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A decade of change and Pre-reform The 1990s Today evolution

Indian economy
l l

Extensive regulation Focus on industrial sector

l l l

Financial l to Highly Click edit Master subtitle style segmente sector l Opening

Liberalisat ion Globalisati on Structural change services up of various subsectors Private sector participati on

l l

Resilient industry Buoyant services sector

Financial sector mirroring macro7/18/12


d Public sector dominanc e

Diversifie d financial groups Globally benchmar ked

The banking sector today

l l l l

Emergence of integrated players Diversifying capital deployment Leveraging Regulation synergies Robust regulatory system aligned to international standards Efficient monetary management

Countrywide coverage Large number of players Technology Increasingly sophisticated financial markets

l l

Increasing use of technology in operations l Poised to expand and deepen 7/18/12 technology usage

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