Marketing Research On Retailer Satisfaction On Vodafone

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-: ROLL NO:-


I hereby declare that this project on STUDY OF THE RETAILER SATISFACTION OF VODAFONE has been prepared by me during the year 2010-2011 as a partial fulfilment of my Marketing management of T.Y.B.B.A. This project report has not been submitted to any other university or institution for award of any degree or diploma so far.

Signature of the student



With great experience & enthusiasm I have presented my individual report in the T.Y. B.B.A. The Market research reports on Vodafone on Retailer satisfaction. I convey to my gratitude to University, Mr. Abhijeetsinh Vala for his valuable guidance in the completion of my project report. I am also thankful those persons who help me to complete


The customers are very important and play a very crucial role in any process of marketing. Today the customers are kings of the market because the customers loyalty and customers preference are built by the products and services offered to the customers and they seek for more benefits and moneys worth for the amount they spend. But these services and products are delivered to the end customers only by the Retailers who work as the end medium in the whole chain of sales. That is where the concept of Retailers preference and Retailers behaviour comes because the Retailers make the marketers rethink about designing their services; because of the important role they play in the whole chain. They have to think about the market strategies, Retailer behaviour, Retailers taste etc. also. Many marketers are smart enough to understand. Retailers needs, wants and demands and perform beyond their expectation i.e. they delight them. it provides them growth , profitability and creativity with lot of inventions

Sr. No. 1

Particulars General Information Company profile History Company development Vision Mission Chart of organization

Page No 7-14 8 10 11 12 13 14 15-21 16 17 18 19 21 22-32 23 24 25 26 27

Marketing Department Introduction Organization structure Distribution channel Advertisement Competitor

Marketing Research Introduction Market research Marketing research Statement of objective Market research process

Research design Data collection Sampling method 4 Research Analysis And Findings Questionnaire 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Conclusion My Observation Suggestion Limitation of study Future plan SWOT Analysis Questionnaire Bibliography

28 30 31 33-41 34 42 45 47 49 51 53 58 62


COMPANY PROFILE Founded: Headquarters: Key people: 1983 as Racal Telecom, independent 1991 Newbury, England, UK Vittorio Colao, CEO Sir John Bond, Chairman. John Buchanan, Deputy Chairman. Industry: Products: Revenue: Operating income: Net income: Employees: Website: Mobile telecommunications Mobile networks, Telecom services, Etc. 35,478 million (2009) 10,047 million (2009) 6,756 million (2009) 72,375 (2009)

Company Beginnings

Original Corporate Logo of Vodafone. Vodafone itself was formed in 1982 as a joint venture between Racal Electronics plc's subsidiary Racal Strategic Radio Ltd (who won one of two UK cellular telephone network licences) along with Millicom and the Hambros Technology Trust. In this arrangement Racal owned 80%, Millicom 15% and Hambros 5%. The network was known as Racal Vodafone, with the Vodafone name being derived from the firm's goal of establishing a voice and data services over cellular telecommunication networks. Hence VO represented voice and DA symbolized data yielding the name Vodafone. Vodafone was launched on 1 January 1985 and later that year Racal Strategic Radio was renamed Racal Telecommunications Group Limited in 1985. A year later, on 29 December 1986 Racal Electronics bought out the minority shareholders of Vodafone for GB110 million. In September 1988 the company was again renamed Racal Telecom and on 26 October 1988 Racal Electronics floated 20% of the company a flotation that valued Racal Telecom at GB1.7 billion. On 16 September 1991 Racal Telecom was demerged from Racal Electronics as Vodafone Group and the mobile telephony giant was born. During the mix 1990s Vodafone began to consolidate itself on the British highstreet. In July 1996 Vodafone acquired the two thirds of Talkland it did not already own for 30.6 million. On 19 November 1996, in a defensive move, Vodafone purchased Peoples Phone for 77 million, a 181 store chain whose customers were overwhelmingly using Vodafone's network. In a similar move the company acquired the 80% of Astec Communications that it did not own, a service provider with 21 stores. This made Vodafone a very visible presence on the British high street and significantly increased the company's share of UK

mobile customers.

