both Healthcare Systems provide the option for more well-to-do citizens to receive smaller subsidies but a shorter waiting period and better quality services. -Does not provide as much subsidies for more well-to-do citizens: Different rates of subsidies are given to different classes of wards in hospitals; Class c would receive the most in Subsidies, while Class A would receive the least. Therefore, Those who cannot afford to pay for healthcare get the most subsidies, and those who are more well-to-do would benefit less from subsidies. - Medishield: People who require long-term treatment of more serious illnesses and are unable to pay for their hospitalisation are able to use Medishield, which is a national healthcare insurance scheme. - Medifund: A way to provide help to those who are not able to pay for healthcare despite Medishield and MediSave. - Direct Government Subsidies are given to government hospitals, polyclinics and some nursing homes for the elderly to ensure that basic healthcare services are available for all Singaporeans. -Provides free health services for both the rich and poor. - The policy of Privatisation was introduced. It was to reduce government subsidies, save costs and make NHS more efficient. Private companies had to be efficient to make profits, and patients would have more choices and hospitals would improve their services to meet peoples needs. - NHS Plan made changes based on feedback from staff, patients and all involved in healthcare. It provided for increase in the amount of government spending till 2004. - NHS Improvement Plan: Under this plan, patients would have the right to choose from four different healthcare providers and the NHS would pay for the treatment. Every patient would also have access to their own personal HealthSpace and the Internet where they can see their care records.

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