Rukun Islam The Aim of Hajj

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The Aim of Hajj Allah ordered Ibrahim and Ismail to teach people how to worship Him in the sacred

house, and how to perform the rituals of hajj. It is a great yearly Islamic ceremony where Muslims from all over the world gather in Mecca near the sacred house according to Allahs commandment. People of all nationality participate in hajj. Hajj is the best opportunity to show the greatness of islam and its followers. Hajj is the best way to inform the muslim nation of the world. The ritual of hajj should be performed by all the pilgrims wearing the same kind of dress. During hajj, the pilgrims faith in Allah result in the disappearance of oppression, and pride in human being and makes them do everything only for His sake. The main aim of hajj is to gather muslims together during these great and glorious ceremonies in order to acquaint them each other and help each other, as a result of which they fight any form of oppression in the world. We should achieve victory over the enemies of islam and oppressors by reliance on the Allah and performing the commandments of the Holy Quran. One of the commandment is Hajj which can create tthe unity of muslims and worshipping no God but Allah.

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