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SUNNY WADHWANIYA M.A (Social Management) Centre for studies in Social Management Central University of Gujarat ABSTACT India is one of the largest democracies and has constantly upheld their citizens to govern themselves. Despite significant success in many areas of health care and services delivery there is a huge inequality with poor, the socially marginalized, and only those people or communities are bearing the greatest burden of disease. Universal access to health care is commonly referred as providing a specified package of health benefits to all the members of the society .It also implies equitable access to health care and there is no discrimination especially on the capacity to pay. The averages of national and international metrics hide health inequalities and gains in nationally averaged outcomes do not transform to increases in access or quality of health services to disadvantaged communities in India. Behind all this numbers proportions and indicators, targets and many technical meetings and published papers the poor, the vulnerable, the socially marginalized, the tribals and the rural dwellers in India will continue to battle enormous challenges in accessing basic health care. Thus this paper will try to look on some of the questions like, is institutional strengthening of the health services enough to guarantee equality and universal access to these services? Is removing or addressing these inequalities simply a matter of greater investment of finances and human resources and implementation of better policy? Where are the people, where are the affected communities in this conversation, the communities who bear the burden of this inequality?

Key words: Health, rural dwellers, Marginalization

Contact information Email id: Mobile: 7600006706

Address for correspondence; Centre for studies in Social Management, Central University of Gujarat Sector 30, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

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