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Vote of thanks It's my privilege to have been asked to propose a vote of thanks on this occasion. To Dr.

Subhash Sharma, Director, IBA, Bangalore, our most valued invited guest, On behalf of Institution, Management and on my own behalf extend a very hearty vote of thanks to you Sir for sharing your valuable knowledge with us today. In times of occasion in future once again we invite you to deliver a talk in this institution. Kindly accept such invitation. I now request our honorable secretary to give memento to our chief guest Dr.Sharma. Sir once again we thank you with this small token of gratitude. Thank you sir Now, I would like to take this opportunity to place on record our hearty thanks to Sri V Narayanaswamy, Secretary, Sri Gokul Institute of Management for the guidance and support. I would be failing in my duty if I dont mention one name who has been person behind this occasion Dr.Chaya who has taken initiative in inviting and bringing Dr. Sharma to our campus. Finally, I also extend my thanks to all faculty members and also to our beloved students for their enormous cooperation in the organization of this event.

Thank you

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