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Cre eamy Aspar A ragus Soup p

A delici ious soup th is quick and easy to make. Serv 6. hat o ves

ients: Ingredi

3 leeks (cho opped) 3 tablespoo butter ons 4 cups chic cken broth 1 1/2 pound fresh asp ds paragus (cho opped) 2 cups pota atoes (peeled and diced d d) 1/8 teaspoo ground w on white pepper r 1/2 cup mil lk 1 tablespoo parsley (m on minced)

Instruc ctions: 1. Over mediu high hea saute the leeks in the butter. Mi in the chi um at, e ix icken broth, asparagus, p potatoes an pepper an bring to a boil, then cover and r nd nd reduce the h to heat simmer. Co for ten m or unti done. ook min. il 2. Using a foo processor blend the mixture (not at all at o od r, e once), and r return to the pan. e Stir in the m and sim milk mmer until h garnish with fresh parsley. hot, h

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