New Corporate Logo of Vodafone as of 1997. In 1997 Vodafone introduced its new corporate Speech mark Logo. This represents a quotation mark within a circle. With

the 'O's in the Vodafone logotype being opening and closing Quotation marks, suggesting conversation.


Vodafone Essar in India is a subsidiary of Vodafone Group Plc and commenced operations in 1994 when its predecessor Hutchison Telecom acquired the cellular license for Mumbai. Vodafone Essar now has operations in 16 circles covering 86% of India's mobile customer base, with over 49.1 million customers. Over the years, Vodafone Essar, under the Hutch brand, has been named the 'Most Respected Telecom Company', the 'Best Mobile Service in the country' and the 'Most Creative and Most Effective Advertiser of the year. Vodafone is the world's leading international mobile communications company. It now has operations in 25 countries across 5 continents and 40 partner networks with over 260 million customers worldwide. Vodafone has partnered with the Essar Group as its principal joint venture partner for the Indian market. The Essar Group is a diversified business corporation with interests spanning the manufacturing and service sectors like Steel, Energy, Power, Communications, Shipping & Logistics and Construction. The Group has an asset base of over Rs 400 billion (US$ 10 billion) and employs over 20000 people.


The Brand Vodafone has the following vision developed for itself:

Through continuous innovation, Vodafone promises to liberate, stimulate customers from the shackles of time and spaces

We will meet the mobile communication needs of our customers through:

Error- free service delivery Innovative products and services Cost efficiency Unified Messaging Solutions

Chef Marketing Manager District Marketing Manager Assistant Marketing Manager Regional Marketing Head Chef HR Manager District HR Manager Assistant HR Manager Regional HR Head Chef Service Manager District Service Manager Assistant Service Manager Regional Service Head

Chef Finance Manager District Finance Manager Assistant Finance Manager Regional Finance Head



Marketing is the focus point of all business activities because the objectives of all business enterprise are to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers. Production and purchase has no meaning unless a firm is not able to market the goods and services. Nothing happens unless somebody sells something. Marketing is the distinguishing feature of business. A business is essential part from all other human organization by the fact that it markets the product or services. Marketing is the basic operative function of all business firms. It serves on the basis of business planning and generates revenue for the firm. Efficient marketing management is essential for the survival and growth of every enterprise. Marketing is a system of integrated business activities designed to develop marketing plans and programs leading to the satisfaction of customer wants. Marketing department represents an important functional area of business management efforts for the flow of goods and services from the producer to the consumers. Marketing department of the Vodafone Essar Limited is a crucial part of its organization. The company can achieve its subsidiary objectives along with the primary objectives with the help of marketing department. It not only helps the company to achieve the goals that are directly related to marketing department but also helps in achieving the goals that are related to other departments of the organization. With the help of the marketing department Vodafone Essar Limited has not only be successful in gaining the sales volume but also earned goodwill for itself, As a result of the efforts made by the marketing department. Vodafone Essar Limited is enjoying a prestigious position in the telecom industry.


Chef Marketing Manager District Marketing Manager Assistant Marketing Manager Regional Marketing Head

Assi. Manager Prepaid

Assi. Manager Postpaid

Assi. Manager Value Added Services

Assi. Manager Out Door Mkting








Advertising can be defined as mass paid communication of goods, services or ideas by an identified sponsor. It is paid communication because the advertiser has to pay for the space or time in which his advertisement appears in the recognized media such as news paper, magazines, radio, T.V., Cinema film, posters, etc. Advertising can create market for a new product. It is very powerful tool for the creation and retention of consumer demand. Vodafone Essar Limited spends more than 30% of its profit in advertisement. It uses almost all media for its advertisement. Vodafone Essar Limited does its advertisement through Lowe Lintas which is an advertising agency. Vodafones advertisement is such that it informs, guides, protect buyers and helps in increasing the standard of living. Vodafone Essar Limited use following Medias for advertisement,

Print Media: It gives advertisement in each and every newspaper, magazines, and periodicals. The company also distributes calendars, cards during Diwali, diary, pens, clocks, key chains etc. to Retailers, customers.

