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Student Senate Bill 2012-XXXX TITLE: Funding for Pride Student Union AUTHOR: Senate Allocations Committee SPONSOR:

Senate Allocations Committee Special Request for: Facing Race 2012 conference Number of travelers: 2 1. Travel 2. Registration 3. Hotel $300 $175 $350

______________________________________________________________________ Grand Total $825 President: Bridget Siegel Active Members: 300 Purpose: Facing Race is a conference like no other it is the largest national, multiracial gathering of leaders, educators, journalists, artists, and activists on racial justice. Attendees share their knowledge on advocating for racial justice in all walks of life. Facing Race conference sessions will address topics such as 2012 election, economy, arts & culture, education reform, multiracial organizing, immigrant rights, and the development of racial justice leadership and training models. Workshops offer attendees a chance to develop hands-on strategies for positive social change.

Proviso: This Allocation will exhaust June 30, 2013

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