Posters: It uses printed posters which sticked on the wall.

Banners: Company provides banners to each and every Retailer and also to the Distributors.

Hoarding: ` The Company has done the use of hoarding at the major point of cities in

different parts of the country.

Glow Shine Board (GSB): It is an electric board which is given to each and every Retailer.


In this growing competitive era each & every new & old, public & private all companies will have to face competition against their competitors there is need to new competition found in all kinds of business activities.

In this time Vodafone has the following main competitor in the industry




Marketing research is a key to the evolution of successful marketing strategies and evolution of successful marketing strategies and programmer. It is an important tool to study buyers behavior. Changes in consumers life style and consumption pattern brand loyalty and also forecast market changes. Research is also used to study competition and analyses the competitive products positional and how to gain competitive advantage. Recently marketing research is being used to help, create and enhance brand equity. This is a new and decidedly differently from the conventional one where it was used for us studying buyers behavior or for conducting feasibility studies etc. In fact because of this intentional role, marketing research until the mid 19U was considered a luxury, which only, multinationals like unit-lever and proctor and Gamble and their like could afford. However it is not so now. This is because competition in all sectors has increased manifold after 1985 especially after 1991 following liberalization and decontrol most firms today find that the government no more takes strategy decision I or them rather the arena.

According to Philip Kotler, Marketing research is a systematic problem analyses, model building and fact finding for the purpose of improved decision making and control. Marketing research is a systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing the data about marketing problems to facilitate decision making by Curidiff & Stilh According to American marketing association, The gathering, recording, and analyses of all facts about problems related to sales of goods & services and their transfer from producer to customer.

Market means actual end potential customers. Market research is the systematic and intelligent investigation or study of the who, what, where, when, why, and how of actual end of potential buyers it deals with research on customer demand. Market research is primarily concerned with investigation, analysis and measurement of market demand.

The following items of study and analysis are included

Size of the market. Geographic location of customers Demographic description of customers. Market segmentation on the basis of age, sex, Income, Education, national, shill and living etc. Analysis of market demand. Sales analysis by customer, services product. Customers need, wants, habits and behavior. Dealers wants and preferences.

Degree of competition.

Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording and analysis of data a1out problems connected with the market price i.e. problems relating to product, price promotion and distribution of the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. Marketing research may be defined as the scientific and controlled process of 4.p gathering of non-routine marketing information helping management to solve marketing problems. It concentrates on the study of offering sound alternative solution to all marketing problems relating to exchange of goods and services from producers to consumers.


The Marketing Research is carried out on the following objective. Marketing Research on Retailer Satisfaction of Vodafone Essar Limited contains main objectives while selecting the subject and conducting the survey were as listed below:

Market Share :One of the preliminary objectives kept in mind while conducting this survey

was to find out the market share of Vodafone Essar Limited as compared to its other competitors in the field.

Retailer Satisfaction :The survey was also conducted keeping in mind that the Retailers are

satisfied with the facilities and benefits given to them by the company.

Middle class area :50% of the sample surveys were mainly from the middle class area, so as to

find area, so as to find out through the Retailers the usage of cellular telephony in those areas.

Response to the facilities :-

There are various facilities provided to the Retailers for selling the product like Banners, Posters, and GSB etc. Through this survey company can find out whether Retailers are in need of any of these facilities or not.


Formulation of Research Problem Research Design

Determination of Sources of Data Collection of Information

Processing and Analysis

Present the finding


The second step of the marketing research process calls for determining the information needed and developing a plan for gathering it efficiently. A research design can be defined as The plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance. The marketing manager needs to know the cost of the research plan before approving it. Designing a research plan calls for decisions on the data sources, research approaches, research instrument, sampling plan and contact methods. The researcher can gather secondary data, Primary data or both. Secondary data were collected for another purpose and Primary data are freshly collected for specific purpose for a specific research project. Once it is realized that the secondary data are insufficient, the researcher needs to decide upon one alternative design to collect the primary data. The three basic methods which can be used are: -

1. The Observational Method: This method involves direct observation of people and situation through one way mirrors, hidden cameras or disguised observers. Direct observation involves watching actual behavior; indirect observation involves inferring behavior by looking at the result of that behavior.

2. The Experimental Method: The most scientifically valid research is experimental research. The purpose of experimental research is to capture cause-and-effect relationship by eliminating competing explanations of the observed findings. To the extent that the design and execution of the experiment eliminate alternatives hypothesis that might

explain the result, research and marketing managers can have confidence in the conclusion. This method however, involves more time and is costly.

3. The Survey Method: Surveys are best suited for descriptive research. This method involves learning about peoples knowledge, beliefs, preferences and satisfaction and to measure these magnitudes in the general population. As in observation, survey research can be structured or unstructured. Structured survey use formal lists of question asked of all respondent the same way where as in unstructured researcher use an open format that lets the interviewer probe respondents and guide the interview, depending on their answers. There are three types of surveys namely: Telephone Survey Mail Survey Personal Interview

Here, for the survey of retailers of Vodafone I have used survey method as tool for research design.


`Marketing researchers have a choice of two main research instruments in collecting primary data: Questionnaire and mechanical devices.

A questionnaire consists of questions presented to the respondents for their answers. Because of its flexibility, the questionnaire is by for the most common instrument used to collect primary data. In preparing a questionnaire, care should be taken in choosing the questions and their form, wording and sequence. The questions included in the questionnaire can be closed end questions prosperity all the possible answers and are easier to tabulate and interpret. Open end questions allow respondents to answer in their own words and they often reveal more as they give an insight into how people think. The questionnaire should have simple, direct, unbiased working and a logical order. The lead question should attempt to create interest. Difficult or personal questions should be asked towards the end so the respondents do not become defensive early.

Mechanical Device:
Mechanical devices are occasionally used in marketing. They are used to measure the interest or emotions aroused by exposure to a specific situation.

In my study, the questionnaire contained both open-end and closed-end questions depending upon the type of information to be gathered.


Sampling plan:
After deciding research approach and instruments the marketing researchers must design a sample plan. This calls for three decisions.

Sampling Unit:
The marketing researcher must define the target population that will be sampled. In my case the target population was the retailers selling sim card of Vodafone at Rajkot.

Sample Size:
Large samples give more reliable results than small samples. However, it is not necessary to sample the entire target population or even a substantial portion to achieve reliable results. In my survey the sample size was 50.

Sampling Procedure:
To obtain a representative sample a probability sample of the population should be drawn. Probability sampling allows the calculation of confidence limits for sampling errors. When the time and cost are involved the in probability sampling is excessive, marketing researcher will take non-probability samples.

The various sampling method are as under:

Probability Sampling Simple random sample Stratified random sample Cluster sample Non-probability Sampling convenient sample Judgment sample Quota sample

My survey falls under the category of the convenient sample under Non-probability sampling. In this method the researcher is free to select. The respondents are selected on the basis of the being available at the time of survey.



Monthly turnover
8 31 36 0 0

<10000 10000 to 25000 25000 to 50000 50000 to 100000 100000 >

Analysis: monthly turnover of the retailers in Rajkot is not much high. Out of 75 retailers,
8 of them have turnover less than 10000 per month. 36 and 31 have their turnover between 10000 to 25000 and 50000 to 100000 respectively. None of them have their turnover more than 100000.


Other GSM brands you deal with?

71 63 58 61 50 38 40 21

Airtel Idea BSNL Reliance Docomo Uninor Videocon Aircel

Analysis: From the above graph it can be analyzed that out of every 75 retailers of
Vodafone, there are 71 dealing with airtel, 63 with idea, 58 with BSNL, 61 with Reliance, 50 with docomo, 38, 40, 21 with uninor, Videocon and aircel respectively.

Suggestions: I would like to suggest that company should try to maintain their coverage of
market even in future.


Your span of relation with Vodafone.

11 36 18 10

<1year 1 year to 5 years 5 years to 7 years <7years

Analysis: there are 11 retailers which are dealing with Vodafone from some months and have not completed a year yet. There are 36, 18, 10 retailers dealing with Vodafone for 1 to 5 years, 5 to 7 years and less than 7 years respectively.

Suggestions: I like to suggest the company that company should try to increase
more and more retailers.


How satisfied you are with the services provided to you by Vodafone?

Services Excellent V. Good Good Recharge Schemes 23 33 Post-paid Schemes 41 21 Advertise Material 28 26 After Sales Service 41 23 Other Service 31 21

Not Good 17 2 13 0 21 0 11 0 20 3

75 75 75 75 75


Recharge Schemes: Out of 75 retailers addressed, there are 2 not satisfied

with recharge schemes of Vodafone. 17, 33, 23 are with the opinion that Vodafones recharge schemes are good, very good and excellent respectively.


Postpaid schemes: Out of 75 retailers addressed, there are 13 which say

that postpaid schemes of Vodafone is good. 21, 41, are with the opinion that Vodafones postpaid are very good and excellent respectively.


Advertisements: Out of 75 retailers addressed, there are 21 which say that

advertisements of Vodafone are good. 26, 28 are with the opinion that Vodafones advertisements are very good and excellent respectively.


After sales services: Out of 75 retailers addressed, there are 41 which say
that after sales services of Vodafone are good. 23, 11 are with the opinion that Vodafones after sales services are very good and excellent respectively.


Other services: Out of 75 retailers addressed, there are 3 not satisfied with
recharge schemes of Vodafone. 31, 21, 20 are with the opinion that Vodafones other services are good, very good and excellent respectively.


Are you satisfied with the overall services provided by Vodafone?

Satisfaction Level Yes 67 No 8

Analysis: out of 75 retailers of Vodafone there are 67 satisfied with the overall services
provided by Vodafone and the remaining 8 are not.

Suggestion: Company should study the reason of dissatisfaction and try to convert their


Rate the following on the scale of 1 to 5 as delivered by Vodafone.

Kind of services Schemes Advertise Packages Excellent 34 29 37 24 V. Good 21 33 23 31 Good 17 19 15 11 satisfactory 3 4 0 4 disatisfactory 0 0 0 5

124 108 62 11 5


Kind of services: Out of 75 retailers addressed, 3 of them opted the

satisfactory option. 17, 21 and 34 say that services of Vodafone are good, very good and excellent.


Schemes: Out of 75 retailers addressed, 4 of them opted the satisfactory

option. 19, 33 and 29 say that services of Vodafone are good, very good and excellent.


Advertisement materials: Out of 75 retailers addressed, none of them

opted the satisfactory option. 15, 23 and 37 say that services of Vodafone are good, very good and excellent.


Kind of services: Out of 75 retailers addressed, 5 and 4 of them opted the

satisfactory and dissatisfactory option respectively. 11, 31 and 24 say that services of Vodafone are good, very good and excellent.


Rate the top 3 telecom companies on the below mentioned features.(To find competitors)

Services Vodafone Airtel Reliance

42 47 47

Customer Care Airtel Vodafone Docomo

39 49 37

Packages Vodafone Reliance Airtel

53 50 40

Prices Airtel Vodafone Reliance

43 47 53

Analysis: The ranks were given from 1 to 3. There were 8 companies in the race.
Final ranks are given as per the highest number of votes given out of 75. For example: 42 out of 75 are of opinion that Vodafone is number 1 as per the services among all 8 companies. Vodafone is 1st in the services, 2nd in customer care, 1st in packages and again 2nd as per the prices.


Vodafone Essar Limited is one of the leading service providers present today in the state of Gujarat. It has been indeed a pleasure working for Vodafone Essar Limited, though as a part of my training. I have conducted my project on Retailers Satisfaction of Vodafone Essar Limited. As student trainees I have learnt immensely. Vodafone family is very co-operative, friendly as well as professional and practical in their approach. They have been guiding me whenever I viewed an obstacle. They have been of great help when it came to providing information to me about themselves and their organization. I wont be exaggerating, if I say that this project has helped me develop me as a person because while conducting my survey I have met 50 people whose nature was different from one another and each meeting in itself have been a memorable experience. I would also like to say that this project has made me known the realities that exit in the market today. I have also known the technicalities involves while finding the right sample for my survey. This project I have learnt a lot about Survey etc. which has me approach the real world in quite an extent. Also this project has helped me have a more deepened knowledge about the cellular phone market, on going cellular wars etc. Vodafone Essar Limited is a company who has grown by leaps and bounds in these two years and has emerged itself into new beginnings. Under the report, I have researched about Retailers of Vodafone Essar Limited the findings of my survey say that Vodafone today is the leader in the market and is still growing.


Vodafone Essar Limited made me observe many things while on my survey of 50 Retailers in different areas. There were various reactions and gestures which, I observed through people. Few are some of them: -

AMBIENCE & ATMOSPHERE: Retailers, I visited were friendly and helpful. As it progressed with my survey they were highly co-operative and anxious to help me out with my findings.

PRICING STRUCTURE: Retailers insisted on a consistent stable and substantiate pricing policy as they were really frustrated with the constantly changing price in the mobile world.

PERSONAL APPROACH: Retailers always want the executives coming to their places and making them understand about the new scheme and plans, which are going to enter market.

SALESMEN SERVICE: Retailers are quite satisfied with the salesmen service. Whenever the retailers are in need of SP, RV, etc. when they make a single call to salesmen then order will be made available by salesmen with in an hour.



The highly professionalized management and totally modern marketing approach are the basic key factors behind the success of Vodafone Essar Limited. The management of Vodafone Essar Limited is very perfect and nice. As per companys perfect management there is no need to give any suggestion to the company but I observed that each and every person in this company is hard working which one of the positive points of this company. According to my observation, company spends lots of amount on advertisement.


Strength and weakness to any study is like inevitably that all coins do have two sides to it. There are limitations to any study taken up. There are certain pitfalls they do exist even after proper care and cautions are taken. The following are the limitations of this research:-


Limitation of Time :The project work had to be undertaken in a limited stature of time and thus it has been

not possible to cover the entire market thoroughly.


Limitation of Size :Only 50 Retailers are chosen out of the widely spread market, hence the data might not

represent, the true and fair picture of the market. It is possible that if, still a large portion of market is surveyed, and then the views and opinions might differ.


Limitation of Retailer in disposition :There is a possibility that the survey might be taken up differently by the same samples

when they are in different moods and frame of mind and have different opinions as far as preferences are concerned. It solely depends upon the Retailers mood swings and thus data represented might not represent a true and accurate view of the market.


Language Problems :Most of the Retailers dont know even to read in English. So all the questions of survey

are to be explained in Gujarati and thus they give answer in Gujarati which is to be translated in English and then it is written.



Vodafone Essar Limited has only one future plan and that is to excellent in its field and conquer the market. Today there are more then 3 corer cellular phone users and the people who use the land line are around 7 corers. There is a huge gap to be bridged and the only and future term plan of Vodafone Essar Limited is to exceed the land line users.

Secondly their long term plan is to be consistent in the policy adopted by them for the purpose of outright excellence in their field. The policy of quality coverage, subsistent rates and a genuine customer convenience and care are high in standards presently and Vodafone feels that if these are the factors that are maintained at a consistent level then the company will be able to meet all its future plans and goals.

Thus Vodafone Essar Limited has no plans in particular except to lead the market in the crucial times of Cellular wars, and out rightly exceed the usage of land lines by wireless cellular telephones and maintain their standard of quality coverage





Vodafone has a wide spread network and to completely cover such network, it has a predetermined channel which covers every nook and corner of the city so that all masers are covered. With distribution network and an equal capacity to canalize makes Vodafone strong in its own.


For every job specification in Vodafone Essar Limited there is employed a live wire professional who is best suited to his position and responsibility when it comes to skill, talent, qualification and perfection. Having people with such zeal and enthusiasm, professionalism comes as strength.


Not only Vodafone Essar Limited is strong from within but when it comes to external forces it proves its worth. Fabulous customer commonsense centers are established to take care of any issue that may come as a problem to the mass proactive customer care is one of the assets of the company while tele customer care comes as an icing to the cake.


Vodafone Essar Limited though establish recently has set its foot in major cellular markets, be its markets of masses or geographical markets. The important states of India all have Vodafone footprints with them. This is strength indeed.




As said earlier, corporate giants across the globe Tata, Birla, AT&T have joined hands to form Vodafone Essar Limited. They all being supreme in their field, have their own perceptions, these perception ideas and means are found to clash when they meet. Thus this may be proved as a hindrance to the company and comes out as a weakness.



As the three partners are huge corporate, the flow of decisions, actions and understanding are channeliased through a long route. This may cause delay in any decision to be taken and which might not be good for the company.



Vodafone is only present in some states only out of highly numbered 26 states which show that geographically Vodafone is not able to cover entire state. This leaves behind weak telecom footprints of the company.


1. Lowest telecom Density in the world.

2. Lowest call charges in the world as well as in India.

3. Opportunity to outsmart the landlines connections, through the usage of Mobile telephony.

4. Growth possible through Acquisition.




Day in day out there is various rules and regulations that are coming in the market and which on highly volatile in nature. Price fluctuation, are one of them competitors come in and go out in a jiffy, and in such a situation to hold an upright place is difficult in its even words and thus proves a threat to excrescence of companies. The same has been observed by Vodafone.



With ongoing Cellular wars and advent of WLL, Cellular operators are now into an artificial cover of threat. The threat of pricing policies, threat of customers care etc. is going high as WLL have been setting its foot with predatory pricing policies to un channelise Cellular operators.



In order to survive in the market, Vodafone has to update its technologies, and this all expansion requires huge cost pull expenditure and this increase costs in leaps and bounds.



(This survey is being conducted by a B.B.A student as a part of advanced marketing and this survey is purely meant for academic purpose.)






______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Contact No



Monthly turnover

Up to 10000 50000 to 10000

10000 to 25000

25000 to 50000

100000 or above


Other GSM brands you deal with?










Since how-many years you are dealing with Vodafone?

Less than 1 year

1 year to 5 years

5 years to 7 years

More than 7 years


How satisfied you are with the services provided to you by Vodafone?






Recharge Schemes Post-Paid Schemes Advertisement Material After Sales Services Other Services


Are you satisfied with the overall services provided by Vodafone?




Rate the following on the scale of 1 to 5 as delivered by Vodafone.


I. II. III. IV. Q-10

Kind of services schemes Advertisements Packages

Rate the top 3 telecom companies on the below mentioned features.

Companies- Vodafone, Idea, Airtel, Reliance, BSNL, Docomo, Aircel, Uninor, Videocon.

I. II.



2__________ 2__________

3__________ 3__________

Customer care: 1__________

III. IV. Q-11

Packages: Prices:

1__________ 1__________

2__________ 2__________

3__________ 3__________

Any suggestions to Vodafone?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


1. Marketing Management - By PHILIP KOTLER 2. Market Research - By LUCK RUBIN 3. Web site -

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